Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving In The Plains!!

 While the worst lawyers on Earth make fools of themselves while taking a rogue administration down with them on the East Coast, we here on The Plains are just trying to stay alive. Protected by absolutely no politicians in any authority and who seem to enjoy the death they have allowed, this part of the country is a fuckin mess. Nebraska especially.

I can only speak of what I've seen and read regarding this lame brain Governor of ours, one Pete Ricketts, aka Trumps bitch. Ricketts has dragged his feet regarding this Trump virus since its arrival in the heartland. Ricketts not only opposes mask mandates, but has threatened to withhold Covid funds from any county who imposes mask mandates in state office buildings. He has refused to even consider a state wide mask mandate, a preventative measure that even Kim Reynolds, the screechy Trump clone Governor over in Iowa, imposed after getting the facts on the Iowa Covid crisis. Ricketts has continually just suggested that people be careful and and thats all he shall do. The cities here in Nebraska have more balls than this fucking eunuch. Thus far, 15 cities have instituted their own mask mandates, despite Ricketts' threat to take them to court for defying his majesty's orders. Four others are considering it which if implemented and I see no reason they wont do so, 56% of the population of this  state will be under a mask mandate . And that is one giant fuck you to the gutless Trump bootlicker that is Pete Ricketts.

A recent poll taken in this state shows 83% of respondents want a state ordered mask mandate. Thats overwhelming support but in a red state like this, the loudmouth Trump supporting maniacs make a lot of  noise. The recently took over a Columbus, Nebraska city council meeting by hollering and booing and refusing to socially distance even after being asked by the Mayor. That mandate passed anyway  with the courageous Mayor breaking a 4-4 tie. In Omaha, despite an AWOL Mayor (more on that later) the City Council extended an existing mask mandate thru February much to the chagrin of a few Q Anon deniers who had to be dragged from the meeting. Cities in very red counties have voted to mandate masks as this state, led by a wet noodle dick, sits on its ass and does nothing. Did I mention Pete Ricketts being in quarantine for being around diseased supporters? For chrissakes, Ricketts got caught at an election night super spreader event at a local bar with no mask, hugging babies, posing for pictures with no masked right wing nitwits, and acting like the asshole he is. In fact, the waitress who caught him , taped him and posted it was fired for her act of heroism.

Granted, this state isn't South Dakota, yet. That state, led by a true murderous psycho named Kristi Noem, started this shit here by allowing Sturgis to go on. Not only go on, but encouraged it. Noem, a true succubus, cares nothing about life, but only about spending federal Covid funds on luring people to her diseased filthy fiefdom. She is as close to a mass murderer as one can get. Fuck her. But Nebraska is headed that way. With a bird brained Governor like Pete Ricketts, aka Trumps bitch, we are heading for number one!

Speaking of cowards, on a side note, our Mayor here in Omaha refuses to get involved with any type of mask mandate or prevention. Not her job, Jean Stothert claims. She refuses to circumvent Ricketts mandates from the stupid hierarchy whatsoever. What he says goes. Though other mayors have effectively told Ricketts to go fuck himself, our Mayor has disappeared entirely. Like she's just gone. We have no Mayor here. She has come out of her hole just 3 times in the last couple of months.

1) She was filmed pushing a new garbage can from her gated community home to the curb to celebrate a new garbage contract

2) She cut a ribbon on a new bus stop for the unwashed masses to sit at

3) She announced she was running for a third term as Mayor, a job she should probably be doing in her fucking 2nd term

Living here is becoming a chore, a job, a nightmare. With the leadership the dopes in this state elect why bother? The dumbness and genetic Republicanism that contrasts with every poll is maddening. 

But if the leadership here in The Plains has anything to say, it will be mass death, for Freedom!

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