It's Top 10 Movies of 2010 Time. We went on a movie going spree the week after Xmas and saw some good ones. Nonetheless, here's the Best 10 I saw during the past year.
10)Shutter Island
Scorcese hits another triple with this Hitchcock type thriller. Taking place in an insane asylum in the 50's the film keeps you in suspense from beginning to end.
9) City Island
Where did this little comedy about a New Yawk family come from? Andy Garcia and Julianne Margulies star as heads of a crazy Italian family. Watch it. It'll make you laugh. Trust me.
8) The Tillman Story, Inside Job & Waiting For Superman
all three of these documentaries point out flaws in the American system. The Tillman Story shows you how the military lies, the politicians lie and young people are used as cannon fodder. Inside Job will show you how Wall Street stole your money and will continue to do so in the future. It will infuriate you. Waiting For Superman shows you how the school system is effed up. Waiting to see how the kids in the movie fare during a lottery to get into better schools is gut wrenching.
7) Toy Story 3
a sequel? an animated kids movie? Yep. It is wonderful. Tackling issues from death and aging to mortal danger and the inevitability of moving forward, Pixar has hit another one out of the park.
6) Winter's Bone
another independent movie made for about 50 bucks or so. A young girl keeps her family together in the middle of Meth County Missouri. Normally an actess like Jennifer Lawrence would take the movie world by storm by making you ask "where has she been?". She's great. Unfortunately for her, there's another young actress in a different movie who steals the year.
5) True Grit
Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Barry Pepper and the Coen Brothers is impressive enough. But this kid, Hallie Steinfeld, who plays the young woman who is looking for the killer of her father steals this movie from the minute she graces the screen. This movie is breathtaking to look at and a vast improvement on the 1969 version.
4) The Fighter
Yeah it's an old story done well in Rocky, Cinderella Man, and numerous other boxing films over the years. The underdog fighting his way up the ladder. But the acting in this movie by Christian Bale, Melissa Leo and even Mark Wahlberg and Amy Adams just gives you a lesson on how to do it. I love this flick. And I want to see its actors onstage at the Oscars. Winning.
3) The King's Speech
Sound boring? The King of England overcoming a stammer to lead his country into World War II. Well, it's not boring, in fact, it's inspiring. Colin Firth, who was in my favorite movie in 2009 (A Single Man) is probably a shoo in for an Oscar.
2) The Social Network
when I first saw the trailer for this last summer, I could not believe a movie about something as insipid as Facebook could be any good. Well, David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin did make it good. Great, in fact. This is storytelling at its best. I'd see this 10 times and never get bored.
1) Inception
I could see this Christopher Nolan directed masterpiece 10 times and still not know what exactly was going on. It's come into vogue to criticize this confusing dream inspired mystery for a lot of things but making you think isn't one of the criticisms. There are very few movies I still think about 6 months after I saw it but this is one. It's the only movie of 2010 I still can't stop thinking about. What's it about? Ya got me. But right now, I'm positive Leonardo DiCaprio dreamed the whole damn thing. Tomorrow, I will change my mind and say he's stuck in limbo. Damn you, Chris Nolan!
There were other good movies in 2010. The Book of Eli, Get Low, Ghost Writer, Date Night, Harry Brown, Salt, Unstoppable,127 Hours, The Town, Secretariat, Nowhere Boy, Fair Game, The Other Guys all were enjoyable.
Now about Black Swan? It's getting a lot of praise and is on most Top 10 lists. That one made me think too. How overrated it is.
The worst movie I saw all year? The Runaways ran away with that. Jesus, I couldn't get through half of this turd before I ran away.