Now that I've scared the Fox out of you, let's talk a bit about responsibility. The above
bloviator known as Bill
O'Reilly, and his escort , love to talk about personal responsibility, whether it be
O'Reilly's "advice" that gays stay in the closet, or that kids should cut their hair and don't make any waves, or that hip hop is destroying a generation, or that Keith
Olbermann is a
poopy face.
O'Reilly pontificates on a daily basis about what's good for you and the country and his so-called "folks" while at the same time calling opponents "pinheads" and wagging his stinky finger at people he lets get to him.
O'Reilly is a bully, pure and simple. He thinks of himself as the Jesuit 7
th grade teacher with the iron fist and the rest of us are his paper plane flying students he secretly hates.
However, now that Bill
O'Reilly, ignoring his own preachings on the influence of rap music and
MSNBC and drugs and MTV on an entire generation, refuses to accept any responsibility for egging on the murderer of Dr. Tiller in Wichita last weekend. "Tiller the Killer". "If I ever got
ahold of him". "He will kill your baby for $5000". Over and over and over this Irish instigator has told his "folks" what an evil man Tiller was and how there was "special place in hell" for Tiller. Yeah, right next to the serial sexual
harassers I hope.
O'Reilly and his ilk are "commentators" or when they get caught lying or being especially offensive, they claim to be "entertainers". They may be in fact both of those. Hell, they might not even mean what they say. But there are stupid people out there who do believe it. Trust me, I hear their "wisdom" on a daily basis from their devoted
sheeple. Stupid people like the nut who shot up the "liberal" church in Tennessee because he couldn't get to the libs in Washington DC, or the stupid person who shot three Pittsburgh cops because he was afraid Obama would come and take his guns and now the nut who shot Dr.Tiller. This crazy bastard drove around Kansas with a handwritten license plate claiming he was from a "sovereign nation" and didn't need to pay no stinking taxes.
Now I have nothing against stupid people being out there listening to guys like
O'Reilly or Limbaugh or
Hannity or
Weiner or
Coulter or
Ingraham. Knock yourselves out,
dum dums. But the stupid people who listen ARE influenced by these "entertainers". Some of them tell the rest of us what was said and how bad Obama is but some of them have guns, or bombs, or are so utterly stupid they think the man in the box is talking directly to them. This is why if
O'Reilly tells his
sheeple that rap is a bad influence then ,by logic, he must be a bad influence too.
What say you?