Monday, September 28, 2020

Juggler In Chief!

Nobody can keep juggling forever. At some point one will drop then the rest. Donald Trump, thanks to the New York Times diligent reporters, has been exposed as the fraud he has always been. Some of us knew the Deadbeat in Chief was a blowhard so far in debt even payday lenders would go whoaaaa.

Hillary tried to tell us this in 2016, that the Moocher in Chief hadnt paid any taxes to the federal government in years (to which Trump said "makes me smahhhht"). Nobody listened to the warnings from the 3 million vote winner because quite frankly, tax laws are boring as shit. 

But now, with real numbers put forth by the New York Times, it appears the Leech in Chief forked over $750 twice in last 15 years to settle his tax debt. For fucks sake, I sent more than that this year and that was after I'd already forked over thousands and the only Tower I own is one that blows air on me when its hot.

Look we all know tax code is written by the plutocrats and their Congressional whores. Its written to make them richer through a series of loopholes and dodges that reduces any tax burden to a mere pittance of what you pay. So the next time Uncle Maga tries and tell you that the rich pay all the taxes tell him to stuff the stuffing up his ass.

The Sponge in Chief took in so much money during those years, per him, yet somehow lost it all and then more is everything some of us already knew about. He is one shitty businessman, For chrissakes he bankrupted casinos. The guy is not only a scumbucket, hes a lousy scumbucket. Oh god, taxes are so fucking boring  but some of this shit is priceless.

$70K a year for somebody to wrangle that mess on his head? Paying Ivanka $700k to "consult" then write it off? That alone is sending him to prison and hopefully her too. Losing millions and millions and taking on debt from who knows and getting 70 million in refunds from his own country and then calling said country "stupid".

Holy Club Fed, Batman. Only the most dim of us still stand behind this Parasite in Chief and theres plenty. Behind the scenes fascists have had their puppet strings stretched to the limit and will soon abandon him once this crazy handmaiden is installed to the Court and their authoritarian philosophy is ingrained into law. Then theres the white supremacists at his rallies. They still support him because he still appeals to their fears and bigotry .

This is the great question for the future. What did you do when a bankrupt Grifter stole all your dignity, money, and appealed the worst of your psyche. Huh? What did you do?

40% of the country will not have an answer. But that will be nothing new since they have been flim flammed from the go. Nobody wants to admit they are dumb. Even if they are.

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