Lara Logan, chief foreign correspondent on CBS News, is all upset over reporter Michael Hastings reporting the truth abour General Stanley McChrystal? She's pissed that Hastings told the truth? She stated there is "an element of trust" between reporters and the miltary. She stated there are "ground rules" when reporting on the military insinuating that they protect you in exchange for buying into their bullshit. The she said " to be fair to the military, if they believe a piece is balanced, they will let you back in" What? Examine that statement for one second. Balanced? To me that means "report" whatever they tell you to report. That's balance? For access? Lara Logan is a whore. Figuratively speaking of course.
Logan,like most of the rest of the lazy ass American media, is jealous of this Michael Hastings story. They don't like somebody coming in and pissing in their free food tent. The American media will do whatever it takes to stay inside that free food tent and that includes "reporting" pure unadulterated horseshit fed to them by the powers that be in the United States armed forces. Logan fluffed the Air Force on 60 Minutes by "reporting" how successful the unmanned drones have been without mentioning anything about the thousands of civilians being whacked by these video game like killers.
Logan is also married to Joe Burkett, a defense contractor or something, and pregnant for about the 18th month or so and doing most of her "reporting" from studios in the U.S. You can hardly see Katie Couric about upchuck everytime she's forced to listen to Logan's propaganda.
Lara, listen, Stanley McChrystal was an insubordinate sonuvabitch and deserved to be canned long ago for covering up Pat Tillman's fragging, serving up this idiotic COIN war strategy, and for having a big fucking mouth. He'll be better of when he joins Fox News as its resident Commander in Chief basher. And Logan will be better off when she moves over to Fox to compete with Cariboob Barbie and Gretchen "the presidents job is just like my job" Carlson for hottest Republican shill.