Friday, September 18, 2020

The Most Dangerous Man In America!!!


As dangerous as Donald Trump is, there is always Bill Barr who is fast becoming the most dangerous man in America. The Attorney General, a knock off version of the loathsome Roy Cohn, is perceived to be Donald Trumps wartime consigliori, though the very essence of the job is exactly the opposite.

Barr, who is also as loathsome as Roy Cohn, seems to believe the President can do whatever the fuck he wants, and get away with it. The problem here is that Trump is stupid and lazy and probably has no idea what he wants to do, so this sawed off Fred Flinstone look alike whispers in his ear. The Repeater in Chief then parrots what Barr says on a stage to a maskless crowd of dolts and it becomes reality. Since Trump has the lawyerly knowledge of your average Law and Order fan, or maybe less, and the crowded together maskless cult members think lawyers are the guys who keep the blacks on the streets, this becomes dangerous.

Barr told a group of paranoid Hillsdale College "victims" this week that the DOJ was just a bureaucracy to serve at the whim of the President and Congress and that only he, as the appointed head of the DOJ has true legitimacy. What Barr means by this of course is that you DOJ prosecutors do as I fucking say or I fire you. See SDNY. This removes any independence from federal prosecutors to ,oh I dont know, say investigate crimes committed by an FOB, Friend of Barr.  This also of course also applies only to Republican Attorney Generals and certainly not to Eric Holder and other socialists that may come along.

Barr's actions and rantings of the last week should concern anyone with an IQ over freezing. He not only declared himself Big Fucking Lawyer in Chief , he also began a campaign to charge anyone with a view that Donald Trump is a racist criminal and taking this attitude to a street with sedition. Ya know, the people in BLM shirts, masks, and signs and chanting are not really protesting the random murders of black folks sleeping, walking away, playing with toy guns and just existing they are attempting to overthrow the duly elected Government of Donald Trump. Thus, sedition and life in prison. Absurd.

Barr, in an attempt to take out the chances of the only real way to overthrow a fascist government via the ballot box, has also begun the idiotic Trump agenda of making excuses for a landslide loss by disparaging mail in voting. Throwing shade at progress and appealing to right wing nuts with guns, Barr has basically called  for a coup. If there's anyone attempting to overthrow a government , its this prehistoric lunkhead. You want sedition charges? Start with this asshole.

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