Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Da Bait Da Bait!

Look it was all  about him. Nobody cared what Joe Biden said. Oh some of us were hoping the younger version of Joe would tell the 2 Year Old in Chief to go fuck himself but thats not the Democratic way. The Democrats are playing defense now, just letting the Tax Cheat in Chief hang himself and for Joe to say what most of us wanted him to say and that involved the F bomb wasnt happening. Joe has become an elder statesman and quite boring and just what we need.

I admit the sight and sound of that rabid orange primate makes me crazy and I couldnt last more than 5 minutes at a time before I wanted to fly to Cleveland and kick that baboons ass on live TV. The parts I did see involved a neutered moderator trying to hold onto a bucking horse that had no intention of calming down and a Democratic candidate just plain embarrassed to be there.

I heard the Criminal in Chief hollering about Hunter Biden taking billions from Ukraine and China so much and a Joe Biden quietly calling the false report as "descredited" instead of calling the screaming Spider Monkey a fucking liar. I heard the Felon in Chief gently told by scared moderator Chris "Hardly his Dad" Wallace that he wasnt going to like the question like he was dealing with a temper tantrum throwing 2 year old instead of saying answer the fucking question Mr President Toddler.

I tuned out until the last 20 minutes when I went back and resumed being ashamed to be an American. The Hunter Biden bullshit continued even thru a moving tribute attempt by Joe to honor his dead son, a loser and a sucker to Trump fans. How would this go?  Surely the Chimp in Chief would allow.......oh hell no he started reaching in his Depends and throwing his poo against the wall again, what should we expect? Somewhere in rural America there's a barn full of uneducated oafs cheering on this insult to decency. 

And then something I never expected happened. Trump was actually human? Nope. The Ape in Chief threw himself against the glass and scared  the shit out of everyone watching. Given the opportunity to condemn white supremacists and specifically the Loser Proud Boys, a group of lamebrains who practice their racial superiority by beating each other up and carrying big guns and playing tough guy. Trump got flustered, told them to "stand back and stand by" and began screeching about Antifa and the radical left again. Even my jaw dropped. What? "I condemn white supremacist violence and all violence no matter what side it comes from"...........How fucking hard was that to say? For a fascist bigot like the Orangutan in Chief, apparently impossible.

This whole thing needs not be repeated. We know whats going to happen. We will get Trumps standard rally speech and Biden will stand there saying keep going. Nobody needs that on a world stage again.

What the hell, Canada or Britain or Germany, Invade us and liberate us from this insanity. The people of this country sure as fuck wont.

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