Tuesday, August 25, 2020

RNC Day One!

Hey I've been blocked on social media by the best but you never forget your first. And Donald Trump Jr was my first so he holds a special place in my sights to wish only the worst for. When the coked up dumbass took to the podium last night, fresh off a last line sniffed off his gal pal's plastic ass, I wasn't watching. But immediate reaction on that twitter machine means you dont have to watch the shit show. You let others watch and seconds later tell you what dumb fucking thing came out somebody's pie hole.

Trump Junior rambled on, complete with rehearsed hand gestures, slurring his way thru such whoppers as the virus came courtesy of the Chinese Communist Party and ruined Daddys economic miracle which of course neither one happened because Junior is a lying scared sniffy boy. He called Uncle Joe the "Loch Ness monster of the swamp" which of course begs the fact there is no Loch Ness Monster and the swamp is where Trumpers crawled out of.

Oh Junior, when Daddy slapped you way back then when you were just Date Rape Don, thats as close to human touch as you will ever get from Daddy.

There was more in that Republican Klan Meeting last nite...

Kimberly Guilfoyle , the plastic paid escort for Junior, SCREECHED her speech to an empty room of cowering cockroaches and shaking mice. Forgetting or not even knowing that her ancestors are American citizens she claimed to be the daughter of immigrants from Puerto Rico. Who's gonna tell her? This meltdown is getting all the attention but there were far more insidious meltdowns with a lot less decibels.

The gun totin museum dwellers in St Louis. The couple of billboard ambulance chasing lawyers who decided that a bunch of black people marching on THEIR goddamned street warranted them walking out da museum house with an AR 15 and a popgun. If you dont re elect the Suburb Protector in Chief the blacks will move into the low income housing forcibly built in your neighborhood (which in their case low income housing means less than 12000 square feet) and start walking around and other intimidating shit. These two billboard parasites hiding in the museum house should stay in the museum house and become museum pieces of the past themselves.

Matt Gaetz, a drunken Florida congressman with a 49 year old adopted son, claimed if Biden won that MS 13 gang members will move next door to you. Aye yi yi. I hear thats in the Biden playbook. But only moving them in next to Gaetz so he can wear his gas mask more.

Even the Mail In Voter in Chief himself sitting in a circle of hostages letting them praise him for getting them out of various shithole countries and back home to this one. It led to the precious, only in 2020 America, moment when Pastor Andrew Brunson told his story of being imprisoned by a Turkish thumb breaker named Erdogan and Trump then referred to the kidnapper as a righteous dude. Never miss the opportunity to praise a dictator.

And finally Nimrata Nikki Haley, firing the first salvo for the November 4th launch of Haley 2024. Reasonable tone and understated points. Haley spoke of her lowering of America's swastika Confederate flag after Dylan Roof murdered 9 black folk at a church (remember the cops bought him dinner on the way to jail). She also claimed America was not a racist country. Yeah thats why she changed her name from Nimrata Randhawa to Nikki Haley. Totally not for reasons you may think. And then she endorsed the guy who would run the Confederate flag right back the flag pole.

People of color like Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Vernon Jones and Herschel Walker were not there to draw minority voters into the GOP. They are nothing but useful idiots that make the white folks on the fence about a racist like Donald Trump vote for him because those nice articulate colored folk dont think hes so bad. Its deplorable.

Day One in the books. A Horror book...............

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