Wednesday, September 9, 2020

It Just Gets Better And Better!

As Carl Bernstein said, the last time there were tapes like this a gang of Republicans went to the White House and told Richard Nixon to get out. Now whether they did that to save their own asses or did it because they were Americans first and GOPers second is not knowable. All we can do now is see the new Republican response 46 years later and its yeah they go to the White House and kiss the ring of Ghent Mass Murderer in Chief. Massive disingenuous defense of a man who allowed 200K of his fellow citizens to perish to save the goddamned stock market. Like a modern day Sophies Choice this SS Officer in Chief sent everyone to the right to be gassed by a virus he knew was worse than anything that had come along in ages. The indifference and downright criminality of such a decision is beyond the scope of human decency. Everybody knew that this inhuman shitheel was exactly that, but by being propped up by a collaborating Republican Congress, grifters robbing the Treasury, family members looting the campaign and a political base of mouth breathing racists, misanthropes and plain old unhappy marks begging to be conned 200,000 Americans were eliminated to save the Flim Flam Man in Chief's ass. I mean this is evil shit.

Ben Sasse (Phony-Ne) is thinking again and that is not healthy for a sane America, Sasse, who is definitely running for President in 2024, is concerned about the Worlds Greatest Deliberative Body, the United States Senate.........I shall pause for the spit takes to be cleaned up......Sasse, the worlds worst commencement speaker, wrote up one of those articles for the Wall Street Journal in which after a lame joke, wondered what the Founding Fathers would think of the Senate now? Well Benny has just the solution direct from the ghosts of Tom Jefferson and that Hamilton dude.

Sasse loves the filibuster because he sees what will happen come next year when he's a simple back benching minority member. But he loves the idea of going back to when state legislatures picked the Senators (the fact gerrymandering will guarantee a Republican majority in perpetuity has absolutely nothing to do with Sasse's idea and how dare you think different). He also wants to throw all Senators into a giant dorm where they can do shit in secret. And he also wants to make Senators all one term of 12 years lame ducks.

None of that will happen of course. Ben Sasse is great thinker in the same way that Donald Trump is a great businessman. Both are bankrupt upstairs and down.

My only thinking regarding the United States Senate is this. WHY in the fuck does Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana have 2 Senators each while a state that contains 5 times the population of all of those vast wastelands combined has 1/5 the number of Senators. Thats my question for the ghosts of the Founding Fathers. What the hell were you thinking? I mean other than kissing slave owning states ass.

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