Friday, October 30, 2020

Desperation Is A Helluva Drug!

 5 days to go. The desperation is getting weirder and weirder. The players are getting more inarticulate by the appearance as they desperately try and hold onto what they think will win it for them. Crazy people.

Donald Junior, jaw gyrating up and down as he couldn't wait to begin spouting coke fueled rants after Trump sycophant and general human asshole Laura Ingraham fed him raw meat. Junior shot forth a stimulant induced tirade of nonsense and dangerous misinformation. Covid deaths are practically zero, the cases are almost non existent, Scott Atlas of herd immunity fame is better than Sanjay Gupta who is a moron, the Trump failure was in reality a huge success, and cocaine is getting really expensive. A 28 day stay in the "hospital" for kidney problems is in Junior's future. Maybe the Melania discount is still in force.

The facts are so not in line with reality Junior is definitely a contender for 2024's GOP nomination. That is if he doesn't OD by then, or is murdered by Kimberly Guilfoyle that is. Or more in reality, goes to prison.

Today is Ivanka Trump's 39th birthday though parts of her are just reaching puberty. Ivanka, the child labor in China enthusiast, is the GOP's hope to appeal to the coveted "suburban woman" vote. Now per the Trumps, "suburban women" are all white, stay at home moms, racists and afraid of their own shadows. If this is true, which of course it isn't since nothing the Trumps believe is real, the Donald Trump has this election in the bag. But since we live in a reality based world, this of course is nonsense. "Suburban women" are not all white, not all racists, not all stay at home moms and not afraid of anything, except maybe an orange lout they dumped 20 years ago popping back into their lives. 

Ivanka Trump is a phony, plastic robot. Much like her father, she cares nothing for anyone but herself and by pretending to be the apple of her degenerate fathers bloodshot eye, she only fools dummies. She came out as being "unapologetically pro-life" which of course makes me curious about her Ob Gyn records since no Trump ever says anything without it being a part of their past. Puppet, not a puppet, you're the puppet.

Eric Trump is a dolt who does nothing but retweets crazy people thinking that somehow that helps Daddy's chances to keep the base. Eric Trump stole money from a charity meant to help children with cancer so he's truly a chip off the old manure pile.

And then theres Tiffany Trump. Silent for years. The love child Trump. The forgotten Trump. the one Ivankas "pro-life" views were tested on has graduated law school and now needs to get to grifting on her own. An Ivanka appearing makeover, a strange appearance attempting to get the LGBTQ vote, and Tick Tock videos so filtered she looks like a video game character. She used to be the Trump who got away, but we now know she was just biding time to become the 24 year old Ivanka clone. Daddy look at me.

And finally Barron Trump. He's really tall.

This sending out of the Trumps to desperately save themselves and Daddy from a federal or state prison farm is almost over. Its 5 days away from ending....finally...... And as Kamala said and they know.....They're coming for you.

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