Thursday, October 24, 2024

Il Douche!

 The guy is getting more and more deranged. It's like the Felon thinks going full Nazi is the path to a big win because he knows nobody in his party is going to call him out on it. Must be the aversion to death threats and the lack of a spine that fellow Republicans suffer from. When General Kelly reiterated that Trump wanted Generals like Hitler had, ya know the kind who would carry out his sick orders to kill half of America, the GOP chickenshits all fell into line to either bash Kelly or dismiss Trumps rhetoric with a oh that's just Trump being Trump. Thanks media, for the sanewashing of this anti-American nutcase. When did the statements that END any other campaign suddenly become normal? Because the media did this over the last 9 years. Hey, its ratings man and more importantly, profits. Remember back in the good old days news on TV was not meant for profit but as a public service? Yeah, me too. Then came the man who started all this bullshit, Ronald Reagan, who deregulated the FCC, repealed the Fairness Doctrine and set up the right-wing malarkey that spawned the dregs of society getting unchecked access to the public airwaves. Limbaugh, Savage and their hundreds of phony local puppets who stink up the AM radio. But Hitler "did some good things"? "It doesn't cost $60K to bury a fucking Mexican, don't pay it." "I want Hitlers Generals".... This madman is running even with Kamala? God this is one sick society normalizing Nazi drivel. 

The polls. They are tightening. Oh, Trumps ahead, no Kamala is ahead, no they're tied. This happens every 4 years as the for-profit media pushes the whole horse race scenario. This increases ratings, increases ad revenue, and keeps their 24/7 talking heads busy. Are the polls close? Hell if I know. I know libs who are in full panic mode because Kamala isn't 10 points ahead, like in any other country of sanity. But here, with its deepening rural/city divide and its devotion to a TV host who "talks just like me", this nonsense is close. Trump never gets more than 47% tops. Thats not a winner BUT here, with its election system invented 240 years ago to placate people who owned other people, its a real possibility that Trump loses by millions and millions of votes, yet still "wins". Congrats Founding Fathers on your eternal fuck up, one of many. The polls are meaningless. Voting is not.

Kamala called a spade a spade last night on CNN. She called Trump a "fascist" which of course he is. Already some media talking heads are criticizing her for it. You can't call another candidate a fascist, thats not presidential. I guess "Low IQ, retarded, enemies within, sleazeball, dumb as a rock, not my type, shit vice president, Komrade Kamala, commie" these are all ok because the guy who says them is a clown. And man is he funny! Just look at the trash behind him at rallies, laughing like loons as their hero describes Arnold Palmer's dick. The Yuengling must be flowing freely if you think that's funny.

Here in the "Good Life" of Nebraska the AG and the Sec of State are doing their damndest to throw a wrench into the abortion Amendment 439 and the legalizing medical marijuana amendments 437 and 438. They know what's coming. Passage of medical marijuana and codifying abortion. That cannot stand here because oh I dont know, cuz we have kids or some such shit. We have kids is the excuse that conservative crackpots have used for years to justify anything from 7 O'clock fireworks on New Years Eve to banning porn sites in the state to banning books and now to overturn what will be passed amendments to the state constitution. The men (and its 99% men) who have the proverbial stick up their ass, never quit. This state's leader's idea of fun is binge drinking with lobbyists (who pay) and secretly jacking it with a "woman" on the internet (both of which happen regularly among the conservative set).  We shall see what happens, but with what we have as an AG, not a doubt he's already lined up the Nebraska version of Aileen Cannon to do what those people do. 

How is this even close?

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