Saturday, October 17, 2020

Scotus Pocus!

The fast track to confirm an unqualified Handmaiden to the Supreme Court before the upcoming bloodbath is well underway. Led by an unsettling determination to put a stuck in the past woman whose only job will be to overturn Roe V Wade, throw 20-30 million Americans off their health insurance plans, and retain white male supremacy for decades to come, this Senate Republican gang of evil will succeed. And then will go away to lucrative careers as lobbyists and paid whores to whatever evil cause they go to like a moth to a flame.

I dont give a shit about Amy Coney Barrett, or Amy Coathanger Barrett. She is their pawn, a baby making machine with a little girl voice who shall enforce religion onto a increasingly lucid America. Once this lost cause is over, 7 of 9 of these Justices will be Catholics , 5 of the 9 will have been appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote and we are fucked. You think guys like Gorsuch, the folksy fascist who ruled once that a truck driver should have died in the cold rather than abandon his corporate owned vehicle and cost his employer money, are bad. Or you think guys like Kavs, a privileged Catholic prep school drunk, are unqualified. Or you think the continued presence of a bitter old sexual harasser like Thomas are bad. Or you think a slave to the 15th century like Alito are wrong, you aint seen nothing yet.

This Amy Coney Barrett is nothing but a paid off super spreader willing to do the white mans bidding as far as keeping them in control. In control of womens bodies, in control of overturning minority rights, in control of overturning voting rights, in control of protecting Citizens United, in control of stuffing the LBGTQ community back in the closet and making sure we all know who is in charge of this dying nation.

You see, shes an "originalist" when it comes to the Constitution. The 237 year old outdated document written by white males who protected slavery, protected male domination, put the slaves in their place, figured American Indians were nobody, and kept women in the home to do as they were told is as relevant now as the freaking butter churner. Oh there may be people who still churn butter by hand, but 99.9% of us buy it at the store and dont care what machine made it.

Barrett and the Federalist Society are all "originalists". Men and women who think what the Founding Fathers wrote down is somehow divinely inspired. Well of course they do. They are a bunch of old white men preserving their power. Enablers like Barrett, who shouldn't even be voting much less a fucking judge in their eyes, are a dream come true. Barrett and her ilk, like Clarence Thomas, are the Sonderkommandos of America. Cooperating with evil.

Good luck America. You should have voted for Hillary. Elections have consequences.


  1. How the hell are we supposed to take her seriously. Under the standard she claims to uphold she couldn't vote, hold office or have a bank account in her name. A woman claiming originalism should by right step aside to allow a white landholding male to take her place.

  2. "The 237 year old outdated document written by white males who protected slavery, protected male domination, put the slaves in their place, figured American Indians were nobody, and kept women in the home to do as they were told is as relevant now as the freaking butter churner." puts you in a position to vote and you're all for that. Either it's irrelevant or it isn't. Make up your mind.
