Monday, September 14, 2020

Trumpcalypse Redux!

I mean this President has appointed some real doozies. Some of the dumbest, most corrupt grifters known to man have been given power by the Grifter in Chief. I mean we've had the likes of Rick Perry in charge of nukes and Betsy DeVos in charge of children and Mike Flynn in charge of national security and Omarosa in charge of whatever and an endless line of liars talking to the press. But as corrupt and grifty as they were nobody has actually suffered an actual mental breakdown as Michael Caputo the CDC hack has.

Live on Facebook, the home for mentally ill morons all over the world, Caputo began to rant in a real concerning manner stating for the Facebook record, "you understand they're going to have to kill me because unfortunately I think this is where this is going "......Who "they" is depends on which voice Caputo hears in his head as he continued "I dont like being alone in Washington..." and carrying on about "shadows on the ceiling of my apartment, there alone, shadows are so long".........Uh yeah

Oh theres more....the CDC bigwig carried on quoting the delusional voices about Joe Biden losing the election and refusing to concede leading to a shooting war at the inauguration.."when Donald Trump refuses to stand down...the shooting will begin....if you carry guns , buy ammunition...because its going to be hard to get"......kind of like mental health treatment under a Republican health care plan?

But he persisted....."Remember the Trump supporter who was shot and killed? This was a drill...hit squads are being trained all over the country....." Remember this guy has power....

He kept on going..."To allow people to die so you can replace the President is a grievous venial sin, venial sin, and these people are going to hell...''.....Christ it was like being back in 4th grade at St Marquis De Sade

Im not sure what the procedure for putting a person in a rubber room for their own protection is because if it was easy there'd be millions of Facebook Freaks bouncing off the walls now. But Caputo needs help and being a libtard who cares about others I hope he gets it.

And for the first time I actually agree with a Trump cult member. Hell awaits. But I dont think the voices got it right on who it applies to. 

The horror, the horror.

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