Saturday, September 19, 2020


 Now that the street panic and classless celebration may have subsided a bit (though not much) as the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg hits home, it really pisses me off that a celebration of her extraordinary life is being forgotten as selfish America reacts. To celebrate just go find the great RBG documentary and watch it. Or find the scripted movie of her life On The Basis Of Sex as it is also superb. Needless to say, her life and career is unprecedented and her ability to befriend her political enemies is also rare indeed.

Now to the ugly. As Trump and McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senate popped the corks off their We Hate Women champagne thats been on ice since 1973, their plots began.  Despite 2016 when the Republican Senate stole a SCOTUS seat from Barack Obama (why? Because hes black of course) and gave it to a reality show host with a room temp IQ, they began the Hypocrisy 2020 Campaign.

Catering to the 20% whackos who care not about 200,000 dead Americans. nor the countless dead unarmed black and brown folks shot by police, not the poverty, nor the ill funded schools of the inner city, nor any other fellow Americans actually breathing, McConnell and his Vichy French collaborators will try and ram thru Amy Coney Barrett, a 7th Circuit Appeals Judge ready to fuck over women for 40 years (shes only 48). Shes a conservative for sure thats a given. Shes a forced birth advocate thats a given. Shes a Catholic cult member with 7 children thats a given. But the concerning fact about her, other than the aforementioned religious nuttiness, is that shes a member of People of Praise, a whacko Catholic based group who doesnt think sitting in a church and boringly reciting memorized retorts to a Priests requests to be crazy enough. They believe Catholics should let their eyes roll around in their heads and start spouting off nonsensical words nobody understands and then call it "speaking in tongues" aka "Grifting for money from dummies". The cult also allows women no power and refers to them as "handmaidens". 

So WHY is this handmaiden allowed to becomes a Judge, and possible a SCOTUS judge? Why would Amy Coney Barrett even take such a role, being a People of Praise member?

Well its because she is full of shit. Just another Grifter waiting for a shot at the money. The cult of Trump is even more powerful than any screwball Catholic Clan with handmaidens and male domination of weak women who accept this nonsense. Judging Amy is one of those do as I say not as I do phonies. Fuck her!

RBG taught women to be strong and resilient. RBG didnt back down from any challenge and she didnt expect any of us to be any different. This is the time to honor this great woman and fight for our fucking lives. As an old white male, Im right there with you. 


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