Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cornered Orangutan!

 I am old enough to have lived through the Nixon years, the lashing out, the paranoia, the press bashing , and the ultimate result being Americans of the GOP persuasion putting country over party and going to Nixon and saying its over buddy. And Nixon left.

Trust me younger folks. That was NOTHING compared to this madness, The Cornered Animal in Chief is becoming more dangerous by the hour. He seems to be appealing only to his fascist base of armed goons and dummies now. NO intent to grab onto new voters. He is so sick he really believes that the people who risk their lives and cheer him and chant stupid shit and dont wear masks and boo listening to science and boo a hero like Dr Fauci are the "silent majority" and will propel him to another term as the Fascist in Chief. 

But when the Mussolini in Chief begins not only to lie but to attempt basically a coup to remain in power by trashing the system of government. By calling on an absent Attorney General to 'arrest" every opponent he's ever had. Obama, Biden, Hunter Biden all need be behind bars according to the Deflector in Chief. Behind bars by November 3rd, the date he gets crushed, humiliated, and put out of his misery for good. This is madness. Even for this guy.

The GOPers are beginning to jump ship. First it was Ben Sasse, the Nebraska Republican who says bad things about his Dear Leader now and then and then votes with McConnell and does as hes told. (Sorry America but he will be re elected by a wide margin because R) Then John Cornyn, the old Texas twerp, said he differs with the Kim Jong Trump in Chief but does so privately. That Trump is like the husband women cannot change. Take note Texas women, Cornyn is a caveman. And Moscow Mitch, who has seemed to know what is happening to his Ventriloquist Dummy in Chief for months is just ignoring him now. 

Trump is becoming more unstable and treacherous. What comes after November 3rd is frightening. Especially if the bought and paid for Justices on the Court decide to pay back their debt. We arent out of the woods until January 21st, 2021 and that Clown is gone, hopefully to prison.

But first things first. What the hell will happen Thursday at the debate? The Screamer in Chief has already trashed Kristen Welker ,the moderator, as a radical leftist. Will it be another meltdown? Will Welker need a whip to keep the desperate cornered orangutan at bay? Will Biden need a Hazmat suit to keep the Trump Crime Family from coughing the whole time attempting to infect him? 

OH MY GOD this next 14 days is going to be something. And it cannot go fast enough.

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