My dreams have come true. Former Senator Bob Kerrey, a guy so intelligent he left this backwards ass state as soon as he could and moved to New York's Greenwich Village, was James Lipton's boss, and married a former SNL writer is back in Nebraska, registered to vote, and ready to run for Senate again.
He may not be the most liberal guy on earth, but he's a helluva lot better than Earl Ben Nelson and certainly better than a prick like Jon Bruning, his probable Republican opponent. Bruning, the Attorney General of this state, is the dick who compared welfare recipients to scavenging raccoons in front of a bunch of cheering welfare recipients called "farmers". Bruning is also the guy who warned Jesus loving Nebraskans that if you allowed gay marriage, the next thing you know is somebody will be allowed "to marry his chair". So you see, Kerrey could be asleep and outmaneuver Bruning in an IQ test. Unfortunately, the vast majority of registered voters in Nebraska are also very concerned about chair marrying and scavenging raccoons so Bob Kerrey faces a stern test.
Kerrey got his leg blown off while being a Navy Seal back in 'Nam. Bruning spent his college years being a liberal bomb thrower in Lincoln before he realized the way to riches is to become a conservative tool. Kerrey became a millionaire starting restaurant franchises. Bruning became a millionaire by knowing a lot of other millionaires and doing them favors while in the state legislature and by being Attorney General. Kerrey was a Governor and a two term Senator. Bruning was a two bit legislator and two bit chair hater elected to be Attorney General because he had the sign of the devil next to his name on the ballot (R).
So the choice is clear to me. A smart guy whom Nebraskans could be proud or a pandering, football carrying phony without a principled bone in his body.
And if you are so liberal or progressive that you think Kerrey/Bruning whats the difference? Just remember Bob Kerrey's most famous quote.
"Santorum? That's Latin for asshole.".......Case closed.