Saturday, October 3, 2020

Knock Knock! Whos There? Covid! Come On In!

 When RBG died, Mitch McConnell popped a turtle boner so large his shell exploded. While Democrat and decent people mourned a legend, Republicans and vampire like conservatives began to plot how they could reverse RBG's life's work quicker than $99 overnight shipping from a Corporate delivery service. RBG's famous last words , per her granddaughter, were something along the lines of "my most fervent wish is that the lump of toxic goo in the White House and his traitorous collaborators wait till after they get crushed to let Joe Biden replace me".....or something like that. But because this President is a peasant and a narcissist Visigoth all in one, he quickly called the last words a fake news story and blamed Shifty Schiff or Cryin Chuck. Who ya gonna believe? RBG's granddaughter or the Pathological Liar in Chief?

So the Worst Showman In Chief couldn't just announce his choice to shit all over RBG's memory in the White House room he did with the last unqualified rube , it had to be an in your face outdoor ceremony with Republican collaborators in attendance squeezed together like a tube of toothpaste. It doesnt matter the nominee is a backwards thinking phony intent of pissing all over RBG's accomplishments by making America White Male Supremacist Again. What does matter is the horror movie next few days that the Screamer in Chief had.

His tax returns dropped showing he is as big of a deadbeat tax cheat as we all knew. He yelled for 90 minutes at whatever would listen during a debate making no sense, lying and spitting germs and deadly viruses at his opponent while his unmasked crime family looked on. Melania Trump tapes came to the forefront with her being as big an asshole as the rest of the mob family she married in to.

Then came Covid . After 6 months of denying science, denying reality, putting people at risk to boost his ego, and pushing quack cures like a common preacher, the Unmasked Moron in Chief got what he'd been asking for. Covid 19. Only problem was he wasnt the only one. The In Your Face Owning The Libs SCOTUS event was THE Super Spreader event of the year.  Lee, Kellyanne, Johnson, Jenkins, Thillis, Stepien, Melanie, Hicks, Christie and who knows who else got the bug. By dancing on the not even buried RBG's memory these arrogant pricks got what they thought their white privilege selves were immune to.  

Now I want the Clodhopper in Chief to fully recover. Fully. I want him to be able to go to the debates and holler at clouds again. I want him to get crushed on November 3rd. I want him to be indicted and I want him to go to prison. Like it should be intended by life.

This Clive Barker type craziness where RBG's spirit kills them all is tempting. But its not real,

Too fuckin bad these pompous money grubbers spent the last 6 months daring a virus to come and get me.

Next time you push forward an 18th century minded woman to own the libs, make sure she isn't a Typhoid Amy.

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