Saturday, September 5, 2020


A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks. The RNC, Kyle Whatshisname, Portland, Trump, Trump, Trump, just as he likes it.

1) Representative Clay Higgins (Nutjob-La)

As if  Louisiana doesnt have enough troubles what with hurricanes and police shootings and Coach Ed Orgerons voice, along comes this kook that people actually vote for to be their Congressperson. Clay Higgins, a former sheriff (of course), has just fucking had it with all these uppity blacks and that Antifa and that BLM stuff. Police in Lafayette shot and killed a black man named Trayford Pellerin 11 times as he walked away from them. Yeah he had a knife and was probably in some sort of crisis mentally but being tazed and walking away kind of didnt warrant a police firing squad which is what it kind of looked like.Clay Higgins, Congresscritter, had no qualms about shooting a guy walking away. Higgins is a tough guy ya see. He's all Sheriffy and John Wayne and shit and appeals to a certain mindset of racists ,dummies closet cases hillbillies manly men. So when Sheriff Lobo saw a picture of armed black men someplace on earth  he immediately took advantage. They are comin here my fellow Cajuns. Armed black men and oh yeah Antifa are comin to disrupt your gatorin or footballin. Clay stated he would personally "drop 10" which I assume doesnt refer to his dick size and instead refers to the number of black men he wants to kill in his twisted fantasy mind. Clay Higgins is a tough guy the same way that Buford T Justice is . Pure fantasy.

2) Marjorie Taylor Greene (Qanon-Ga)

Recently when a very Red congressional district in Georgia voted in a Republican primary they had a clear choice. They could put on their MAGA hats and go vote in person like real Americans and have a clear choice. A bootlicking Trump supporter John Cowan (Cult45-Ga) or a Q Anon crazy person named Marjorie Taylor Greene (9/11 inside job-Ga). Well in true Georgia Republican fashion when faced with a choice of a rubber stamp Trumpanzee or a fucking kook by a wide margin they picked the lunatic. Greene, who is full blast Q Anon, hates the Muslims and the Clintons and the Muslims but loves Jesus H Christ. Oh and she loves her some guns and loves to fondle her guns so much she posted a picture of herself on the evil Facebook pointing said guns at "the Squad". Ilhan Omar, AOC, and Rashida Talib. Ya know, the women who aint white enough for Greenes world. Facebook took it down because threatening Congress folk isnt cool even for spineless wimps named Zuckerberg. Greenes gonna win that seat cuz of that R nest to her name and this kind of crazy shit is going to continue until Greene resumes taking her meds.

3) Governor Kristi Noem (Unfeeling Monster-SD)

Kristi Noem used to be the only Congressperson form the bustling state of South Dakota. Then she decided being a backbenching nobody wasnt as cool as running your own  fiefdom. Her goal as Governor seems to be making the cool Dakota into the shithole  Dakota. She is succeeding at an alarming rate. But hey who can argue with "Meth We're On It" ?

 Noem doesnt care much for the people who had the land stolen from them and made it clear when those people attempted to keep Noems filthy Covid infected blankets off their homeland by setting up roadblocks to make sure people entering had no symptoms she ran off to her Dear Leader and made them stop.

Noem then not only allowed the Covid Fest Sturgis Bike Rally  to proceed, she encouraged it. Nobody gonna stop US from infecting the entire fucking country. Now its the South Dakota State Fair she allowed to proceed because who listens to that "elite class of so called experts". Proceed! Ya know some stupid event held in every state with cows and pigs and fried food and a crowd of underlying conditions waddling around.

South Dakota has a 21.9% positivity rate with the Covid tests thanks to this nitwit Trumper Governor. But Noem wasnt sticking around that hotbed of death over the weekend. She was in another hotbed of Covid called Iowa doing what I assume is a 2024 test for her running for President against Kamala Harris. Noem,  in a sleeveless dress showing off her Michelle Obama like guns, was in Council Bluffs Iowa speaking with maskless Iowa  Republicans which looks about as bad as it sounds. So watch out Iowa. If you havent got the Trump Virus yet, you sure are working hard on it.

And oh yeah Trump called military veterans suckers and losers and asked what was in it for them regarding dead military veterans. And he doesnt like to look at amputees. And he's afraid to get that mess on his head wet. And he still hates John McCain.

So thats 2020 Trumps America. One shithole country.

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