Who exactly are these righteous fiscal tightwads? Well, there's the guy from Mississippi, Hayley Two Bits Barbour. The guy from Texas, Rick W Perry. There's that guy from Louisiana, Bobby the Page Jindall. There's the dude from South Carolina, Slick Rick Sanford and then there's some other one from a fake state full of fugitives that makes me think of Parasailin'. What do they all have in common, besides perfect hair? They all are breaking the 9th or whatever Commandment by coveting thy neighbor's goods, the Oval Office.
Thus far, four of the five are taking most of the money, selectively rejecting bits and pieces for political cover. But Sanford, a real riverboat gambler, painted himself into a corner by loudly announcing he's taking none. Obama has called his bluff and Slick Ricky is going to fold. Count on it. Oh please ,GOP, nominate one of these dolts in 2012.
UPDATE-------Slick Rick folded..........
1 comment:
Let's not forget Alaska's Sarah Palin, whose loud pronouncement that she wasn't taking part of the money deservedly put her tit in the wringer with the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader in Alaska, both of whom are Republicans! Let's face it: Phonies like Palin, Jindal, and Sanford are just using this to create drama so they can showboat how ideologically pure they are to the far-right GOP base. They're using and abusing their own citizens for what they think is their own personal benefit in the process. It's disgusting, but typical, to see dinosaurs like John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, and all the rest of those hypocritical neocons placing ideological purity before the very real needs of hurting, average people. But their steadfast support for more huge tax cuts for corporations and billionaires shows how completely out of touch they are with middle America, and that they don't gave a damn at all about average working Americans. They are making the same mistake the Repubs made in 1934 and 1936 by putting principle ahead of people, and they will pay the same exact price: Overwhelmingly colossal defeats at the polls the next two elections. I can't wait!
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