Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Brother Trumps Traveling Covid Show!

The Traveling Trump Covid Show lurches into town tonight as Jackoff in Chief worries about losing Nebraska 02 and its 1 electoral vote. This is Nebraska, as Republican as you can get, at least west of Lincoln. This district went for Obama in 2008 so its not full of mouth breathing morons sucking Trump Covid air in deeply to please their Dear Leader. This is truly a purple district, full of progressives and moderates and people who find the Bigfoot in Chief a true lout. This is why he's here. Not because he gives a rats ass about any of us, its because he wants that one vote.

There is also a  House race that is tight around here. The incumbent is a former General named Don Bacon, a true Trump kiss ass who loudly proclaimed he changed his vote to repeal Obamacare from yes to HELL YES. How unfortunate for him. His challenger is a progressive community activist named Kara Eastman who came close to unseating Bacon two years ago and is right on Bacon's heels, if not beating his sycophantic ass. Bacon is distancing himself from Trump, in fact he secretly appeared at an event with Junior only after the press was barred from covering. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, someone with a phone taped the General screeching Make America Great Again. Bacon who in his ads now claims hey not me, I said HELL YES to protecting Obamacare and its pre-existing condition limitations which to anyone with a working brain knows is a lie. His ads also cannot stop calling Kara Eastman a "socialist" and showing pictures of Nancy Pelosi and AOC to scare the snowflakes afraid of women.

But perhaps the Generals biggest cowardly move is he wont be at Trumps little Covid Fest tonight in Omaha. Something about prior commitments. Like hiding under his bunk from the scary Oaf in Chief he takes his orders from. 

Kara Eastman may win this race. The early voting turnout here is huge. We arent scared of mail in voting here. Even the Republicans say its a smooth process with no dangers. General Bacon is frightened out of his boots. For him to avoid Trump like he has the plague (oh wait) says a lot about this race. He was a lousy rubber stamp Congressman and probably a lousy General. After all, what kind of General takes his orders from a draft dodging bone spurred coward like Trump? 

By the way, the polls here show Joe Biden leading the Thug in Chief by 7 points. Thats huge here. Lets just hope Joe can bring Kara Eastman along.

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