Friday, October 23, 2020

Last Debate Of His Life!

 I know more about wind than you do. I am the least racist person in this room. Good. You're the Big Guy. The laptop is Russia Russia Russia . Abraham Lincoln where did that come from? You have houses all over the place. Good. I'm immune.

The greatest hits continued. The Stand Up in Chief cannot get away from it, even when obviously sedated and acting like a reasonable monkey without the urge to fling shit. Yet.

Who the hell who even watched that changed one molecule of hatred towards this miscreant? Or changed one molecule of love for their Cult Leader. This election is trench warfare. Nobody is ever going to understand the Cult. The Cult digs in and gets ready for the suicide charge. The debate was unnecessary and futile.

Yet the pundits will still analyze and declare winners and losers and break down phrases and gaffes. Some will announce that because Trump didnt throw a tantrum and acted somewhat civilized that he "won". As if lying for 90 minutes but being soft spoken is a winning strategy. People like Megyn Kelley, screaming for her Fox gig back, will declare a Trump victory. Fuck, it doesnt even matter what he says, its how he says it. We have sunk so low. I mean I hate Trump with every fiber of my being and there is nothing he could say or do that will change my mind. He is a terrorist, a scumbag, a racist, a pervert, a rapist and piece of shit liar. There is no bottom?

Yet last night after Biden lamented the fact there are over 500 children missing their parents due to an administration of white supremacists who dont give a shit, Trump said "Good". Huh? Did I hear that right? Good? Good that young children in cages are basically orphans? You know, like Junior and Eric and Barron and certainly Tiffany. That was monstrous.

I already voted so whatever happens means nothing to me as far as me getting another vote. But for crissakes, Good?

11 days to go and America can go back to what is was, or become what it is now. A diseased shithole.

Biden/Harris 2020.

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