Sunday, September 6, 2020

Racism In The Heartland!

There were all sorts of people driving all over Lincoln, Nebraska on Saturday with pro-Trump signs because we dont have anywhere to sink our Trump flagged boats. But this guy really really loves Donald J Trump. Loves the guy so much he draws on the back window what Trump says behind closed doors when hes not lusting after 15 year old girls.

This caused all sorts of trouble on social media when the guy who took the picture posted it on twitter and various twitter big wigs re-posted it. Social media did its thang and identified this racist jackboot in no time flat. Im not mentioning his name because I am just sick of hearing it. But he comes from rural Nebraska and lives in a 98% white county so that excuses explains is what it it is.

The guy finally slithered back out from under his rock and claimed that he came out of a mall and voila, there was the graffiti in red white and blue with Trump 2020 underneath. He was just driving to a car wash to wipe it off. Being a former resident of Lincoln, I happen to know that there is no car wash the way he was heading and he was also nowhere near that mall. But whatever, when you get caught in that kind of firestorm and know how much you fucked up, lie lie lie.

Austin J Cordis of Ohiowa, Nebraska The guy who owns the truck is getting death threats and already faces other charges of drug related crimes. His claims of innocence are ringing hollow. The whacko Trumpers are claiming that the poor guy was "set up" by Black Lives Matter graffiti thugs who pick out random pickup trucks and make the poor owner look like a racist pigs. Its completely conceivable if your IQ is right around freezing.

This is the kind of shot that us Nebraskans have to take every now and then considering we are as red as it gets. The ironic thing is had the football team played yesterday this guy would have been just another truck in a sea of red. This story would have died as we here in Nebraska perused every story of  every play of the loss to Purdue. But since the team is under the iron boot of  the fascist Big 10 who pussed out on playing because of some virus so Austin J Cordis  this guy wins the day.

The Good Life is our state slogan. Trust me, its as big of a lie as Austin J Cordis  is telling.

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