Thursday, July 4, 2024

Real America Says Bienvenido!

 An event occurred out here in "Real America' last Friday that you may have missed. Crete is a town of about 7000 in Southeastern Nebraska, not too far from Lincoln and home to Doane University, the fighting Tigers (all I really know about Doane U is every time an Omaha Storm Chaser pitcher strikes out an opposing layer you can text for a chance to win a $5K "scholarship" there).

The town is also home to Pet Food plant and a packing house. Thus, a whole lot of Hispanics moved there in the last 20 years to take "American jobs" that no American wants. The Hispanic population grew from 13% to over 42% since the 2000 census. 

Guys like 74-year-old Billy Booth, a white guy, didn't like it one bit. Neighbors said he was an asshole to all of them, harassing them about their lawns and for coming onto his property. But when a family of Guatemalans moved in across the street, Booth had enough. 5 weeks prior to last Friday, Booth got into a screaming match with the kids in which he was the only participant and left it with a Welcome to Crete moment involving a fuck and a you. "Why is he talking to me like that?" was the question from the kid. He regularly yelled "You don't belong here" and "Speak English" and "Go back where ya came from" , you know, the favorites of ignorant fucks.

Friday afternoon the family and some nieces and nephews were playing in the front yard. Their soccer ball rolled into Booth's yard, which I'm sure was immaculate. The children retrieved it and then...74-year-old Billy Booth began shooting at the gathering from his window with his trusty shotgun. Buckshot splattered into 3 children and 3 adults shielding the kids. Thank goodness none were killed. But Booth then ate the shotgun and became the only fatality in this ugly incident.

A neighbor said about Booth "I don't care what police say. I lived next to the guy for 10 years and he wasn't a racist, but I feel lucky he didnt shoot me." Ok neighbor guy, I respect your opinion on racism (not really) but a guy screaming at Hispanic children and telling them to go back where they came from and to speak English sounds pretty damn racist to me. Maybe in "real America' that's just a term of endearment meant to encourage the children to stay in school, but I doubt it.

The adults and the children are all out of the hospital and an old racist guy is dead. Sorry, MAGA, you just lost a vote. 

 Welcome to Real America. amigos.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Heritage Foundation Insanity!

Kevin Roberts is the President of the Heritage Foundation, a cocky bunch of white male incels who have fantasies about tri corn hats and whacking libs. Roberts, who refers to himself as a "Doctor" because he has a PHD in History (I'm sure he's well versed in the Third Reich) but unlike Dr Jill Biden he's a real "doctor" cuz he's an overeducated white man with privilege.

Roberts is the Gollum behind Project 2025, Agenda 47 and now some kind of Second American Revolution where if we just let him get away with it, he won't order his goons to start killing people as he sits in his bunkered office hiding under the desk jerking off to Mein Kampf.

While sitting in on the prison bitch, Steve Bannon's podcast, Roberts clearly stated that he and his Nazi scum are taking over the country whether the lefties like it or not, and if you just lay back and enjoy it like they expect women to do when one of their drooling nerds attacks, there will be no bloodshed. Well well, some Steven Miller attic dweller is threatening lefties with death if they stand in the way of the march to Naziism. Sounds familiar. I wonder where the Auschwitz will be located. Probably out in Wyoming where Roberts ran some cowboy catholic circle jerk college called Wyoming Catholic College before assuming his current position in the American SS.

Project 2025 is bad enough with its install fascist loyalists into civil service, ban abortion nationwide, ban no fault divorce, isolationism, suppress the votes of minorities, and put the gays back in the closet or jail. It's a manifesto for nerds. It's a nightmare for the rest of us.

Agenda 47 is another weirdo wet dream that MAGA loves. Well not really, MAGATs think Agenda 47 is some sort of energy drink but the Trump campaign is fully involved. Flying cars, pay white women to have babies, tariffs, ending birthright citizenship (unless its those Russians giving birth at Mar A Lago), unleash the military on protesters (Oh my Tom Cotton just ejaculated) and killing drug dealers (Oh my local cops just ejaculated). 

And now...."Dr" Roberts and the Heritage Foundation of Geeks and Nerds are gizzing up a plan to sue to keep Biden on the ballot should he step down. Keep him on the ballot because he's old and feeble and may not want to be there. Though not one of those right-wing buffoons voted in a Democratic primary we all know white male fascists know what's best for all of us after all. 

The Heritage Foundation is a terrorist organization, Doc Robert admitted it when he stated on the Prisoner's podcast that you get in his way, blood will be shed. Under the new Supreme Court rules that Trump can commit as many felonies as he wants, Biden can do the same. But of course, we know that's not what SCOTUS meant. Only GOPers need apply.

Doc Roberts is such a full-fledged psycho (he's the one behind the Democrats abort babies after birth right thru kindergarten) that why any mainstream media lets him spew his venom is baffling. Yeah I know he threw the rat poison about Revolution on a felon's podcast and may not even be the worst thing said on that podcast of craziness but you think the gun fuckers dont listen you're insane. They are out there.

All I can say is this. Liberals own guns too. We just don't beat off in public about it. Don't bite off more than you can chew Doc Roberts. You may be surprised as you hide in your bunker sending others to fuck around and find out.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 The Supreme Court is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harlan Crowe, Leonard Leo and Paul Singer and any other billionaire who wants to buy a judge on the Court. They are for sale, that's for sure. Thomas, Alito and Roger Taney John Roberts are already owned. Kavanaugh is probably owned, Barrett is a handmaiden and Gorsuch is a folksy fascist. Yesterday this band of 6 terrorists gave Donald Trump immunity from prosecution in the past an in the future they hope to give him. You think this applies to Biden or any Democrat who may get into the Oval Office, you are definitely on something. 

The convicted felon is taking a victory lap as he realizes if he wins, he gets to commit more felonies on top of the ones he's already committed. Trump crowed on his broke ass Twitter knock off Truth Social:

Today’s Historic Decision by the Supreme Court should end all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the New York Hoaxes - The Manhattan SCAM cooked up by Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, Racist New York Attorney General Tish James’ shameless ATTACK on the amazing business that I have built, and the FAKE Bergdorf’s “case.” PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

Really? Proud? Sieg Heil! Well at least he got the greatest hits in there. Racist, Soros, Hoax, Amazing Business, Witch Hunt, Crooked Joe to give the base a boner sans truck stop Viagra. 

Look, here's the deal. This case should never have been brought to this corrupt court of clowns. It was originally simply a delay tactic to make sure Jack Smith and the feds never got to the traitor before the 2024 election and probably never. This decision has turned everything murky (unless of course you are a Democrat) making it likely anything to do with presidential actions by Trump will take years to sort through. 

In the history of the country, reality history and not Federalist Society bullshit history, there are some SCOTUS decisions that have fundamentally changed this country for the worse. Dred Scott, Plessy V Ferguson, Citizens United and now this. This has legalized presidential criminality as long as it's an "official act" whatever the fuck that means (thus the murkiness). The ratfuckers are ecstatic. This upcoming election will be third world dirty not that it wouldn't have been anyway.

Trump said it the other night at the debate. While most of the media was concentrating on Joe's bad reaction to swigging Nyquil some of us were listening to a man lie and lie and lie. Trump said he will go after Biden if he gets elected. Now it's legal for him to do so. But wait, what about Joe's squinty eyes and stutter? And what about her e-mails?

This carefully put together 6-member star chamber has fucked democracy from its beginning. Once the folksy fascist Gorsuch was appointed by a turtle who rejected a sitting President's nominee because it was an election year and then am inexperienced catholic cult member was rammed through in less than a month in one of those off-limits election years the floodgates opened for the attack on democracy. This court is the absolute worst court since Roger B Taney's reign as Chief Justice pre–Civil War.

I wonder what's coming next October. Overturning Loving (interracial marriage), Obergefell (gay marriage), Griswold (birth control), Miranda (reading you your rights), Gideon (you have the right to a lawyer) and possibly Brown V Board (integrate schools). Oh no that won't ever happen say the asleep people.

Just remember:

The road to fascism is paved with people telling you to stop overreacting.

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Debate!

 The debate. After a few days and a weekend to not throw myself off a bridge and think clearly about it, all I can still say is FUUUUUCK just as Jon Stewart said. It was bad for Joe, but it was worse for CNN and for American intelligence.

Look, yeah, I am honest enough to admit Biden looks really old, he moves like an 81-year-old, he stares into the distance sometimes as if he's thinking about his childhood in Scranton, and he stutters as he's done since birth. Yeah, it's not slick, it's not the Joe of 2012 when he chewed up Paul Ryan with the smiles and the get a load of this fuckin guy reactions to Ryans bullshit. Joe Biden is not Donald Trump and thank goodness for that.

Trump is a con man snake oil salesman from way back. He's 78 years old and he cannot keep a coherent thought in his diseased brain. He rambles on about sharks and electric batteries and somehow thinks an "electric plane" couldn't fly if the sun's not out, he thinks windmills cause cancer and makes birds extinct and he talks about slaughters like Gettysburg like it was a movie. Gettysburg wow! But the most important thing about this debate is that one candidate stumbled and the other just lied from the time he opened his big mouth till the closing remarks. But all anybody cares about is the lack of style on the part of Joe Biden. Yes, it was bad, very bad but it's not fatal. Despite the fainting couch reaction of various Democrats and the press obsession with Biden's age and not Trumps lies this race is not over.

CNN was a disgrace. The moderators were unnecessary. Trump never answered a question and just did his rally nonsense without any sort of fact check. He called Biden a criminal, he told a story of talking to Putin about Ukraine and how it was Putin's "dream" to invade Ukraine (what?), he debated his golf abilities even though everyone knows he cheats, he had his I am not a crook moment with the "I did not have sex with a porn star" statement, he lied about passing veterans bills signed by Obama (an oldie), he lied about Covid, he lied about Roe V Wade, he lied about his environmental record (immaculate water). he lied about post birth "abortions", he lied about crime (hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by immigrants), he lied about Ukraine, he lied about "illegals" staying in luxury hotels, he lied about Nancy Pelosi, he lied about everything, and he again refused to say if he would accept the results of the election.

But Joe's old. He was overprepared and his personality does not allow him to get into the gutter with the likes of a convicted felon. He tried with the suckers and losers, and he did have the line of the night with the old guy reference to the "morals of an alley cat" but it really was not good. Joe did get better as the night went on; it went from disastrous to simply not good. 

This debate changed no minds. The MAGATs chortled about Bidens age just as they have for years, the GOP nutcases continued the Biden is senile rants, and some panicky Democrats were ready to throw him off the ticket, not promote Kamala Harris (the female black voters would revolt as they should) and put Gavin Newsom on the ticket. Ridiculous. Nothing has changed. 

If you are on the fence between an old man whose presidency has been a rousing success, for chrissakes he actually passed an infrastructure bill, and an old man fascist monster like Trump, you're just plain dumb. Yeah, I am giving up all my views about abortion and opposing Putin and tax cuts for the rich and liberty because the guy was sick and sounded like he was at deaths door and voting for Orange Mussolini. No, that's insane.

It's June. Obama had a bad debate against Mitt Romney, Reagan had a bad debate against Mondale, and both recovered. And Reagan was old. 

Look, here's the deal. Do I wish that these two were not the nominees? Absolutely. Do I wish Biden would drop out? No. Do I wish Trump would go to prison? Yes. 

But we are stuck with these two. I don't care if Biden is in a wheelchair or if his brain is in a Futurama type container. This is literally a choice between democracy and fascism. The fact the two moderators on CNN did NOT bring up Project 2025 was journalistic malfeasance. But CNN is playing both sides as are most journalists. They're cowards. They bend over backwards to appear fair to a gang of dimwits who hate them no matter what they do. JFC, at least stand for truth. Letting a convicted felon lie without pushback, calling him "President Trump", and sitting there like a couple of potted plants was worse than anything Biden did or didn't do.

Calm down everybody. Yeah, it was bad. Really bad. But as long as the cowardly press keeps up the narrative that Biden was bad and ignoring the fact that Trump lied and lied and lied, this won't go away for a while. Hang on, cuz its only for a while.