Friday, November 13, 2020

Chaos In Omaha!

 This week has been chaos. Oh Joe Biden will be President on January 21st whether that orange shit stain is there or not. The Democrats will control the House still , despite their best efforts to lose it, and probably will not control the Senate because Georgia rednecks will elect two criminals to the Senate because of R. 

But this week has been one of a toddler throwing shit out of his poopy diaper and his awful enabling parents saying hes a good boy. The Liar in Chief is twitter crazy with claims of voting machines being changed by the hundreds of thousands and being supported by insane TV networks . His disease addled brain is incapable of admitting defeat, incapable of accepting the fact he is a fuckin loser, incapable of rational thought, and incapable of simple decency. His criminal enterprise , masquerading as an administration, is installing loyalists in the Defense Department, in some sort of strategy to keep him in office, or burn the country that rejected him twice to the ground. Ahhh fucke him.

However, here in the Covid hotspot of Omaha we have a much more dangerous movement of self centered jackasses, buoyed by their Dear Leader, gaining members by the day. Its called No Mask Omaha. Dont give them the hit looking them up because quite frankly, they arent worth the effort.

The Omaha City Council defied the Covid denying Governor back in August and installed a mask mandate for the city of Omaha, which in case you think is a sleepy little cow town , you'd only be 75% correct. We're kind of big. We voted for Joe Biden by a wide margin. And we are demanding that masks be mandated. The Council voted to extend the mandate into February of 2021, despite the silence of a Republican Mayor afraid of the now Covid exposed in quarantine  Governor (karma), a timid health director afraid of losing her job and the utter cowardice of one Council member still denying this is a crisis. 

The hearings on the mask mandate were entertaining at first. A slew of Q Anon idiots demanding freedom and spewing forth their bullshit about China and labs creating the virus and control and all that nonsense. Causing such a ruckus that many were ejected, these no mask dumbfucks began to form Facebook groups to battle the Deep State of Omaha. Some say it got to 5000 members which if true would be a 1% rate of the population. 

But this chaotic week has brought them out from the sewers they exist in. They put up billboards in two locations, they planned a mask free shopping event at a local grocery store and they made a lot of fucking noise. But after these plans became public, the 99% of us who want to kick these attention seeking baboons asses rose up. The billboard company that took their money to put forth their paranoid bullshit removed the boards from view, and the grocery store called the cops. Between the grocery store saying whoaaaaa there you maskless morons and the cops saying yeah we have a full book of citations waiting to be written, it remains to be seen if these no mask wearing sons of bitches will show up for their little tirade against authoritarian rule. Wonder if  they voted FOR authoritarianism just a week and a half ago? 

This country has become dumber by the fucking day for about 12 years now. Ever since the black guy won the Presidency white folks have been throwing a tantrum and denying reality. These dumb white folks here in Omaha and their maskless mugs are a symptom of a bigger problem. Jackassism. The right to be an obnoxious asshole and nobody can do a damn thing about it because of freedom. This needs to end NOW. This is life and death. 

Wear a damn mask. You selfish 1% shitheels. 

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