8:17--The old guy starts rambling about the Depression and Hillary and Bob
Schieffer steers him back on topic
8:20- Obama brings up the doubling of the deficit in the last 8 years while McCain stares creepily
8:23- Obama mentions Fox News and McCain opens his eyes like somebody just gave him an unexpected
colonoscopy8:26- McCain puts on his best puppy dog eyes to claim how hurt he was by being compared to George Wallace. Somewhere Sarah
Palin is asking Todd why was he compared to the Vegas comedian they saw back at the 1996 snow machine convention.
8:30- McCain the Republican with the billionaire wife is whining about how much money Obama is spending. Brings up some guy he made up in his head named Joe the Plumber.
8:34- McCain defends the rednecks at his rallies by stating they wear funny hats and he's proud of them.
8:37- Here we go. Bill Ayers, Acorn and I think McCain just mouthed "Obama is black"
8:39- McCain starts blinking like a madman as he reads Karl
Rove's talking points about Ayers
8:43- the old guy starts defending his dingbat running mate.The blinking starts getting more pronounced. I think he's Morse Coding an S-O-S
8:46- Bob
Schieffer says "climate control" and McCain corrects him.
Schieffer then says we import "60% of our foreign oil". I'm starting to wonder which old guy is more out of it.
8:48- Obama says the most important issue is getting off foreign oil. Starts talking about "geothermal" and actually pronounces "nuclear" correctly. McCain voters glaze over.
8:51- McCain calls Obama "eloquent", then dumbs down what Obama said. McCain voters say yeah.
8:54- As Obama speaks, McCain looks straight ahead and blinks out a love message to Hillary.
8:56- McCain compares Obama to Herbert Hoover. Sarah
Palin asks Todd why he compared him to that FBI guy
9:00- McCain starts talking to Joe the Plumber again. Obama looks at him like you do an rambling old uncle.
9:01- Obama talks to Joe the Plumber, McCain gets all jealous and blinks out "stop talking to my imaginary friend and get your own"
9:03-Joe the Plumber turns the channel to the
Phillies/Dodgers game as McCain starts talking to him again
9:05- McCain, still talking to Joe, says "Senator Government"
9:08- McCain lies about the Supreme Court "litmus test" on abortion, actually denying it exists. Joe the Plumber busts a gut laughing
9:09- McCain says Obama voted against "Justice
Breyer". Justice
Breyer was appointed by Clinton. I didn't know the Illinois Legislature voted on Supreme Court justices.
9:10- Obama lies about the "litmus test". Not one human being on earth changes their mind.
9:12- McCain says Obama wants to chase newborn infants around the delivery room with a butcher knife
9:13- Obama calls McCain a liar. McCain raises his eyebrows and puts the creepy grin back on his face
9:17- at least 10 minutes wasted on this nonsensical issue. The Vatican and its cult members are riveted
9:18- as Obama "
elouquently" speaks about education, Uncle John sits there blinking uncontrollably and sitting up straight like he really needs to pee
9:20- McCain avoids calling the
Obamas "that one and his baby's mama " by referring to him as Senator Obama and Mrs.Obama
9:22- The Vatican and its cult members turn the channel to the
Phillies/Dodgers game as nothing irrelevant is being discussed
9:24- McCain says "
Warshington" and begins swinging wildly trying to outperform Bob Dole's last stand in 1996
9:26- McCain laughs similarly to the
Cryptkeeper9:27-McCain says "my
friendshhh" for the first time in over an hour.
9:28- McCain gets all "
mavericky" in his closing statement. Sarah
Palin still "palling" around with a terrorist, Todd
Palin, a secessionist
9:29- Obama sums it up "
9:31- Cindy looks stoned. McCain runs off stage and leaves her alone.