Monday, November 16, 2020

No Time For Celebration Yet!

Y'all can celebrate all ya want. Joe Biden won and for a day I was ecstatic. Then reality set back in and I will not celebrate again until January 5th if we can take the Senate back with the help of Stacy Abrams and her army of new voters. And of that fails well ten I will not rest comfortably until Joe Biden is sworn in and takes control.

Until that time we have the GOP ratfuckers out in full force. The only problem now is usually the cheaters and scammers do their dirty filthy deeds in private and have names like Segretti and Atwater and Rove and Stone. No they have names like Lindsey Graham and Ron DeSantis and Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem and Mitch McConnell among others. They simply will not admit defeat. They lie and lie and lie to the cult on how a 6 million vote deficit was actually a win. They spread rumors of cheating voting machines and illegal ballots (which of course mean ballots cast in black areas). They look to underhanded ways to keep their Cult Leader in power such as getting Republican legislatures to appoint Republican electors to overturn Democratic states that voted for Biden. Seriously get rid of the fucking electoral college already.

Lindsey Graham was accused today by the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia of pressuring him to throw out mail in ballots in certain counties (black ones) as not meeting signature standards. Graham, the closeted weasel he is when asked turned it around to blame the press for even bringing it up. Graham, perhaps the biggest Trump toady of all, continues to disgrace himself with his bootlicking of a man who despises him.

Ron DeSantis (Mass Murderer-Fl) pushes for Pennsylvania GOP sycophants to overturn the vote totals by ratfucking the electoral college. Our Governor, Pete Ricketts, under a Covid quarantine himself, ignores the hot spot we have become, ignores UNMC doctors pleas for a mask mandate and via Zoom because after all he may have Covid, claims mandating masks will make more people not wear them so he wont mandate them. This asshole would encourage smoking from a cancer ward.

This next 66 days is going to be a wild ride. If these outgoing GOP shitheels dont kill us all out of spite, they are going to do whatever it takes to keep a Madman in the Oval Office. Why?

Cults are strange things. If you arent weak minded and desperate for attention, you are pure fucking evil. I know which side I fall on.

These GOP clowns are nefarious. So I am not celebrating until I see Joe Biden live thru his inauguration .

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