Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Orange Beast Is Roaring!

 Hey I am not sure what he hell is going on any longer so one of those pictures involves terrorists driving around the nation harassing law abiding people because they believe in theocracy for their kind only and will gladly kill anyone who disagrees and the other is ISIS. You pick which is more dangerous to democracy.

In two days the nation I happen to live in gets a real chance to dismiss an ISIS like regime for good and replace it with decency and competence. 230,000 Americans have been murdered due to the ego and unwillingness of one crazy megalomaniac to abide by human decency and patriotism. Instead, 4 years of  misogyny and misanthropy and racism and murder and thievery are coming to an end....hopefully. But wait theres more.....November 4th may just be the beginning of American ISIS's damage. When the caliphate truly begins to bare its teeth and use the Courts to declare a 6 million vote deficit to be somehow proof that the peasants really have given the Criminal in Chief a resounding thumbs up on continuing his reign of terror.

I fear that. I fear his terrorists will decide that his orders are tantamount to mandates from the hierarchy and their 2nd Amendment fantasies will be legal. But that's all speculation by me, a cynical libtard that likes liberty and safety and people not to die to save one man's larcenous ass.

Last night thousands of sheep showed up to hear their Dear Leader speak his bullshit in Alabama Butler, Pa where the Psychopath in Chief is making his last stand. Mississippi Central Pennsylvania is ground zero for what the Jim Jones in Chief thinks will propel him to victory. I kid Central Pa but trust me...between Pittsburgh and Philly is truly the South. I've driven thru there, and besides paying outrageous amounts of Confederate dollars for the privilege of driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike,  seeing it gave me my answer as to why a White Devil was elected President in 2016. Southern Ohio (with its Confederate Flag painted barns), Central PA, Western Maryland, all of West Virginia gave me an answer. There's a lot of desperation out there among white people fearful of losing the one thing they've had through birthright. White privilege. 

Look, I know there's plenty of progressive decent people in all those places. There are just not enough to hold off  Elmer Gantry and his con artists lying to them everything will be all right. Desperate people fall for all sorts of cons. The only trouble now is they've had 4 years to see the con fall apart right in front of them and yet they still cling to it. Racism is a helluva drug.

On a side note, Totally Under Control is a documentary available for free on streaming services thru November 3rd (we watched it on Hulu). Its a must watch if you want to see the criminality and utter disregard for human life this putrid administration has shown for the last 10 months regarding the Covid 19 crisis. After watching it, theres no other conclusion to make other than a LOT of people are guilty of negligent homicide at best, murder in the first degree at worst. Its disgusting to watch and conclude that the President of the United States is a freakin murderer along with his Veep, his CDC, his FDA, his enablers, his staff and his cabinet.

These monsters HAVE to go. 


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