Friday, December 25, 2020

Stay Safe and Merry Christmas!

 Im still exhausted but Merry Christmas to all

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Its been 21 years since my Dad moved on, but he dug this song. It may have been the only time he ever beat me to the hipster finish line by telling me I had to listen to this song....The Catholics said it couldnt be played at his funeral. Here ya go Dad

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


40 years ago tonight was one of the saddest nights of my life. Miss you, John.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Dick Allen!

Dick Allen died today. And because he pissed off old baseball writers, this Hall of Fame shoo in was never voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. For gawds sake he should be in the HOF just for that Sports Illustrated cover alone. Juggling baseballs and keeping a butt in his mouth in a dugout during a game? Come on man that's some righteous shit.

Dick Allen hit .292 in a 14 year career and belted 391 home runs but the best thing about him was he as one of the first ball players to tell the owners to take their slave holding contracts and ram it up their asses. Known as Richie Allen while playing for the hapless Phillies in the 60's, he once scrawled "Trade" in the dirt at 3rd base in an attempt to get out of Philly. Oh and they hated him for it, But then they hate everybody in Philadelphia, right?

He also did time with the White Sox where he has been credited with saving the franchise from being moved , the Cardinals, the Dodgers and the A's. He went back to Philly late in his career for an encore and recently was admitted the the Phillies Hall of Fame, a consolation prize. But thats ok.

Dick Allen belongs in the Hall of Fame. He was certainly as good as Harold Baines. right?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving In The Plains!!

 While the worst lawyers on Earth make fools of themselves while taking a rogue administration down with them on the East Coast, we here on The Plains are just trying to stay alive. Protected by absolutely no politicians in any authority and who seem to enjoy the death they have allowed, this part of the country is a fuckin mess. Nebraska especially.

I can only speak of what I've seen and read regarding this lame brain Governor of ours, one Pete Ricketts, aka Trumps bitch. Ricketts has dragged his feet regarding this Trump virus since its arrival in the heartland. Ricketts not only opposes mask mandates, but has threatened to withhold Covid funds from any county who imposes mask mandates in state office buildings. He has refused to even consider a state wide mask mandate, a preventative measure that even Kim Reynolds, the screechy Trump clone Governor over in Iowa, imposed after getting the facts on the Iowa Covid crisis. Ricketts has continually just suggested that people be careful and and thats all he shall do. The cities here in Nebraska have more balls than this fucking eunuch. Thus far, 15 cities have instituted their own mask mandates, despite Ricketts' threat to take them to court for defying his majesty's orders. Four others are considering it which if implemented and I see no reason they wont do so, 56% of the population of this  state will be under a mask mandate . And that is one giant fuck you to the gutless Trump bootlicker that is Pete Ricketts.

A recent poll taken in this state shows 83% of respondents want a state ordered mask mandate. Thats overwhelming support but in a red state like this, the loudmouth Trump supporting maniacs make a lot of  noise. The recently took over a Columbus, Nebraska city council meeting by hollering and booing and refusing to socially distance even after being asked by the Mayor. That mandate passed anyway  with the courageous Mayor breaking a 4-4 tie. In Omaha, despite an AWOL Mayor (more on that later) the City Council extended an existing mask mandate thru February much to the chagrin of a few Q Anon deniers who had to be dragged from the meeting. Cities in very red counties have voted to mandate masks as this state, led by a wet noodle dick, sits on its ass and does nothing. Did I mention Pete Ricketts being in quarantine for being around diseased supporters? For chrissakes, Ricketts got caught at an election night super spreader event at a local bar with no mask, hugging babies, posing for pictures with no masked right wing nitwits, and acting like the asshole he is. In fact, the waitress who caught him , taped him and posted it was fired for her act of heroism.

Granted, this state isn't South Dakota, yet. That state, led by a true murderous psycho named Kristi Noem, started this shit here by allowing Sturgis to go on. Not only go on, but encouraged it. Noem, a true succubus, cares nothing about life, but only about spending federal Covid funds on luring people to her diseased filthy fiefdom. She is as close to a mass murderer as one can get. Fuck her. But Nebraska is headed that way. With a bird brained Governor like Pete Ricketts, aka Trumps bitch, we are heading for number one!

Speaking of cowards, on a side note, our Mayor here in Omaha refuses to get involved with any type of mask mandate or prevention. Not her job, Jean Stothert claims. She refuses to circumvent Ricketts mandates from the stupid hierarchy whatsoever. What he says goes. Though other mayors have effectively told Ricketts to go fuck himself, our Mayor has disappeared entirely. Like she's just gone. We have no Mayor here. She has come out of her hole just 3 times in the last couple of months.

1) She was filmed pushing a new garbage can from her gated community home to the curb to celebrate a new garbage contract

2) She cut a ribbon on a new bus stop for the unwashed masses to sit at

3) She announced she was running for a third term as Mayor, a job she should probably be doing in her fucking 2nd term

Living here is becoming a chore, a job, a nightmare. With the leadership the dopes in this state elect why bother? The dumbness and genetic Republicanism that contrasts with every poll is maddening. 

But if the leadership here in The Plains has anything to say, it will be mass death, for Freedom!

Monday, November 16, 2020

No Time For Celebration Yet!

Y'all can celebrate all ya want. Joe Biden won and for a day I was ecstatic. Then reality set back in and I will not celebrate again until January 5th if we can take the Senate back with the help of Stacy Abrams and her army of new voters. And of that fails well ten I will not rest comfortably until Joe Biden is sworn in and takes control.

Until that time we have the GOP ratfuckers out in full force. The only problem now is usually the cheaters and scammers do their dirty filthy deeds in private and have names like Segretti and Atwater and Rove and Stone. No they have names like Lindsey Graham and Ron DeSantis and Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem and Mitch McConnell among others. They simply will not admit defeat. They lie and lie and lie to the cult on how a 6 million vote deficit was actually a win. They spread rumors of cheating voting machines and illegal ballots (which of course mean ballots cast in black areas). They look to underhanded ways to keep their Cult Leader in power such as getting Republican legislatures to appoint Republican electors to overturn Democratic states that voted for Biden. Seriously get rid of the fucking electoral college already.

Lindsey Graham was accused today by the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia of pressuring him to throw out mail in ballots in certain counties (black ones) as not meeting signature standards. Graham, the closeted weasel he is when asked turned it around to blame the press for even bringing it up. Graham, perhaps the biggest Trump toady of all, continues to disgrace himself with his bootlicking of a man who despises him.

Ron DeSantis (Mass Murderer-Fl) pushes for Pennsylvania GOP sycophants to overturn the vote totals by ratfucking the electoral college. Our Governor, Pete Ricketts, under a Covid quarantine himself, ignores the hot spot we have become, ignores UNMC doctors pleas for a mask mandate and via Zoom because after all he may have Covid, claims mandating masks will make more people not wear them so he wont mandate them. This asshole would encourage smoking from a cancer ward.

This next 66 days is going to be a wild ride. If these outgoing GOP shitheels dont kill us all out of spite, they are going to do whatever it takes to keep a Madman in the Oval Office. Why?

Cults are strange things. If you arent weak minded and desperate for attention, you are pure fucking evil. I know which side I fall on.

These GOP clowns are nefarious. So I am not celebrating until I see Joe Biden live thru his inauguration .

Friday, November 13, 2020

Chaos In Omaha!

 This week has been chaos. Oh Joe Biden will be President on January 21st whether that orange shit stain is there or not. The Democrats will control the House still , despite their best efforts to lose it, and probably will not control the Senate because Georgia rednecks will elect two criminals to the Senate because of R. 

But this week has been one of a toddler throwing shit out of his poopy diaper and his awful enabling parents saying hes a good boy. The Liar in Chief is twitter crazy with claims of voting machines being changed by the hundreds of thousands and being supported by insane TV networks . His disease addled brain is incapable of admitting defeat, incapable of accepting the fact he is a fuckin loser, incapable of rational thought, and incapable of simple decency. His criminal enterprise , masquerading as an administration, is installing loyalists in the Defense Department, in some sort of strategy to keep him in office, or burn the country that rejected him twice to the ground. Ahhh fucke him.

However, here in the Covid hotspot of Omaha we have a much more dangerous movement of self centered jackasses, buoyed by their Dear Leader, gaining members by the day. Its called No Mask Omaha. Dont give them the hit looking them up because quite frankly, they arent worth the effort.

The Omaha City Council defied the Covid denying Governor back in August and installed a mask mandate for the city of Omaha, which in case you think is a sleepy little cow town , you'd only be 75% correct. We're kind of big. We voted for Joe Biden by a wide margin. And we are demanding that masks be mandated. The Council voted to extend the mandate into February of 2021, despite the silence of a Republican Mayor afraid of the now Covid exposed in quarantine  Governor (karma), a timid health director afraid of losing her job and the utter cowardice of one Council member still denying this is a crisis. 

The hearings on the mask mandate were entertaining at first. A slew of Q Anon idiots demanding freedom and spewing forth their bullshit about China and labs creating the virus and control and all that nonsense. Causing such a ruckus that many were ejected, these no mask dumbfucks began to form Facebook groups to battle the Deep State of Omaha. Some say it got to 5000 members which if true would be a 1% rate of the population. 

But this chaotic week has brought them out from the sewers they exist in. They put up billboards in two locations, they planned a mask free shopping event at a local grocery store and they made a lot of fucking noise. But after these plans became public, the 99% of us who want to kick these attention seeking baboons asses rose up. The billboard company that took their money to put forth their paranoid bullshit removed the boards from view, and the grocery store called the cops. Between the grocery store saying whoaaaaa there you maskless morons and the cops saying yeah we have a full book of citations waiting to be written, it remains to be seen if these no mask wearing sons of bitches will show up for their little tirade against authoritarian rule. Wonder if  they voted FOR authoritarianism just a week and a half ago? 

This country has become dumber by the fucking day for about 12 years now. Ever since the black guy won the Presidency white folks have been throwing a tantrum and denying reality. These dumb white folks here in Omaha and their maskless mugs are a symptom of a bigger problem. Jackassism. The right to be an obnoxious asshole and nobody can do a damn thing about it because of freedom. This needs to end NOW. This is life and death. 

Wear a damn mask. You selfish 1% shitheels. 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Devil Is Vanquished!

The sense of relief is overwhelming. To know the majority of American voters said no more to this spawn of Satan (the fact 70 million want more is not my focus right now,,,,be positive). 

Donald Trump is the worst example of America that this country has ever produced. He makes a slimy fuck like Dick Cheney look like freakin FDR . The ugliness of this administration will soon be behind us. The Red State Presidency. The Xenophobia. The Outward Racism. The blatant hatred of all that is not white. The unleashing of ugly American white trash spewing racial slurs and idiotic conspiracy theories. The caging of children. The deportation of their parents in effect making them orphans and STILL in a cage. The stiffing of Allies all over the world to suck up to thugs. The denial of a virus that has killed 235,000 people most of whom didnt need to die. The thievery, the grifting, the nepotism, the scummy religious bullshit. The golfing, the ignoring of progress, the enoulments clause violations. The cruelty, the disrespect and dissing of female reporters. The rape charges. The disgusting orange. The denial of science. The revolving door of cabinet members. Chad Fucking Wolf. The tear gassing of peaceful protesters. The unleashing of white supremacists, including police, on protesters. Bill Fucking Barr. Collusion with foreign governments to personally benefit him. Quid pro quo. 

Goddamn its all so exhausting and thats only the tenth of it. But now theres hope. Decency. A President who wont demand thanks yous from Governors with natural disasters to deal with to get emergency funds. A President with a plan for a deadly virus. A President with the temperment to mend fences with our Allies. A President with a streak of fairness. A President who knows tragedy. A President with a sense of what others go through. A President you feel knows you. A President you know respects the people who serve in the military. A President who sees problems in law enforcement and wants to deal with it.

I have hope. Today is a good fuckin day.

Tomorrow will be reloading and fighting the Orange Monster once again, but today?

Not today!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Who's The Shithole Country Again?

Is it over yet? For all practical purposes it is. Come January and the screaming and kicking and the tantrums and the rat fucking is done, these two will be in charge. Unfortunately being the pessimist I am, others will also be in charge including a rotting corpse named Mitch McConnell.

The fact 69 million plus Americans voted for a fascist racist child AFTER knowing all this is scary. Four years ago fine, take a chance the fascist racist child would moderate and become an adult. But it never happened and the Toddler in Chief became even more racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic, and declared white supremacy from the mountaintops. The day he called Nazis, "very fine people", was the day of no return. ANYBODY and I mean anybody who supported this freak after that date became a piece of shit. The country is full of shit now.

As I write this, Biden has widened his lead in Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia and lost a bit of the lead in Arizona. But its over for the Motherfucker in Chief. Pack your shit and leave. 

I am proud as hell that NE02 , my district said fuck you to the Super Spreader in Chief. Days after he brought his Covid infested rabble together in Omaha, this district said screw off. And it wasnt close. Well done NE02. By the way, in the days following the super spreader rally out at the airport, 12 Omaha cops tested positive for the Trump virus leading to another 24 cops forced into quarantine. Talk about defunding the police. I just want to move some money around, Trump wants to actually kill them. Yet they all run out and vote for their abuser anyway. Cops, cant live with em cant live without em.

The speech, rant, meltdown that occurred last night in the White House press room was a fucking disgrace. Trump, in full dirty diaper screaming mode, said some things that will actually get people killed. His call to arms, his unwillingness to accept the fact 74 million of us hate his fucking guts, his baseless claims of fraud and chicanery in mostly black cities are right up his alley. His disdain for anything and anyone who dares to stand up to him only encourages more cowardice from the Republican enablers and violence from his dumbass minions in the population. The fact that scummy little weasels like Lindsey Graham, Vernon Jones, Steve Daines,Nikki Haley and the cowards that live here in Nebraska do not take the opportunity to separate themselves from this future felon is baffling. Hes a dead man walking. WTF is wrong with you people?

Finally, Madison Cawthorn. This 25 year old loudmouth was elected to Congress out of North Carolina by a wide margin over Moe Davis, a retired Air Force Colonel. 

Now why does this asshole stick in my craw? Well when you run a 25 year old wheelchair bound punk, who admires Hitler, lied about getting into the Naval Academy, was accused of sexual assault by numerous women, started a shell real estate company with a racist name, accused a critical journalist of leaving teaching to "work for non white males like Corey Booker, who aims to ruin white males running for office" and whose trip to Germany to visit  Adolf Hitler's Eagles Nest vacation resort was "on my bucket list" and was even more head scratching when he sent out pictures calling Hitler "Fuhrer".

Yeah North Carolina, this irresponsible sexist, fascist, racist and Nazi sympathizer over a retired military Colonel? Good job. What the fuck kind of people live there?

The kind who like a toddler in a wheelchair who wins and tweets out "Cry,Libs" as his victory statement. 

69 million is a lot of shit to clean up. Good luck Joe and Kamala.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Death Cult 45!

 Once Trump is gone, and hopefully thats 1/21/21, these people are not going away. And these people are solidly in the Republican camp, the Trump camp, and whatever weaselly Republican worm steps up the loudest will be the new Trump.

The candidates are all in Iowa and New Hampshire already. Secretly hoping the 74 year old Nutjob in Chief  loses opening up opportunity for their own narcissism and cruelty. Whether it be Nikki Haley, who has given up her dignity to cater to the Cult45 members, or Josh Hawley, a misogynist pro life simpleton from Missouri, or Tom Cotton, a truly dangerous autocrat who would think nothing of unleashing the full power of the military on protesters, or even Mike Pompeo the balloon headed incompetent Secretary of Gilead, a leader will emerge for Death Cult 45. And then that person will lead the Cult into mass suicide. 

The GOP is the same old trickle down bullshit, vote suppressing, women hating racist party its been since 1965. Its just openly mean and nasty now. And trust me, there's plenty of cruel assholes willing to step up and become the new Trump. These people need a leader. To feel superiority to these immigrant masses that they perceive have fucked up their lives. 

But thats the future to fight. For now, fuck em.

It's Here!!!

4 years ago I went to work, joked around with fellow Democrats about what they were feeling about the first woman President, and came home to witness history. Because of Obama, I underestimated the racism and sexism of America. I lived thru the 60s the 70s the 80s the 90s the 00's and the tens. The racists who hid out in the 70s, came back to life in the 80s, went back into hiding in the 90s 00's and 10's. Until Obama. I forgot the 2010 Tea Party, a front for the same old racists that have always been there. I forgot the old George Carlin routine about how goddamned stupid Americans are. 

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

It all came to the forefront in 2016 when this reality show scumbag formed a cult  of dimwitted easily led whites losing their birthright of privilege. And thanks to a slavery inspired antiquated election system that somehow allows 65 million votes to be less than 62 million votes and gives untold power to rural areas that nobody lives in a thrice married fascist authoritarian became POTUS 45.

This is OUR time. Its DECENCY'S time. Its TAKE BACK OUR DEMOCRACY time. Its time to rid ourselves of this mini Mussolini.

No more of this

If Orange Mussolini cheats his way back in this is America

White Male Supremacy as policy
Women's rights eroded
Minority rights eroded
Tax Cuts for the Wealthy
The End of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Allies with nowhere to go
A Virus continues to run wild
Herd Immunity as policy resulting in 2-3 million deaths
An isolation of America on the world stage
A Resistance with nothing to lose
Widespread corruption and Treasury Looting
Lies Lies and more Lies
An asshole mentality that advocates violence as a political end
Guns Guns Guns
Maskless Morons
Super Spreader rallies galore
and perhaps Barron Trump in the NBA

Vote this nightmare away


Monday, November 2, 2020

Kick Nebraska Into The 21st Century!

We arent the most progressive folks in the country here in Nebraska. It takes us decades and decades to catch up to the rest of the country what with our sleepy state slogan "The Good Life" dominating the landscape. We are boring AF and it seems a helluva lot of people like it that way. We have no gambling here other than at dying horse tracks, powerball or pickles cards. We have no medical marijuana laws here as we have a Governor who says out loud that once you legalize the jazz cigarettes' like they did in Colorado people start getting all high and jumping off roofs and playing the piano really fast. Our Governor, a rich trust fund kid named Pete Ricketts who bought himself a state to lead, has no human compassion whatsoever. He refuses to protect Nebraskans from the Covid. You require masks in your county buildings and Pete will refuse your county Covid money. But I digress.

There are some ballot initiatives we Nebraskans have the opportunity to vote on along with the opportunity to vote out a monster in the White House and elect a progressive new Congresswoman named Kara Eastman in NE-02.

As I said before, we take some time here to get up to speed on the new century. I'd say right now we are still living in the Reagan years on most issues and living in the 19th century on one.

Did you know it is still legal here in Nebraska to enslave people? I mean yes, I doubt if its been done legally for many moons, but its still in the Nebraska Constitution that the enslavement of prison inmates to work on farms and ranches is a-ok with us. But now, in 2020, the state legislature, a gang of 49 people many of whom are so utterly 1875 minded, somehow managed to get a repeal of this language on the ballot. Its called Nebraska Amendment 1 and it would officially outlaw slavery of all people once and for all. The only thing about this that interests me more than doing the right thing is how many 19th century minds will vote no.

We have a chance to limit predatory lenders to a loan shark interest rate of 36%. This would be called Initiative 428 and it puts payday lenders on notice, you can only fuck people over at the rate of 36%. Again there isnt much opposition to this except from the bloodsuckers who lend out the money to desperate people and then metaphorically break kneecaps when they get behind. Again, I will be interested in how many Scrooges exist in this state.

Initiatives 429 430 and 431 will legalize casinos at the existing horse tracks here in the state. There are 6 of these dusty old tracks left and a couple of them dont even bother to hold meets any longer. Like the states that completely surround us, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Minnesota, we could have casinos here and keep the tax money in the state. I literally can drive 15 minutes and be betting on whatever I want. Horses, dogs, table games, slots or sports betting is right there. And whatever holdout for taxes they take, stays in Iowa. You're welcome Iowa. 

Is there opposition to this? Well, our Governor is spending a million dollars to stop it. Our old football coach hates gambling. Warren Buffett hates gambling. Excuse me? The ads paid for by Governor Trust Fund claim that there will "Indian" casinos on every street corner including "next to churches and schools". This is of course like everything else Nebraska Trump says a fucking lie. Even Warren Buffett distanced himself from the "Indian casinos" ad as being a bit racist. I give the passage a 50/50 shot. You have no idea how much rural Nebraska hates Omaha, Lincoln and any other city with stuff to do. They killed it before. Hopefully they cant do it again.

Its 2020, Nebraska. Please I beg you to at least attempt to make Y2K a thing of the past.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Orange Beast Is Roaring!

 Hey I am not sure what he hell is going on any longer so one of those pictures involves terrorists driving around the nation harassing law abiding people because they believe in theocracy for their kind only and will gladly kill anyone who disagrees and the other is ISIS. You pick which is more dangerous to democracy.

In two days the nation I happen to live in gets a real chance to dismiss an ISIS like regime for good and replace it with decency and competence. 230,000 Americans have been murdered due to the ego and unwillingness of one crazy megalomaniac to abide by human decency and patriotism. Instead, 4 years of  misogyny and misanthropy and racism and murder and thievery are coming to an end....hopefully. But wait theres more.....November 4th may just be the beginning of American ISIS's damage. When the caliphate truly begins to bare its teeth and use the Courts to declare a 6 million vote deficit to be somehow proof that the peasants really have given the Criminal in Chief a resounding thumbs up on continuing his reign of terror.

I fear that. I fear his terrorists will decide that his orders are tantamount to mandates from the hierarchy and their 2nd Amendment fantasies will be legal. But that's all speculation by me, a cynical libtard that likes liberty and safety and people not to die to save one man's larcenous ass.

Last night thousands of sheep showed up to hear their Dear Leader speak his bullshit in Alabama Butler, Pa where the Psychopath in Chief is making his last stand. Mississippi Central Pennsylvania is ground zero for what the Jim Jones in Chief thinks will propel him to victory. I kid Central Pa but trust me...between Pittsburgh and Philly is truly the South. I've driven thru there, and besides paying outrageous amounts of Confederate dollars for the privilege of driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike,  seeing it gave me my answer as to why a White Devil was elected President in 2016. Southern Ohio (with its Confederate Flag painted barns), Central PA, Western Maryland, all of West Virginia gave me an answer. There's a lot of desperation out there among white people fearful of losing the one thing they've had through birthright. White privilege. 

Look, I know there's plenty of progressive decent people in all those places. There are just not enough to hold off  Elmer Gantry and his con artists lying to them everything will be all right. Desperate people fall for all sorts of cons. The only trouble now is they've had 4 years to see the con fall apart right in front of them and yet they still cling to it. Racism is a helluva drug.

On a side note, Totally Under Control is a documentary available for free on streaming services thru November 3rd (we watched it on Hulu). Its a must watch if you want to see the criminality and utter disregard for human life this putrid administration has shown for the last 10 months regarding the Covid 19 crisis. After watching it, theres no other conclusion to make other than a LOT of people are guilty of negligent homicide at best, murder in the first degree at worst. Its disgusting to watch and conclude that the President of the United States is a freakin murderer along with his Veep, his CDC, his FDA, his enablers, his staff and his cabinet.

These monsters HAVE to go. 


Friday, October 30, 2020

Desperation Is A Helluva Drug!

 5 days to go. The desperation is getting weirder and weirder. The players are getting more inarticulate by the appearance as they desperately try and hold onto what they think will win it for them. Crazy people.

Donald Junior, jaw gyrating up and down as he couldn't wait to begin spouting coke fueled rants after Trump sycophant and general human asshole Laura Ingraham fed him raw meat. Junior shot forth a stimulant induced tirade of nonsense and dangerous misinformation. Covid deaths are practically zero, the cases are almost non existent, Scott Atlas of herd immunity fame is better than Sanjay Gupta who is a moron, the Trump failure was in reality a huge success, and cocaine is getting really expensive. A 28 day stay in the "hospital" for kidney problems is in Junior's future. Maybe the Melania discount is still in force.

The facts are so not in line with reality Junior is definitely a contender for 2024's GOP nomination. That is if he doesn't OD by then, or is murdered by Kimberly Guilfoyle that is. Or more in reality, goes to prison.

Today is Ivanka Trump's 39th birthday though parts of her are just reaching puberty. Ivanka, the child labor in China enthusiast, is the GOP's hope to appeal to the coveted "suburban woman" vote. Now per the Trumps, "suburban women" are all white, stay at home moms, racists and afraid of their own shadows. If this is true, which of course it isn't since nothing the Trumps believe is real, the Donald Trump has this election in the bag. But since we live in a reality based world, this of course is nonsense. "Suburban women" are not all white, not all racists, not all stay at home moms and not afraid of anything, except maybe an orange lout they dumped 20 years ago popping back into their lives. 

Ivanka Trump is a phony, plastic robot. Much like her father, she cares nothing for anyone but herself and by pretending to be the apple of her degenerate fathers bloodshot eye, she only fools dummies. She came out as being "unapologetically pro-life" which of course makes me curious about her Ob Gyn records since no Trump ever says anything without it being a part of their past. Puppet, not a puppet, you're the puppet.

Eric Trump is a dolt who does nothing but retweets crazy people thinking that somehow that helps Daddy's chances to keep the base. Eric Trump stole money from a charity meant to help children with cancer so he's truly a chip off the old manure pile.

And then theres Tiffany Trump. Silent for years. The love child Trump. The forgotten Trump. the one Ivankas "pro-life" views were tested on has graduated law school and now needs to get to grifting on her own. An Ivanka appearing makeover, a strange appearance attempting to get the LGBTQ vote, and Tick Tock videos so filtered she looks like a video game character. She used to be the Trump who got away, but we now know she was just biding time to become the 24 year old Ivanka clone. Daddy look at me.

And finally Barron Trump. He's really tall.

This sending out of the Trumps to desperately save themselves and Daddy from a federal or state prison farm is almost over. Its 5 days away from ending....finally...... And as Kamala said and they know.....They're coming for you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Omaha Rally!

 He came, he conquered, he dazzled a million people, or maybe 6000, and then he left. Stranding thousands without any way to get back to their trucks they parked miles away as he sat in Con Air One all comfy looking down at the "disgusting people" that vote for him.

Donald Trumps traveling Snake Oil Covid Show came to Omaha last night and is now only known for one thing. He stranded them in the freezing cold because his incompetent campaign failed to provide shuttle buses to get people back to the parking lots. Oh the buses were plentiful getting the bumpkins TO the whackfest, but getting them out wasnt a concern. The perfect metaphor for this entire campaign.  Cheer me and then fuck off.

The rally itself was typical. All the Greatest Hits.The lying about how many were there (6000 not 29000 as he claimed),  Lock her up, Lock him up, 4 more years, the Covid Covid Covid whining, the bullshit jobs report, the bashing of any local who treated him badly (hello Ben Sasse) , the utter nonsensical preening and dancing, the sight of conservative Midwesterners "dancing" to YMCA which has amused me for 25 years and then he leaves. 

The aftermath not so typical. It was cold, yes, but it wasnt 10 degrees as the Liar in Chief said (it was 34). And the shuttle buses that had been hired by the Trump campaign weren't sufficient to get people out of the cold. So the Omaha cops had to call in Metro Buses to pick up the slack, but they couldnt get there because of so many people walking in the streets. The cops on police radios calling it a "shit show", calling for ambulances for elderly people who couldn't handle the weather conditions. There were 7 suffering from hypothermia and another 23 who also ended up in the hospitals. This on top of our Covid spike due to our Idiot Governor, Pete Ricketts refusing to adhere to CDC standards. Yes this was a shit show.

The rally ended around 9pm and many didn't get back to their vehicles until 12:30 am. Maskless morons galore. Local politicians like Senator Rubber Stamp, Maskless Deb Fisher, the outgoing Iowa Senator Maskless Joni Ernst and yes, General Don Bacon showed up after all. Ranting early on before he took off , the General was maskless and thoughtless as usual. Kara Eastman is his opponent. Chip in if you can.

All that you've heard about this nightmare is true, unless it comes from The Bullshit Artist in Chiefs campaign. He came here for one stinkin electoral vote. And he left his loony supporters out in the cold. It doesnt matter to those he abandoned, they're beyond hope but it may matter to others who saw the story and the utter indifference this campaign shows to American citizens. 

6 days left. Then we rid ourselves of the narcissistic sociopathic Shitgibbon in Chief. 

That one electoral he craves? Omaha to Trump. Fuck you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Brother Trumps Traveling Covid Show!

The Traveling Trump Covid Show lurches into town tonight as Jackoff in Chief worries about losing Nebraska 02 and its 1 electoral vote. This is Nebraska, as Republican as you can get, at least west of Lincoln. This district went for Obama in 2008 so its not full of mouth breathing morons sucking Trump Covid air in deeply to please their Dear Leader. This is truly a purple district, full of progressives and moderates and people who find the Bigfoot in Chief a true lout. This is why he's here. Not because he gives a rats ass about any of us, its because he wants that one vote.

There is also a  House race that is tight around here. The incumbent is a former General named Don Bacon, a true Trump kiss ass who loudly proclaimed he changed his vote to repeal Obamacare from yes to HELL YES. How unfortunate for him. His challenger is a progressive community activist named Kara Eastman who came close to unseating Bacon two years ago and is right on Bacon's heels, if not beating his sycophantic ass. Bacon is distancing himself from Trump, in fact he secretly appeared at an event with Junior only after the press was barred from covering. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, someone with a phone taped the General screeching Make America Great Again. Bacon who in his ads now claims hey not me, I said HELL YES to protecting Obamacare and its pre-existing condition limitations which to anyone with a working brain knows is a lie. His ads also cannot stop calling Kara Eastman a "socialist" and showing pictures of Nancy Pelosi and AOC to scare the snowflakes afraid of women.

But perhaps the Generals biggest cowardly move is he wont be at Trumps little Covid Fest tonight in Omaha. Something about prior commitments. Like hiding under his bunk from the scary Oaf in Chief he takes his orders from. 

Kara Eastman may win this race. The early voting turnout here is huge. We arent scared of mail in voting here. Even the Republicans say its a smooth process with no dangers. General Bacon is frightened out of his boots. For him to avoid Trump like he has the plague (oh wait) says a lot about this race. He was a lousy rubber stamp Congressman and probably a lousy General. After all, what kind of General takes his orders from a draft dodging bone spurred coward like Trump? 

By the way, the polls here show Joe Biden leading the Thug in Chief by 7 points. Thats huge here. Lets just hope Joe can bring Kara Eastman along.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Putin & Borat!

 Uh oh. The boss is pissed. And he isnt shy about saying it out loud.

Vladimir Putin doesnt seem to give a rats ass about Hunter Biden or emails or whatever it is Rudy Giuliani and the Trump campaign came up with to hammer dummies with the last two weeks of this never ending campaign. In fact, Putin may have written the phony Burisma shit himself. But Putin didnt become the richest man on earth by choosing the wrong horse and it appears he has suddenly switched off  the early favorite Trump is a Horses Ass to the more stable favorite Sleepy Joe.

Putin said it out loud. He sees nothing wrong with any of Hunter Bidens dealings or non dealings or whatever it is his SVR buddies have conjured up and slipped to the old Shirt Tucker inner Rudy Giuliani and then to Trumps campaign. Its like Putin already knows no matter what he and his hackers do wont help his Stooge in Chief prevail. So he may as well get ready to be stared down again like Obama used to.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is on Amazon Prime free to all since everyone has Amazon Prime now right? Watch it and you will see an actor, not a journalist, take down the whole Covid clusterfuck in 1 hour and 29 minutes. Sasha Baron Cohen, thru his Borat character , exposes the idiocy of this whole gigantic fuck up. Whether its making fools of Republican women, Covid deniers or a jaunt into CPAC dressed as Trump, Cohen skewers them all. He also shows himself to be a big softie with a Holocaust survivor as he shivs anti-Semitism at a synagogue. Even Trump fans who brave this movie will see how goddamned stupid the Covid deniers are . Or at least I would hope so.

I love Sasha Baron Cohen as an actor, a comedian and a social commentator. In this film he has achieved what the fucking NY Times' or the Wash Post or CNN or whoever cannot. He doesnt pretend to be fair because he doesnt care. There are not two sides to this Covid bullshit, only one and its about time regular journalists recognized it. Until then its Borat that will have to.

If Borat aint your cup of tea, or you dont think its your cup of Joe, a certain Covid denying creep weighed in on Borat by slurring :

"I dont know what happened , but years ago , ya know, he tried to scam me and I was the only one to say no way. Thats a phony guy and I dont find him funny"

Thanks a lot well known movie expert, Donald Trump. What more of an endorsement do you need?

Friday, October 23, 2020

Last Debate Of His Life!

 I know more about wind than you do. I am the least racist person in this room. Good. You're the Big Guy. The laptop is Russia Russia Russia . Abraham Lincoln where did that come from? You have houses all over the place. Good. I'm immune.

The greatest hits continued. The Stand Up in Chief cannot get away from it, even when obviously sedated and acting like a reasonable monkey without the urge to fling shit. Yet.

Who the hell who even watched that changed one molecule of hatred towards this miscreant? Or changed one molecule of love for their Cult Leader. This election is trench warfare. Nobody is ever going to understand the Cult. The Cult digs in and gets ready for the suicide charge. The debate was unnecessary and futile.

Yet the pundits will still analyze and declare winners and losers and break down phrases and gaffes. Some will announce that because Trump didnt throw a tantrum and acted somewhat civilized that he "won". As if lying for 90 minutes but being soft spoken is a winning strategy. People like Megyn Kelley, screaming for her Fox gig back, will declare a Trump victory. Fuck, it doesnt even matter what he says, its how he says it. We have sunk so low. I mean I hate Trump with every fiber of my being and there is nothing he could say or do that will change my mind. He is a terrorist, a scumbag, a racist, a pervert, a rapist and piece of shit liar. There is no bottom?

Yet last night after Biden lamented the fact there are over 500 children missing their parents due to an administration of white supremacists who dont give a shit, Trump said "Good". Huh? Did I hear that right? Good? Good that young children in cages are basically orphans? You know, like Junior and Eric and Barron and certainly Tiffany. That was monstrous.

I already voted so whatever happens means nothing to me as far as me getting another vote. But for crissakes, Good?

11 days to go and America can go back to what is was, or become what it is now. A diseased shithole.

Biden/Harris 2020.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cornered Orangutan!

 I am old enough to have lived through the Nixon years, the lashing out, the paranoia, the press bashing , and the ultimate result being Americans of the GOP persuasion putting country over party and going to Nixon and saying its over buddy. And Nixon left.

Trust me younger folks. That was NOTHING compared to this madness, The Cornered Animal in Chief is becoming more dangerous by the hour. He seems to be appealing only to his fascist base of armed goons and dummies now. NO intent to grab onto new voters. He is so sick he really believes that the people who risk their lives and cheer him and chant stupid shit and dont wear masks and boo listening to science and boo a hero like Dr Fauci are the "silent majority" and will propel him to another term as the Fascist in Chief. 

But when the Mussolini in Chief begins not only to lie but to attempt basically a coup to remain in power by trashing the system of government. By calling on an absent Attorney General to 'arrest" every opponent he's ever had. Obama, Biden, Hunter Biden all need be behind bars according to the Deflector in Chief. Behind bars by November 3rd, the date he gets crushed, humiliated, and put out of his misery for good. This is madness. Even for this guy.

The GOPers are beginning to jump ship. First it was Ben Sasse, the Nebraska Republican who says bad things about his Dear Leader now and then and then votes with McConnell and does as hes told. (Sorry America but he will be re elected by a wide margin because R) Then John Cornyn, the old Texas twerp, said he differs with the Kim Jong Trump in Chief but does so privately. That Trump is like the husband women cannot change. Take note Texas women, Cornyn is a caveman. And Moscow Mitch, who has seemed to know what is happening to his Ventriloquist Dummy in Chief for months is just ignoring him now. 

Trump is becoming more unstable and treacherous. What comes after November 3rd is frightening. Especially if the bought and paid for Justices on the Court decide to pay back their debt. We arent out of the woods until January 21st, 2021 and that Clown is gone, hopefully to prison.

But first things first. What the hell will happen Thursday at the debate? The Screamer in Chief has already trashed Kristen Welker ,the moderator, as a radical leftist. Will it be another meltdown? Will Welker need a whip to keep the desperate cornered orangutan at bay? Will Biden need a Hazmat suit to keep the Trump Crime Family from coughing the whole time attempting to infect him? 

OH MY GOD this next 14 days is going to be something. And it cannot go fast enough.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Scotus Pocus!

The fast track to confirm an unqualified Handmaiden to the Supreme Court before the upcoming bloodbath is well underway. Led by an unsettling determination to put a stuck in the past woman whose only job will be to overturn Roe V Wade, throw 20-30 million Americans off their health insurance plans, and retain white male supremacy for decades to come, this Senate Republican gang of evil will succeed. And then will go away to lucrative careers as lobbyists and paid whores to whatever evil cause they go to like a moth to a flame.

I dont give a shit about Amy Coney Barrett, or Amy Coathanger Barrett. She is their pawn, a baby making machine with a little girl voice who shall enforce religion onto a increasingly lucid America. Once this lost cause is over, 7 of 9 of these Justices will be Catholics , 5 of the 9 will have been appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote and we are fucked. You think guys like Gorsuch, the folksy fascist who ruled once that a truck driver should have died in the cold rather than abandon his corporate owned vehicle and cost his employer money, are bad. Or you think guys like Kavs, a privileged Catholic prep school drunk, are unqualified. Or you think the continued presence of a bitter old sexual harasser like Thomas are bad. Or you think a slave to the 15th century like Alito are wrong, you aint seen nothing yet.

This Amy Coney Barrett is nothing but a paid off super spreader willing to do the white mans bidding as far as keeping them in control. In control of womens bodies, in control of overturning minority rights, in control of overturning voting rights, in control of protecting Citizens United, in control of stuffing the LBGTQ community back in the closet and making sure we all know who is in charge of this dying nation.

You see, shes an "originalist" when it comes to the Constitution. The 237 year old outdated document written by white males who protected slavery, protected male domination, put the slaves in their place, figured American Indians were nobody, and kept women in the home to do as they were told is as relevant now as the freaking butter churner. Oh there may be people who still churn butter by hand, but 99.9% of us buy it at the store and dont care what machine made it.

Barrett and the Federalist Society are all "originalists". Men and women who think what the Founding Fathers wrote down is somehow divinely inspired. Well of course they do. They are a bunch of old white men preserving their power. Enablers like Barrett, who shouldn't even be voting much less a fucking judge in their eyes, are a dream come true. Barrett and her ilk, like Clarence Thomas, are the Sonderkommandos of America. Cooperating with evil.

Good luck America. You should have voted for Hillary. Elections have consequences.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Mister Rogers And Mister Hyde!

 Donald Trump is a child. An attention seeking child. Because he refused to take part in a virtual debate with Joe Biden he was forced to do what he does best. Scream look at me and bullied NBC News into allowing him to have his own Town Hall opposite Sleepy Joe where he just knew he would crush him in the ratings and be able to boast about it. Ya know, the car wreck theory.

Sorry Crazy Uncle Donald . You lost. Biden crushed you in the ratings. 12 million to 10 million, much like Hillary crushed you but unfortunately for you, there's no antiquated system to save your dumb ass this time. Instead you tweet out a satirical site insisting Twitter shut down just to cause you trouble and help Joe Biden. Jesus Christ, only 18 days till the real danger starts.

All you got out of last nights Trump town hall if you watched was:

1) 85% of people who wear masks get Covid

2) Q Anon is against pedophilia and so is he so they're ok in his book and Antifa!

3) Some nutty woman, one of those "undecided" voters, told him how handsome he is when he smiles

4) He doesn't remember if he took a covid test the day of the first debate 

5) When he gets pissed, he tells uppity women they are "so cute"

6) Savannah Guthrie called him a "crazy uncle". I expected nothing from her. I was wrong

7) Because the unemployment rate isnt 42% he's a big success cuz he closed the China border

8) He's batshit crazy as usual

Meanwhile on ABC, President 46 was cool and collected and spoke to real people on a real people level like a real President usually does. Anyone watching Joe Biden act like "Mr Rodgers (sic)" and Trump acting like Mr. Hyde, gets it. 

Most of us dont give a flying fuck what Joe Biden does or says. We just want normal again. Crazy Uncle Donald and Normal Uncle Joe are the two guys at Thanksgiving in opposite corners of the room . Which one do you gravitate to? 

Say Uncle Joe whats up?

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Veep Debate!

 It was all about The Fly. I know. We've heard all the jokes about flies and shit and the fly being Pence's only black friend and the fly being tested for Covid. But what this debate was really about was a Trump clone with a oozing eye and a black woman introducing herself to America.

Look, Pence lied all night, went over his time, didn't answer any questions and showed a disdain for both women on that stage. Him mansplaining race relations to a black woman was particularly grating. Him lying about the utter failure of this putrid administration to protect Americans health was jaw dropping. His failure to actually state what we all know, that he would throw women in jail for having an abortion, was stunning. And the fact he and his Karen don't follow rules because they don't think they have to (check her maskless prune face at the end) is typical Trump enabler behavior. But that fly. 

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris was saying hi America, I'm the person who may take over if the 78 year old guy falters . Did she pass? Of course she did. The right wingers who hate women are scared shitless calling her names and a President called her a communist (hello 1955) and a monster. The Covid King is also scared to death. The moderates all say well she seems reasonable and smart. The lefties all say ehhhhh she's a prosecutor but these are tough times so whatever. Besides, we may need her when Barr and the Republican fascists try and steal the election which they are going to do . A tough in your face Prosecutor staring down a weasel like Bill Barr and telling him NO.

I wasnt a fan early in the primaries. She was no Liz Warren. She was fearless yes, but not Liz fearless. Then she was gone . But as time went on I realized Trump understands just one thing, a kick in the balls. She was willing and able. She aint afraid of no ghosts.

Kamala Harris won the debate last night. Sorry Trumpers, but lies arent the truth and spending 90 minutes lying like the true Christian he isn't, Pence did himself no favors. In fact he probably needs a Covid test like yesterday. He looked sick as hell. Think Trump cares if he infected his lap dog? Fuck no, he expects Pence to die for him if necessary. And Pence is enough of a spineless gutter snipe that he might. Then Karen could establish her Handmaids Tale Queendom. 

The debate didnt change one mind. It pissed off most women with any dignity when Pence interrupted and mansplained , and condescended to the moderator and the Senator, both women of accomplishment. Its like Pence was the first husband. The one they vowed never to return to. Women are saving this country in 26 days and Pence solidified it. As ugly as Trump is, Pence is more real, more of the terrible man that's been in every woman's life.

26 Days. And then another untold number of days of Republican fascists trying to steal the election by manipulating their appointed judges into ruling that 60 million is more than 70 million. And it may happen. This country s is changed forever. And not for the better.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Eddie Van Halen!

 The first time I heard that shredding guitar was back in 1978 when disco was ending and rock was still dead but for a few hangers on. I was a radio jock at the time playing college radio music that consisted of deep cuts and one hit wonders. A new single came in from some group named Van Halen and I put it on. Runnin With The Devil.. The guitar was phenomenal. The singer was phenomenal. The backing vocals were spot on. I was a fan.

Eddie Van Halen died yesterday after defying his lifestyle's inevitable end for years. The loss is devastating to us old rockers. While Van Halen survived 3 different lead singers (amazing) Eddie remained the reason they never faded away. That guitar whether it was Runnin With The Devil or Panama or Hot For Teacher or And the Cradle Will Rock or even the shredding he did for Beat It was never disappointing. The videos with Eddie's goofy grin, such a contrast to the preening schmoe David Lee Roth.

I am gonna miss that talent but we always have the songs. The songs! We have the songs!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Balcony Don!

 There he was. Gasping for air, Removing his mask. Such a manly man. Sick with a deadly virus but still doing his Mussolini impression. It was disgusting.

The man is a psycho. A Super Spreader willing to take everybody down with him in an effort to stay out of jail. The Filthbag in Chief , full of Covid and god knows what else, took off his mask and lumbered off into the White House to infect even more of his slaves  staffers. The fact is this nutjob is such a megalomaniac is a National Security threat as well as a threat to anybody in his circle. His adoring cultists, who he obviously doesnt care about (disgusting people) stand on corners bellowing they will die for this 300 lb lump of ooze. Those people are mentally gone, much like the remaining Germans who sort of enjoyed the smell of burning flesh.

Trump is done. He can suck up the oxygen and then make videos about how he's better now than 20 years ago all he wants. Whats coming soon enough (27 days) is the destruction of a mad regime of vandals and looters. The gravy train is coming to an end for these thieves and grifters. Their cult leader is months away from being in prison where he has belonged for 40 years.

That is, if he lives through this pandemic.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Knock Knock! Whos There? Covid! Come On In!

 When RBG died, Mitch McConnell popped a turtle boner so large his shell exploded. While Democrat and decent people mourned a legend, Republicans and vampire like conservatives began to plot how they could reverse RBG's life's work quicker than $99 overnight shipping from a Corporate delivery service. RBG's famous last words , per her granddaughter, were something along the lines of "my most fervent wish is that the lump of toxic goo in the White House and his traitorous collaborators wait till after they get crushed to let Joe Biden replace me".....or something like that. But because this President is a peasant and a narcissist Visigoth all in one, he quickly called the last words a fake news story and blamed Shifty Schiff or Cryin Chuck. Who ya gonna believe? RBG's granddaughter or the Pathological Liar in Chief?

So the Worst Showman In Chief couldn't just announce his choice to shit all over RBG's memory in the White House room he did with the last unqualified rube , it had to be an in your face outdoor ceremony with Republican collaborators in attendance squeezed together like a tube of toothpaste. It doesnt matter the nominee is a backwards thinking phony intent of pissing all over RBG's accomplishments by making America White Male Supremacist Again. What does matter is the horror movie next few days that the Screamer in Chief had.

His tax returns dropped showing he is as big of a deadbeat tax cheat as we all knew. He yelled for 90 minutes at whatever would listen during a debate making no sense, lying and spitting germs and deadly viruses at his opponent while his unmasked crime family looked on. Melania Trump tapes came to the forefront with her being as big an asshole as the rest of the mob family she married in to.

Then came Covid . After 6 months of denying science, denying reality, putting people at risk to boost his ego, and pushing quack cures like a common preacher, the Unmasked Moron in Chief got what he'd been asking for. Covid 19. Only problem was he wasnt the only one. The In Your Face Owning The Libs SCOTUS event was THE Super Spreader event of the year.  Lee, Kellyanne, Johnson, Jenkins, Thillis, Stepien, Melanie, Hicks, Christie and who knows who else got the bug. By dancing on the not even buried RBG's memory these arrogant pricks got what they thought their white privilege selves were immune to.  

Now I want the Clodhopper in Chief to fully recover. Fully. I want him to be able to go to the debates and holler at clouds again. I want him to get crushed on November 3rd. I want him to be indicted and I want him to go to prison. Like it should be intended by life.

This Clive Barker type craziness where RBG's spirit kills them all is tempting. But its not real,

Too fuckin bad these pompous money grubbers spent the last 6 months daring a virus to come and get me.

Next time you push forward an 18th century minded woman to own the libs, make sure she isn't a Typhoid Amy.

Sayers And Gibby!

 Hey I come from a the worlds biggest small town. Omaha. Back when I was a young un the pride of my hometown was virtually nobody. We were a quiet unassuming folk and went about our lives voting Republican and knowing everyone knew their place. This a segregated city to this day, however back in the 60s it was far worse. But man, did we have heroes who made it once they left the chains of Omaha.

Gale Sayers died two weeks ago after suffering from dementia for years. Sayers was from North Omaha and was a football star at Omaha Central. He spurned Nebraska because like now, they sucked, and went south to Kansas where he became an All American. I wish I could say I was old enough to remember Sayers running 99 yards for a TD against the Nebraska team he said no to in 1963. That record, of course, still stands to this day in Lincoln. 

Sayers went to my favorite NFL team, Da Bears, after his stellar career at KU and tghrilled everyone in my household. My Mom wasnt even a pro football fan yet tuned in every week the the Bears were on just to watch Gale Sayers run. He was unlike anything we'd ever seen. 18 inches of daylight. Watch that and remember it was 1965. Unreal even now. Sayers blew out his knee in 1969 and before the advent of  reconstructive surgeries, it ruined him. He remains the youngest man ever admitted to to the NFL Hall of Fame when in 1977 he was 34. 

God he was thrilling.

Bob Gibson was my jam. Baseball was my jam. And laying in bed at night and moving the dials of a transistor radio just so on good clear nights I could get the St Louis radio broadcast of any game Bob Gibson pitched. As you can tell from the picture, every pitch Gibby threw made it look all of his extremities were going to fly off. The mound and the plate were his ,goddamit ,and you better respect that or face the consequences.

Bob Gibson was mean as hell. He absolutely refused to lose, Im sure when he saw current players talking to the  opponent before games he was infuriated, Thats the enemy!

1968 made the baseball gurus CHANGE THE RULES because of Bob Gibson, He was 22-9 and had a 1.12 ERA. He had 13 shutouts. He was so utterly dominant they lowered the mound to give the hitters a chance. Incredible as 1.12 was, the stat that amazed me even more was 9 teams actually beat him. How?

Now hes gone too.

My childhood is becoming sadder.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Da Bait Da Bait!

Look it was all  about him. Nobody cared what Joe Biden said. Oh some of us were hoping the younger version of Joe would tell the 2 Year Old in Chief to go fuck himself but thats not the Democratic way. The Democrats are playing defense now, just letting the Tax Cheat in Chief hang himself and for Joe to say what most of us wanted him to say and that involved the F bomb wasnt happening. Joe has become an elder statesman and quite boring and just what we need.

I admit the sight and sound of that rabid orange primate makes me crazy and I couldnt last more than 5 minutes at a time before I wanted to fly to Cleveland and kick that baboons ass on live TV. The parts I did see involved a neutered moderator trying to hold onto a bucking horse that had no intention of calming down and a Democratic candidate just plain embarrassed to be there.

I heard the Criminal in Chief hollering about Hunter Biden taking billions from Ukraine and China so much and a Joe Biden quietly calling the false report as "descredited" instead of calling the screaming Spider Monkey a fucking liar. I heard the Felon in Chief gently told by scared moderator Chris "Hardly his Dad" Wallace that he wasnt going to like the question like he was dealing with a temper tantrum throwing 2 year old instead of saying answer the fucking question Mr President Toddler.

I tuned out until the last 20 minutes when I went back and resumed being ashamed to be an American. The Hunter Biden bullshit continued even thru a moving tribute attempt by Joe to honor his dead son, a loser and a sucker to Trump fans. How would this go?  Surely the Chimp in Chief would allow.......oh hell no he started reaching in his Depends and throwing his poo against the wall again, what should we expect? Somewhere in rural America there's a barn full of uneducated oafs cheering on this insult to decency. 

And then something I never expected happened. Trump was actually human? Nope. The Ape in Chief threw himself against the glass and scared  the shit out of everyone watching. Given the opportunity to condemn white supremacists and specifically the Loser Proud Boys, a group of lamebrains who practice their racial superiority by beating each other up and carrying big guns and playing tough guy. Trump got flustered, told them to "stand back and stand by" and began screeching about Antifa and the radical left again. Even my jaw dropped. What? "I condemn white supremacist violence and all violence no matter what side it comes from"...........How fucking hard was that to say? For a fascist bigot like the Orangutan in Chief, apparently impossible.

This whole thing needs not be repeated. We know whats going to happen. We will get Trumps standard rally speech and Biden will stand there saying keep going. Nobody needs that on a world stage again.

What the hell, Canada or Britain or Germany, Invade us and liberate us from this insanity. The people of this country sure as fuck wont.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Juggler In Chief!

Nobody can keep juggling forever. At some point one will drop then the rest. Donald Trump, thanks to the New York Times diligent reporters, has been exposed as the fraud he has always been. Some of us knew the Deadbeat in Chief was a blowhard so far in debt even payday lenders would go whoaaaa.

Hillary tried to tell us this in 2016, that the Moocher in Chief hadnt paid any taxes to the federal government in years (to which Trump said "makes me smahhhht"). Nobody listened to the warnings from the 3 million vote winner because quite frankly, tax laws are boring as shit. 

But now, with real numbers put forth by the New York Times, it appears the Leech in Chief forked over $750 twice in last 15 years to settle his tax debt. For fucks sake, I sent more than that this year and that was after I'd already forked over thousands and the only Tower I own is one that blows air on me when its hot.

Look we all know tax code is written by the plutocrats and their Congressional whores. Its written to make them richer through a series of loopholes and dodges that reduces any tax burden to a mere pittance of what you pay. So the next time Uncle Maga tries and tell you that the rich pay all the taxes tell him to stuff the stuffing up his ass.

The Sponge in Chief took in so much money during those years, per him, yet somehow lost it all and then more is everything some of us already knew about. He is one shitty businessman, For chrissakes he bankrupted casinos. The guy is not only a scumbucket, hes a lousy scumbucket. Oh god, taxes are so fucking boring  but some of this shit is priceless.

$70K a year for somebody to wrangle that mess on his head? Paying Ivanka $700k to "consult" then write it off? That alone is sending him to prison and hopefully her too. Losing millions and millions and taking on debt from who knows and getting 70 million in refunds from his own country and then calling said country "stupid".

Holy Club Fed, Batman. Only the most dim of us still stand behind this Parasite in Chief and theres plenty. Behind the scenes fascists have had their puppet strings stretched to the limit and will soon abandon him once this crazy handmaiden is installed to the Court and their authoritarian philosophy is ingrained into law. Then theres the white supremacists at his rallies. They still support him because he still appeals to their fears and bigotry .

This is the great question for the future. What did you do when a bankrupt Grifter stole all your dignity, money, and appealed the worst of your psyche. Huh? What did you do?

40% of the country will not have an answer. But that will be nothing new since they have been flim flammed from the go. Nobody wants to admit they are dumb. Even if they are.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Il Douche!

 Well he said it. Peaceful transition once he gets his ass beat is not happening. Unless you get rid of the ballots.

Il Douche continues to hold rallies for dummies. He's getting his cultists to cheer the shooting of journalists, the lying about his accomplishments, his goals and himself. He continues to sign pieces of paper and calling it a health care plan or a $200 bribe to seniors while knowing its no different than writing a stupid idea on a cocktail napkin after about 6 vodkas. He continues to send his spineless sycophants out to lie for him on TV. And now hes told us he aint leaving and hes going to do so by unleashing his personal goon lawyer on states with mail in voting.

Look, I would like nothing more than to see his crooked ass dragged out of the White House in chains but thats not happening either. He has too many traitorous Republican enablers standing there unwilling to stand up and say oh come on. 

We have Mitch McConnell and Beggin Lindsey Graham saying the "winner" of the election will be sworn in, no problem, but not stating what "winner" means. I mean I may be getting paranoid but these Republican liars have led us astray so many times why believe them now? My expectations are so low I wouldnt be surprised if Republicans rolled fat militia members down the streets shooting anybody with an Antifa "look" or anyone who looks like they might vote Biden.

Our own loudmouth phony Republican Senator , former Runza salesman Ben Sasse (Pseudo Intellectual-Ne) dismissed Trumps threats as "he says crazy stuffs". Yeah Ben, he says "crazy stuff" and he has nuclear codes in his power. No wonder you support him 96% while calling him rude.

Many others did what they have been doing since 1992. Holler "Clinton" or "Hillary" and get the base all gizzed up for war. When faced with a fascist maniac out of control you simply scream wellllll what about this? E mails, deplorables, Hillary, Benghazi!!

This will end. It has to end.

But just in case, I am hoarding Bumblebee tuna and soup.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rules Drool!

 Look Democrats. There are no fucking rules any longer. STOP pretending there are. These Republican goons have been kicking you in the balls now for 20 years when you first showed weakness by giving up trying to win the 2000 election because of the undercover Republican named Joe Lieberman who convinced a decent man like Al Gore to hand over the keys to a robust economy and a peace dividend resulting in a budget surplus to a growling war monger like Dick Cheney. Lieberman is one of the villains America will never remember. Cheney is one we may never recover from.

Now that RBG has passed on and the Vichy French  Republican collaborators have fallen into line to set a precedent by appointing a a goddamned kookburger to the Supreme Court (I know we dont have a nominee yet but this is Trump for fucks sake) before they get crushed in November, its really a crisis. Democrats, the absolute worst street brawlers on Earth, had better learn fast because the likes of Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer arent going to save us.

The House is where the brawlers are. The street fighters who came from nothing and fought their way into Congress thru relentless campaigning and punching back. And the House is where this fight lies. The Romneys and Collins and Murkowskis arent going to stand up to that Trump base of gun fuckers and racists. They lack the will to stand up to basement dwelling trolls and husky armor laden psychos itching to shoot. So its the House.

The House has the ability to gum up the works in that filthy Senate of whores and cowards. How? By impeaching every motherfucker they can get their hands on. Barr, Trump, Pence, Kavanaugh, all of them they have the ability to impeach. Start now and never let up.

The War was started in 1992 when the Republicans smear machine hit full stride.  The Democrats just didnt know it. They lacked the ability to understand the utter dishonesty of the GOP. They lacked the reptilian brainpower to get that their opponents were visigoths who would ignore the rules and get away with it while you stood there complaining to the ref. Complaining to the ref is why we are here now. The ref isnt listening and hasnt been because the Republicans were quietly hiring the refs all along.

The Future Inmate in Chief is a whole new cheat. A despicable loser who not only brings out a slithering assemblage of deplorables crawling out from under the rocks they have lived under for years, but he is also a blackmailing thief using information from foreign enemies to keep his weasels in line. So its the House, led by an 80 something career politician who at times gets in the gutter, needs to step up.

Impeach them ALL! NOW! 

Saturday, September 19, 2020


 Now that the street panic and classless celebration may have subsided a bit (though not much) as the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg hits home, it really pisses me off that a celebration of her extraordinary life is being forgotten as selfish America reacts. To celebrate just go find the great RBG documentary and watch it. Or find the scripted movie of her life On The Basis Of Sex as it is also superb. Needless to say, her life and career is unprecedented and her ability to befriend her political enemies is also rare indeed.

Now to the ugly. As Trump and McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate popped the corks off their We Hate Women champagne thats been on ice since 1973, their plots began.  Despite 2016 when the Republican Senate stole a SCOTUS seat from Barack Obama (why? Because hes black of course) and gave it to a reality show host with a room temp IQ, they began the Hypocrisy 2020 Campaign.

Catering to the 20% whackos who care not about 200,000 dead Americans. nor the countless dead unarmed black and brown folks shot by police, not the poverty, nor the ill funded schools of the inner city, nor any other fellow Americans actually breathing, McConnell and his Vichy French collaborators will try and ram thru Amy Coney Barrett, a 7th Circuit Appeals Judge ready to fuck over women for 40 years (shes only 48). Shes a conservative for sure thats a given. Shes a forced birth advocate thats a given. Shes a Catholic cult member with 7 children thats a given. But the concerning fact about her, other than the aforementioned religious nuttiness, is that shes a member of People of Praise, a whacko Catholic based group who doesnt think sitting in a church and boringly reciting memorized retorts to a Priests requests to be crazy enough. They believe Catholics should let their eyes roll around in their heads and start spouting off nonsensical words nobody understands and then call it "speaking in tongues" aka "Grifting for money from dummies". The cult also allows women no power and refers to them as "handmaidens". 

So WHY is this handmaiden allowed to becomes a Judge, and possible a SCOTUS judge? Why would Amy Coney Barrett even take such a role, being a People of Praise member?

Well its because she is full of shit. Just another Grifter waiting for a shot at the money. The cult of Trump is even more powerful than any screwball Catholic Clan with handmaidens and male domination of weak women who accept this nonsense. Judging Amy is one of those do as I say not as I do phonies. Fuck her!

RBG taught women to be strong and resilient. RBG didnt back down from any challenge and she didnt expect any of us to be any different. This is the time to honor this great woman and fight for our fucking lives. As an old white male, Im right there with you. 


Friday, September 18, 2020

The Most Dangerous Man In America!!!


As dangerous as Donald Trump is, there is always Bill Barr who is fast becoming the most dangerous man in America. The Attorney General, a knock off version of the loathsome Roy Cohn, is perceived to be Donald Trumps wartime consigliori, though the very essence of the job is exactly the opposite.

Barr, who is also as loathsome as Roy Cohn, seems to believe the President can do whatever the fuck he wants, and get away with it. The problem here is that Trump is stupid and lazy and probably has no idea what he wants to do, so this sawed off Fred Flinstone look alike whispers in his ear. The Repeater in Chief then parrots what Barr says on a stage to a maskless crowd of dolts and it becomes reality. Since Trump has the lawyerly knowledge of your average Law and Order fan, or maybe less, and the crowded together maskless cult members think lawyers are the guys who keep the blacks on the streets, this becomes dangerous.

Barr told a group of paranoid Hillsdale College "victims" this week that the DOJ was just a bureaucracy to serve at the whim of the President and Congress and that only he, as the appointed head of the DOJ has true legitimacy. What Barr means by this of course is that you DOJ prosecutors do as I fucking say or I fire you. See SDNY. This removes any independence from federal prosecutors to ,oh I dont know, say investigate crimes committed by an FOB, Friend of Barr.  This also of course also applies only to Republican Attorney Generals and certainly not to Eric Holder and other socialists that may come along.

Barr's actions and rantings of the last week should concern anyone with an IQ over freezing. He not only declared himself Big Fucking Lawyer in Chief , he also began a campaign to charge anyone with a view that Donald Trump is a racist criminal and taking this attitude to a street with sedition. Ya know, the people in BLM shirts, masks, and signs and chanting are not really protesting the random murders of black folks sleeping, walking away, playing with toy guns and just existing they are attempting to overthrow the duly elected Government of Donald Trump. Thus, sedition and life in prison. Absurd.

Barr, in an attempt to take out the chances of the only real way to overthrow a fascist government via the ballot box, has also begun the idiotic Trump agenda of making excuses for a landslide loss by disparaging mail in voting. Throwing shade at progress and appealing to right wing nuts with guns, Barr has basically called  for a coup. If there's anyone attempting to overthrow a government , its this prehistoric lunkhead. You want sedition charges? Start with this asshole.