Thursday, July 31, 2008
He's Black? Black? Really? He's Black?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hola, Soy Estupido!!

Whenever small town America decides to do something nutty like this, the small town brains who live in other places, like Omaha, decide to fuel up the F150 and drive up to the local burgh and attempt to throw in their two pesos, which usually consists of "what is it about illegal you don't understand?" followed by them leaning back and smirking like they oughta be writin for that Jay Leno fella. Oh, there was plenty of that up yonder, along with State Patrol, Omaha cops, Dodge County Sheriffs, and Fremont police to keep them from shootin up the place. But the Fremont City Council deadlocked at 4-4, which effectively killed the ordinance. However, a man named Skip Edwards, honorable mayor of Fremont, decided he would kill it deader than dead and voted against it also. He didn't have to vote at all. The issue was dead. But he voted anyway, and pissed of most of Fremont. To be fair, a lot of people gave the 69 year old $4800 a year mayor a standing ovation. To be even fairer, he needed a police escort home.
I can see both sides of this issue. I am conflicted on the issue. However, on some occasions you have to choose sides. You have to decide with whom you will stand. The bigots and the white supremacists and the gun nuts and the bad spellers (see above) all hate illegals and actually believe some American would actually make Spam for 6 bucks an hour. I can't stand with them. I can't take the I.Q. hit.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I've Been Hannitized!

Can you imagine if this maniac was a Muslim? Oh my Allah, the shiite would hit the fan. But he's a Christian. So he's just kooky. A lone wolf. A nutcase. A whackjob. A disturbed loner. You can't indict an entire religion because of one loser? Can you?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Eat Shiite And Get Really Sick Already!

10) O J Simpson- this guy needs to get really sick to the point his head falls off. The Heisman Trophy winner and former Bill needs to go extinct, much like the Heisman Trophy and the Bills.
9) Dick Cheney- Dr.Evil is a despicable politician and an even more despicable human being. He needs to get really sick to the point where somebody orders the Air Force to blow him out of the sky. Riiiiiight!
8) Osama Bin Laden- this one is so easy I am embarrassed I even put him on here. I actually do want him to die. Light that mangy beard on fire and turn off his dialysis machine already.
7) Aribert Heim- you probably have no idea who this creep is. He is a 94 year old Nazi war criminal living in Chile with his daughter for chrissakes. How hard can it be to go make this putz get really sick? A long time ago he liked to inject gasoline directly into the hearts of Jews and see if they got good mileage or something. I know the Mossad is pretty busy, but how much can it cost to make a side trip to Chile for some R&R and give this schmuck a free fill up?
6) Karl Rove- we all know this traitorous perjurer is the man responsible for every crime committed by this putrid administration since 2001. This dork needs to get really sick and make a trip to The Hague to take over Slobadan Milosevic's old cell.
5) Vince McMahon- this guy is so roided out both physically and ethically, for him to take a real life pile driver would be fitting justice. He is responsible for more deaths of more young athletes
than Madonna. Maybe that old lady can pay Vince a visit soon. Just sing a little Borderline. It always made me pretty sick.
4) Ann Coulter- this bony babe is the fantasy chick of every young budding Nazi with one hand on the keyboard and the other one thrust straight out in front of them. Besides being bulimic, this smoking, drinking skank is a fraudulent voter registrant, anti-Semite, not funny and a close personal friend of that flathead Sean Hannity. Too stay as skinny as she is, she must already be really sick.
3) Bill O'Reilly- this bullying blowhard serial sexual harrasser needs for somebody to kick his Irish ass. That's the only thing 58 year old punks like him understand. So, please, somebody make him real sick right now. Take his phone away. That oughta do it.
2) Barry Bonds- oh what an endearing home run king the bald, zit backed, huge headed domestic abuser he is. This nasty man actually took the home run title from a guy who not only put up with racial hatred, but hit 755 homers at about 190 pounds. PumpkinHead, who once pushed a porn star girlfriend down a flight of stairs, and used his kid to shield himself from questioning about his fondness for "flax seed oil", needs to pay the price for soiling my favorite sport. Somebody stick a pin in his noggin and deflate him real soon.
1) Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr- the Charlie Manson of Iraq is a royal pain in the ass. He is yet another leader getting by because of his old man. This guy was nothing but another George W Bush until his father was whacked by Saddam back in the late 90's. Then W, errrr, the mullah, gave up the video games and beer, and took over the old man's business, conning the morons. Al Sadr needs to get real sick soon, preferably a fight to the finish involving him and W and two kegs of Old Baghdad beer.
Friday, July 25, 2008
No Seriously, Just Ask Cindy!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ich Bin Ein Not McSame!!

But my faith in Americans has always been skewered by where I live. Genetic Republican Land. The place where people driving rusty 1985 Ford Fiestas have W'04 bumper stickers still attached to the bumper held on by duct tape. So the rest of America needs to step up. Do what you did in 1992. Throw these bums out once and for all. I doubt it will happen but what other choice do we have? Keep the Audacity of Hope alive.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Stop Throwing That Ball Indoors, You'll Break Something!

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Uff Da, Could Ya Get Dat Umbrella Oota My Arse?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Friday involved a trip to Canterbury Downs for the boy and myself and a trip to the Indian casino for the spouse. As you can see from the photo, Minnesotans make fun of themselves.
Minnesota seems to consist of two types of folks. Norwegians and Somalis. Blonde, blue eyed, pale white people or scarf-wearing, long-skirted black people. I'm sure they all get along.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Hey,You Forgot The Watermelon!!

I used to subscribe to the New Yorker. I liked it a lot. It was full of interesting, informative articles about things nobody cares about. Now, per that cover, it's become an arm of the character assassination crowd. Great going, New Yorker. I will be anxiously awaiting the cover featuring John McCain, a Manchurian Candidate glaze in his eyes, being ordered around by Angela Lansbury (Meryl Streep for you updated Manchurian Candidate fans) while crumbling up his first marriage certificate in one hand, and fondling Cindy McCain with the other, all the while with money stuffed in his pocket by a tiny little Charles Keating down in the corner. I will not be holding my breath.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I Wish My Horse Was In The Picture...Wait...Wait

They wont be racing in Lincoln much longer if the State Fair moves to Grand Island. What a loss for me. Yet another thing I love going away.
McSnarly And McCarly Sittin In A Tree

Carly Fiorina is a snake charmer. She's full of shiite. She's a corporate ax-murderer. She's a sociopath interested in Carly and only Carly. She's perfect for fooling dopey Americans. McBush could do worse in picking a veep to clean up his messes. But Carly Fiorina has no experience in anything except destroying hard-working Americans dreams. Like I said, she is a perfect choice for McCranky. He crashed and burned a fighter jet, and she crashed and burned a corporation.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Welcome To Hell, Mr.Helms!

Ok, maybe that headline isn't very nice, or fair, or even factual since there really isn't a hell, but if there was a place with a red guy with a tail and horns, these two would be high officials. Jesse Helms was a despicable fellow much like Reagan, but didn't try to hide it with grandpa-like behavior. Helms was mean and nasty and had the same 52% of North Carolina mouth breathers vote for him every 6 years. He beat a Greek guy in 1970 by saying "Helms is one of us". He railed against AIDS funding in the 80's by ignorantly stating "no case of AIDS has ever started without sodomy" . He opposed a Martin Luther King holiday by calling King a "communist". He beat a black opponent by showing an ad with a pair of white hands crumpling up a job rejection notice because a "lesser qualified minority got the job". He threatened Bill Clinton's life if he ever came to North Carolina. But worst of all, Jesse Helms used to refer to all black men he came in contact with as "Fred". It didn't matter what the hell the guy's name was, Helms didn't have the human decency to even attempt to learn what he considered a lesser's name. Fred. His name was "Fred". If there is karma, you can look up and see "Dutch" welcoming "Fred" to a really bad place.