Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Omaha Rally!

 He came, he conquered, he dazzled a million people, or maybe 6000, and then he left. Stranding thousands without any way to get back to their trucks they parked miles away as he sat in Con Air One all comfy looking down at the "disgusting people" that vote for him.

Donald Trumps traveling Snake Oil Covid Show came to Omaha last night and is now only known for one thing. He stranded them in the freezing cold because his incompetent campaign failed to provide shuttle buses to get people back to the parking lots. Oh the buses were plentiful getting the bumpkins TO the whackfest, but getting them out wasnt a concern. The perfect metaphor for this entire campaign.  Cheer me and then fuck off.

The rally itself was typical. All the Greatest Hits.The lying about how many were there (6000 not 29000 as he claimed),  Lock her up, Lock him up, 4 more years, the Covid Covid Covid whining, the bullshit jobs report, the bashing of any local who treated him badly (hello Ben Sasse) , the utter nonsensical preening and dancing, the sight of conservative Midwesterners "dancing" to YMCA which has amused me for 25 years and then he leaves. 

The aftermath not so typical. It was cold, yes, but it wasnt 10 degrees as the Liar in Chief said (it was 34). And the shuttle buses that had been hired by the Trump campaign weren't sufficient to get people out of the cold. So the Omaha cops had to call in Metro Buses to pick up the slack, but they couldnt get there because of so many people walking in the streets. The cops on police radios calling it a "shit show", calling for ambulances for elderly people who couldn't handle the weather conditions. There were 7 suffering from hypothermia and another 23 who also ended up in the hospitals. This on top of our Covid spike due to our Idiot Governor, Pete Ricketts refusing to adhere to CDC standards. Yes this was a shit show.

The rally ended around 9pm and many didn't get back to their vehicles until 12:30 am. Maskless morons galore. Local politicians like Senator Rubber Stamp, Maskless Deb Fisher, the outgoing Iowa Senator Maskless Joni Ernst and yes, General Don Bacon showed up after all. Ranting early on before he took off , the General was maskless and thoughtless as usual. Kara Eastman is his opponent. Chip in if you can.

All that you've heard about this nightmare is true, unless it comes from The Bullshit Artist in Chiefs campaign. He came here for one stinkin electoral vote. And he left his loony supporters out in the cold. It doesnt matter to those he abandoned, they're beyond hope but it may matter to others who saw the story and the utter indifference this campaign shows to American citizens. 

6 days left. Then we rid ourselves of the narcissistic sociopathic Shitgibbon in Chief. 

That one electoral he craves? Omaha to Trump. Fuck you!

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