This is a picture of an actual Congressperson. People actually got off their couches, drove down to the polling place, and voted for this geek. He is the distinguished representative of the 2nd Congressional District of Nebraska, The Honorable Lee Terry Junior. I will pause now for you to stop laughing. Done yet?
Lee Terry was/is an attorney, the son of of a former television news anchor, and a former Omaha City Councilman. Boy, if that doesn't qualify you as a giant tool, nothing will. He made his name on the Omaha City Council by getting an ordinance passed outlawing cruising the main drag. Yeah, he outlawed cruising. This is a city with over a half a million residents and Junior thought cruising Dodge Street was an absolute horror. Hey. it worked here in the world's biggest hick town, where we once recalled a Mayor for throwing butter patties at a U.S. Senator at some dinner drunkfest. But Lee, who may be a dork, is not a dope. He used that cruising accomplishment to propel himself into a congressional run against a television anchorman named
Michael Scott .The nerd actually picked up 66% of the vote after promising to serve no more than 3 terms. Being a math genius, not to mention a lack of Democrats with a personality, "forced" Lying Lee to renege on that promise pretty much a day or so after taking the oath.
Since that 1998 blowout, Little Lee has beat back a Democratic defense lawyer, a millionaire steak salesman, and a novice politician. Each time his vote percentage has gone down to the point where last time, in 2006, he was forced to settle for 55%, proving the theory that the computer nerd can be useful, but he sure is a snooze to drink with.
This time, that novice, Jim Esch, is back for more and backbenching Lee must be nervous because he has gone to the out of context card. After Jim the Novice mentioned that some pro-lifers can be extremists, the fetus-loving Lee blew a gasket, or was it his creationist-loving wife who popped a top, anyway, Nervous Lee called for Esch to "apologize to all pro-lifers". Fine, Junior, he's sorry he called
Paul Hill an "extremist". Keep on supporting the murder of abortion doctors, and their staff.
Two can play that game.