Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Devil Is Vanquished!

The sense of relief is overwhelming. To know the majority of American voters said no more to this spawn of Satan (the fact 70 million want more is not my focus right now,,,,be positive). 

Donald Trump is the worst example of America that this country has ever produced. He makes a slimy fuck like Dick Cheney look like freakin FDR . The ugliness of this administration will soon be behind us. The Red State Presidency. The Xenophobia. The Outward Racism. The blatant hatred of all that is not white. The unleashing of ugly American white trash spewing racial slurs and idiotic conspiracy theories. The caging of children. The deportation of their parents in effect making them orphans and STILL in a cage. The stiffing of Allies all over the world to suck up to thugs. The denial of a virus that has killed 235,000 people most of whom didnt need to die. The thievery, the grifting, the nepotism, the scummy religious bullshit. The golfing, the ignoring of progress, the enoulments clause violations. The cruelty, the disrespect and dissing of female reporters. The rape charges. The disgusting orange. The denial of science. The revolving door of cabinet members. Chad Fucking Wolf. The tear gassing of peaceful protesters. The unleashing of white supremacists, including police, on protesters. Bill Fucking Barr. Collusion with foreign governments to personally benefit him. Quid pro quo. 

Goddamn its all so exhausting and thats only the tenth of it. But now theres hope. Decency. A President who wont demand thanks yous from Governors with natural disasters to deal with to get emergency funds. A President with a plan for a deadly virus. A President with the temperment to mend fences with our Allies. A President with a streak of fairness. A President who knows tragedy. A President with a sense of what others go through. A President you feel knows you. A President you know respects the people who serve in the military. A President who sees problems in law enforcement and wants to deal with it.

I have hope. Today is a good fuckin day.

Tomorrow will be reloading and fighting the Orange Monster once again, but today?

Not today!

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