Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Balcony Don!

 There he was. Gasping for air, Removing his mask. Such a manly man. Sick with a deadly virus but still doing his Mussolini impression. It was disgusting.

The man is a psycho. A Super Spreader willing to take everybody down with him in an effort to stay out of jail. The Filthbag in Chief , full of Covid and god knows what else, took off his mask and lumbered off into the White House to infect even more of his slaves  staffers. The fact is this nutjob is such a megalomaniac is a National Security threat as well as a threat to anybody in his circle. His adoring cultists, who he obviously doesnt care about (disgusting people) stand on corners bellowing they will die for this 300 lb lump of ooze. Those people are mentally gone, much like the remaining Germans who sort of enjoyed the smell of burning flesh.

Trump is done. He can suck up the oxygen and then make videos about how he's better now than 20 years ago all he wants. Whats coming soon enough (27 days) is the destruction of a mad regime of vandals and looters. The gravy train is coming to an end for these thieves and grifters. Their cult leader is months away from being in prison where he has belonged for 40 years.

That is, if he lives through this pandemic.

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