Monday, December 7, 2020

Dick Allen!

Dick Allen died today. And because he pissed off old baseball writers, this Hall of Fame shoo in was never voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. For gawds sake he should be in the HOF just for that Sports Illustrated cover alone. Juggling baseballs and keeping a butt in his mouth in a dugout during a game? Come on man that's some righteous shit.

Dick Allen hit .292 in a 14 year career and belted 391 home runs but the best thing about him was he as one of the first ball players to tell the owners to take their slave holding contracts and ram it up their asses. Known as Richie Allen while playing for the hapless Phillies in the 60's, he once scrawled "Trade" in the dirt at 3rd base in an attempt to get out of Philly. Oh and they hated him for it, But then they hate everybody in Philadelphia, right?

He also did time with the White Sox where he has been credited with saving the franchise from being moved , the Cardinals, the Dodgers and the A's. He went back to Philly late in his career for an encore and recently was admitted the the Phillies Hall of Fame, a consolation prize. But thats ok.

Dick Allen belongs in the Hall of Fame. He was certainly as good as Harold Baines. right?

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