It's Debate #400 or whatever in front of a raucous crowd of rednecks and mental defectives in South Carolina. Let's listen:
7:28 pm---Rick Santorum says the word "disgusting" when referring to some non existent cutting of Veterans Benefits. Some redheaded nerd applauds wildly.
7:29--Robot Romney begins yapping about the military. I lose interest quickly.
7:30---that old rascal Newt. Newtie Newtie, I cannot get over the fact you think all women needed a piece of you.
7:31-- Robot Romney. Why does he grin whenever his paid clappers clap?
7:35-- Santorum attacks Mittens. Mittens stares daggers through him. You can tell he wants Jeeves to remove Santorum from his mansion aka the debate hall.
7:42---after 15 minutes of nonsensical banter between a half wit, a robot and a playahhhhh, Ron Paul gets to talk much to the delight of the Paultards.
7:49-- John King, the Mitt Romney of CNN, asks Saint Orum something about Newtie.
Says the word "cogent" and his eyes glaze over.
7:54-- I think Saint Rick just called Newt Gingrich a fucking crook. Romney glares at both wanting Jeeves to remove them both so he can bark out orders to the well dressed dorks in the crowd.
7:56-- Mittens "started a business", "ran a business"...he neglected to state he also ran all those businesses into the ground and enjoyed firing people. Mittens gets annoyed when Newt giggles at him. He wants Jeeves to remove Newt from the building again.
8:00--- Ron Paul isn't planning on releasing his tax returns. Mittens is going to wait until H&R Block does them for him. Rambles off into the Keystone Pipeline deal. I wouldn't wanna talk about them either. Newtie already has, deducting hooker expenses of course and Saint Orum has them on his computer. Turbo Tax I assume.
8:03---Somebody heckles Mittens. He glares at them waiting for Jeeves to remove them from his building.
8:08---this Romney stare is creeping me out. What's going through that neck bolted head of his?
8:11--- an exchange between Santorum and Ron Paul is kind of like a dachsund debating a yorkie. Whatever?
8:16---looks like fat South Carolinians are overwhelmingly Paultards.
8:23-- some woman in the audience holding her husband's hand while gazing admiringly at the four losers onstage. Oh honey, if they only had white hoods on like we wear.
8:25-- Newtie wants English as some sort of official language. South Carolinians, who speak something other than English, applaud wildly. Hot damn!
8:27-- Jesus H Christ Mittens. STOP staring at people. You are one creepy plutocrat.
8:31-- Bashing brown people has become the topic. South Carolinians, who 150 years ago were immigrating people here against their will, now go batshit crazy when Santorum wants to deport them.
8:34-- Mitten stares at Ron Paul like a hangman waiting for the condemned to shut up so he can enjoy killing him
8:36-- Abortion. Hoo boy. If for one second you think any of these principle-less pricks, other than Santorum, gives a shit about this issue, you are a total dimwit.
I wonder how many abortions Newtie has paid for? Over/under is 10. Romney more pro-choice than Ted Kennedy. Remember that? Ron Paul? Come on. Santorum, nutty enough to really believe a blastocyst can vote.
8:42-- I wish somebody would abort all of these pandering pukes.
8:43--- John Romney King ignores Ron Paul. The fat Paultards yell. We get to hear all about the 1960's from Ron Paul. You know the 60's? Back when Ron Paul was in his 60's.
8:46-- For Chrissakes, another exchange between the Yorkie and the weiner dog.
8:51-- Why should South Carolina vote for Ron Paul? Fat Paultards applaud all he says. Including why the debt didnt get talked about. Cuz you spent 15 minutes talking about abortion.
8:53--- Why vote for that player Newtie? Calls Obama a "radical". Uses the name Saul Alinsky. South Carolinians think why did he mention some New York Jew?
8:55-- Why vote for Mittens? Good god, its like listening to a computer recite the Pledge of Allegiance. What a tool.
8:57-- why vote for Google Boy Santorum? Because you are insane, maybe? He says there's no climate change, the bank bailout ruined America, and the tooth fairy supports him.
8:59--- South Carolina Republicans take two minutes to haul their diabetes ravaged bodies out of the chairs to applaud the men who want to get the black panther kenyan out of their White House.
9:00--- OMG!. It's gotten worse. Anderson Cooper!...I am out of here to go take a shower. Ewwwwwww....