Friday, November 6, 2020

Who's The Shithole Country Again?

Is it over yet? For all practical purposes it is. Come January and the screaming and kicking and the tantrums and the rat fucking is done, these two will be in charge. Unfortunately being the pessimist I am, others will also be in charge including a rotting corpse named Mitch McConnell.

The fact 69 million plus Americans voted for a fascist racist child AFTER knowing all this is scary. Four years ago fine, take a chance the fascist racist child would moderate and become an adult. But it never happened and the Toddler in Chief became even more racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic, and declared white supremacy from the mountaintops. The day he called Nazis, "very fine people", was the day of no return. ANYBODY and I mean anybody who supported this freak after that date became a piece of shit. The country is full of shit now.

As I write this, Biden has widened his lead in Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia and lost a bit of the lead in Arizona. But its over for the Motherfucker in Chief. Pack your shit and leave. 

I am proud as hell that NE02 , my district said fuck you to the Super Spreader in Chief. Days after he brought his Covid infested rabble together in Omaha, this district said screw off. And it wasnt close. Well done NE02. By the way, in the days following the super spreader rally out at the airport, 12 Omaha cops tested positive for the Trump virus leading to another 24 cops forced into quarantine. Talk about defunding the police. I just want to move some money around, Trump wants to actually kill them. Yet they all run out and vote for their abuser anyway. Cops, cant live with em cant live without em.

The speech, rant, meltdown that occurred last night in the White House press room was a fucking disgrace. Trump, in full dirty diaper screaming mode, said some things that will actually get people killed. His call to arms, his unwillingness to accept the fact 74 million of us hate his fucking guts, his baseless claims of fraud and chicanery in mostly black cities are right up his alley. His disdain for anything and anyone who dares to stand up to him only encourages more cowardice from the Republican enablers and violence from his dumbass minions in the population. The fact that scummy little weasels like Lindsey Graham, Vernon Jones, Steve Daines,Nikki Haley and the cowards that live here in Nebraska do not take the opportunity to separate themselves from this future felon is baffling. Hes a dead man walking. WTF is wrong with you people?

Finally, Madison Cawthorn. This 25 year old loudmouth was elected to Congress out of North Carolina by a wide margin over Moe Davis, a retired Air Force Colonel. 

Now why does this asshole stick in my craw? Well when you run a 25 year old wheelchair bound punk, who admires Hitler, lied about getting into the Naval Academy, was accused of sexual assault by numerous women, started a shell real estate company with a racist name, accused a critical journalist of leaving teaching to "work for non white males like Corey Booker, who aims to ruin white males running for office" and whose trip to Germany to visit  Adolf Hitler's Eagles Nest vacation resort was "on my bucket list" and was even more head scratching when he sent out pictures calling Hitler "Fuhrer".

Yeah North Carolina, this irresponsible sexist, fascist, racist and Nazi sympathizer over a retired military Colonel? Good job. What the fuck kind of people live there?

The kind who like a toddler in a wheelchair who wins and tweets out "Cry,Libs" as his victory statement. 

69 million is a lot of shit to clean up. Good luck Joe and Kamala.

1 comment:

  1. This is precisely why I’m not feeling celebratory: we still have cancer. We aren’t in remission. We are just ratcheted down to stage 3. Maybe.
