Monday, October 26, 2020

Putin & Borat!

 Uh oh. The boss is pissed. And he isnt shy about saying it out loud.

Vladimir Putin doesnt seem to give a rats ass about Hunter Biden or emails or whatever it is Rudy Giuliani and the Trump campaign came up with to hammer dummies with the last two weeks of this never ending campaign. In fact, Putin may have written the phony Burisma shit himself. But Putin didnt become the richest man on earth by choosing the wrong horse and it appears he has suddenly switched off  the early favorite Trump is a Horses Ass to the more stable favorite Sleepy Joe.

Putin said it out loud. He sees nothing wrong with any of Hunter Bidens dealings or non dealings or whatever it is his SVR buddies have conjured up and slipped to the old Shirt Tucker inner Rudy Giuliani and then to Trumps campaign. Its like Putin already knows no matter what he and his hackers do wont help his Stooge in Chief prevail. So he may as well get ready to be stared down again like Obama used to.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is on Amazon Prime free to all since everyone has Amazon Prime now right? Watch it and you will see an actor, not a journalist, take down the whole Covid clusterfuck in 1 hour and 29 minutes. Sasha Baron Cohen, thru his Borat character , exposes the idiocy of this whole gigantic fuck up. Whether its making fools of Republican women, Covid deniers or a jaunt into CPAC dressed as Trump, Cohen skewers them all. He also shows himself to be a big softie with a Holocaust survivor as he shivs anti-Semitism at a synagogue. Even Trump fans who brave this movie will see how goddamned stupid the Covid deniers are . Or at least I would hope so.

I love Sasha Baron Cohen as an actor, a comedian and a social commentator. In this film he has achieved what the fucking NY Times' or the Wash Post or CNN or whoever cannot. He doesnt pretend to be fair because he doesnt care. There are not two sides to this Covid bullshit, only one and its about time regular journalists recognized it. Until then its Borat that will have to.

If Borat aint your cup of tea, or you dont think its your cup of Joe, a certain Covid denying creep weighed in on Borat by slurring :

"I dont know what happened , but years ago , ya know, he tried to scam me and I was the only one to say no way. Thats a phony guy and I dont find him funny"

Thanks a lot well known movie expert, Donald Trump. What more of an endorsement do you need?

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