Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas!
Thank God we can say Merry Christmas again. Thanks to Trump. Ya know that commie Obama NEVER said Merry Christmas because he was Kenyan and Muslim and married to a man.
So Merry Christmas thanks to the Traitor in Chief.
May next Christmas be the Degenerate in Chiefs last as POTUS3 or better yet, he's already gone and even better yet, he's in jail.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Yearly Review!
For the love of Christmas the traitor isnt even trying to hide his puppetry any longer. Touting his support from his Supervisor while denying the facts yet again.
Look, you've been impeached. Comrade Motherfucker. Despite your denials, despite that shitshow of Trump groupies that all stood and expressed their pre determined talking points about how the other side had no evidence and how the other side simply "hated" him and various pleas for unity, which of course means do as we say and all is well, you are POTUS 3, Impeached.
Remember back when the new class of progressives in the House all publicly exclaimed "OK Boomer" to all those that wanted to keep Queen Nancy as Speaker and touted various pretenders to the throne? Ok Millennials. Now you know why street fighters are the only way to battle these Republican thugs. Not through ideas or intelligence. Jesus what are you thinking. That strategy has gotten us to where we are. Led by a dumb asshole who makes fun of disabled people, dead people, tortured people, immigrants, women, blacks, gays and everyone not white and male. Face it, Americans are dumb, and getting dumber by the day. They are fed by emotions, fed by bullshit they want to hear, fed by a sense of entitlement that because they are white they rule. Until you decide to feed into that type of campaigning, forget it.
I am not suggesting to start being as fucking stupid as those rally attendees who have to reminded to breathe, I am suggesting you fuck with me I fuck with you. So far all I see is Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren has some of that but Jesus Christ stop with the plans for everything. Nobody cares except the very people the rally attendees hate. Stop being so smart and shit, it gives us a headache and we are proud of being dumb. Kamala Harris had the right idea, but she's gone for now. Billionaires like Bloomberg and Steyer have the money to say fuck it and fight in the mud but really who wants them running a party opposed to that? Bernie has it, but come on, Bernie is 100 years old and off a heart attack. Not to mention his cult like following is the rally attendees of the left.
So come on. The fuckin POTUS 3 says OUT LOUD he's got his Boss in his corner. The jury foreman comes right out and says the "trial" is going to be the political equivalent of the Emmett Till jury. The defense "attorney" in the House, a truly despicable cornpone from Georgia running for Senate, says OUT LOUD that if the Democrats get an elected POTUS 46 he will impeach him or her for no reason other than revenge.
This is Dumb America now. A political party firmly in the hands of our adversary for the last 100 years doesnt give a shit as long as they can suppress the minority vote, put stupid puppets into the courts, lock up the Supreme Court with drunken boarding school frat boys and folksy fascists is the alternative to Democrats? Ok America.
And one more thing. ANYBODY who stands up in public to trash the "Democrat Party" is no longer a serious person. This has been a juvenile tactic put into place by radio talk show hosts years ago to get under my fucking skin. But when you do it, you lose anything afterwards and I dont care if you are reciting the Theory of Relativity. Its stupid. Just stop it.
Fact--Donald F Trump has been impeached.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Manifestos Make You Crazy!
If there was ever any doubt that the President of the United States is a mad hatter, that was squelched today when the handlers of the Narcissist in Chief crayoned a sort of Greatest Hits, a copy and paste of tweets sent by the Prick in Chief, and sent it to Nancy Pelosi. 6 pages of nonsense, ravings, speculation, desperation, threats, name calling, ya know what the Idiot in Chief does everyday, sent to the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the House, a Baltimore street fighter who has handled loudmouthed street thug wannabes like Trump all her life, called the manifesto ridiculous and crazy. And tomorrow she will preside over what Trump fears the most. His legacy being stained,.
You're getting impeached on Wednesday, Donald, and you will be forever stained by it. All of your bullying and name calling and arrogance, the thought you were above everything decent, is over. All the names Ive called you over the last 4 years, Traitor, Thug, Russian Stooge, racist, rapist, misogynist, dick, horrible father, even more horrible human being all stay. I dont give a shit if you resign, I dont give a shit if you get voted out of office, all I care about now is you are impeached. Forever.
Our three representatives here will vote no and I dont give a damn about that either. Two of our reps here are nobodies who just rubber stamp whatever McCarthy says. They have no brains or accomplishments of their own. They are truly just rural nothings Republican by DNA. Our rep here in the urban Congressional district does have accomplishments of his own. His name is General Don Bacon. He is a retired Air Force Brigadier General who got bored double dipping, so he ran for Congress and won thanks to a gerrymandered district designed to keep the Democrats from winning a district they should win. But lets forget that and realize Bacon served his nation admirably. He commanded troops. He had subordinates. And now, Bacon has taken his own reputation, his own legacy, and thrown it into the latrine to defend the type of man he used to defend this nation from. For that, I do give a shit. Its sad. Maybe the only sad I feel here. The rest of these Republican bootlickers be damned. They are mostly con artists and dumbshits just one IQ point and one dollar over the dopes who vote for them. But Bacon? Why?
Bacon can throw it all away tomorrow defending a man he'd have busted out of his command long ago if he wants. But I have sent him email after email asking him if he'd have tolerated this behavior in his ranks. he never replies. Not even a thanks for your opinion reply and placement on his fucking email list like our do nothing Senator Deb Fischer did to me.
Anyway, I wont pretend tomorrow will be sad, or respectful. Nope sorry, I wont lie. I want this to happen. And I want that thug in the White House held accountable for his treason, his racism, and his criminal activity.
Donald Trump is a stain on this country's history. Its only right this country stains him for a change.
Monday, December 16, 2019
20 years ago today my father passed away and its always been a tough month for me since. I mean the man basically made me who I am.
He was a tough Irishman raised on the run by a nomadic father who seemed to not be able to stay in one place. Born in the 1920s and raised during the depression he went to college when he could and then when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor tried to join the Marines to no avail. Something about flat feet. So he joined the Army. My Dad spent the "worst 4 years of my life" in Europe defeating Nazism.
Then he came back to the US, attended college in New York City and came to Omaha to stay put, unlike his father. And he raised a family.
My Dad never dwelled on the negative. He never talked about the depression (unlike my Mom who couldnt stop talking about it), he never talked about the war unless the story was funny, and he never seemed down. I know better now that Im old. He hid it. But that was him.
My Dad never lived long enough to see George W Bush (though he once called him an "empty suit"). He never lived long enough to see Barack Obama. And he never lived long enough to see this disgrace of a human currently in the Oval Office. Thank goodness, though he would probably disagree cuz he loved life.
My Dad was a libtard. A Hubert Humphrey Democrat committed to doing right, to civil rights and to treating people with empathy and decency. I miss my Dad every freaking day. I want to pick up the phone and see what he thinks about this fucked up world.
One story to end that sums up my Dad. Long ago in the 1970s, when my mother still smoked she had asked my Dad to bring her home a carton of Parliaments or Viceroys or whatever. When Dad got home the carton was open and one pack was missing. He had quit smoking years before so it wasnt him who took it. Mom said why is there a pack missing? Dad looked at her and said, there was a bum (thats what they called them back then) sitting against a wall downtown so I flipped him a pack. Mom couldnt understand that type of thinking. Dad understood. So did I.
That was my father.
Friday, December 6, 2019
While the House wraps up its moral duty to impeach a traitorous scumbag reality show host elected by an archaic system installed to protect white male supremacy and the owning of human beings, other things have occurred in the last couple of weeks that nobody gives a shit about. The distraction is amazing. Sometimes I think Trump is nothing more than a puppet designed to take the heat while the real sleaze buckets install their Dickensian wet dream in the background.
Bill Barr. The DOJ thug assigned to make the department nothing more than Trumps muscle. His wartime consigliori. Where do you start with this Yabba Dabba Doo motherfucker?
Barr, a conservatives idea of what a real AG should be, a mob lawyer with a baseball bat, is greasing the skids to start whacking more federal inmates convicted of death penalty crimes. The federal death penalty generally acquiesces to state law regarding the actual executions. Most states cannot get the drugs any longer to actually kill people. Our own Governor, the reefer madness screamer Pete Ricketts, actually attempted to buy drugs illegally so he could fulfill his lifelong dream of killing someone legally, He succeeded only because an inmate sick of being in prison offered himself up to Ricketts as a lamb. So as drug companies continue to refuse to sell drugs to states that intend to use to kill people, Barr has decided to try an end run and change protocol from a three drug "cocktail" to a one drug overdose. He's been stopped by a federal judge. For now. But Barr's attempt to be Trumps hit man continues. Fuck the law, I'm Bill Fucking Barr!
Barr also has taken the position that local law enforcement is nothing more than a mob fueled protection racket. Barr speaking to some hack law enforcement group designed to protect thumb breakers disguised in cop uniforms, announced for all to hear “if communities don’t give that support and respect, they might find themselves without the police protection they need.” So in Barr's world, kiss police ass, pay your respects, free pastries, coffee whatever or else. And it doesnt take a genius to figure out who Barr was warning. Hey communities of color, if your loudmouths dont shut it, the cops will care even less than they already do. Barr is truly nothing more than a thuggish representative of the Trump Crime Family, or a Klansman. Pick.
This disgusting administration has also decided to further Republican masturbation by cutting food stamps to damn near a million people. Led by chicken salesman and Department of Agriculture hack, Sonny Perdue, the new rules will force the states to enforce work requirements to obtain food stamps. Hey man, everybody has two or three jobs now so why should food stamps be given out to able bodied people who just use them to buy lobster and caviar? Hey a friend of my cousins gardener's youngest son's teacher saw it happen once at the Krogers. Perdues cruelty, a billionaires cruelty. makes soulless creeps like Paul Ryan stroke it even harder to the Ayn Rand posters.
Meanwhile The Federalist Societys agenda of stacking courts with unqualified idiots keeps on going with Republican Senate collaborators continually providing the 51 votes necessary to provide America with further dumbing down. Sarah Pitlyk, a former Drunky McDrunk clerk, and general dope, was confirmed to a lifetime job on the bench in Missouri. Pitlyk is not only unqualified to be a judge, she may be unqualified to be a human being. The woman is such a nitwit she opposes surrogacy , in vitro fertlization, for chrrisakes she makes the Catholics look like Planned Parenthood. This is all based on Pitlyks crazy views that surrogacy and in vitro destroy respect for"motherhood" and that the natural mother child bond is not fulfilled. So if you're infertile, or cannot have children, go fuck yourselves. Sucks for you. God hates you I guess. Ladies and Gentleman, please rise for Judge Dumbfuck.
Lawrence VanDyke was also confirmed. A lifelong corporate hack, VanDyke, considered arrogant, lazy and a bigot by his own colleagues, sat in front of his hearing a cried like the bigoted little bitch he is when it was suggested he was a homophobic prick. Ahhhhhhh ha, you got caught, asshole. Crying wasnt necessary dude. You had the fast track to a lifetime job no matter if you came right out and said I hate the fags and want them all dead. 51 votes are guaranteed to make you a leech on the taxpayers so why bawl like a closet case caught at a rest stop? VanDyke and Pitlyk can go to hell. Quickly if we are lucky.
The diversionary tactics of this Republican Party show how corrupt they are. They dont accept election consequences though continually espouse that idiotic saying. For fucks sake, 53% of this base of baboons think Trump is greater than Abe Lincoln. Well after all, Lincoln did end slavery, a bit radical for this bunch of screeching simians.
Pay attention folks. Getting this criminal out of office is truly the main point here, but we can do two things at once. Hold the dictator at bay but dont let the accomplices accomplish his goals.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Impeachment Now!
You wanna fuck with her? She's not some pantywaist from San Francisco but a Baltimore tough who will kick your ass yesterday. Some dumb sexula harasser from Sinclair decided to go all Sinclair and ask Nancy Pelosi if she hated the President. Now my answer would have been fuck yes and Im not too fond of you either but the Speaker went to the religion card. How dare you sir! Im Catholic and I hate nobody. The quivering mound of purple jello sunk back in his seat as she wagged her finger and took to the mike to warn all males to not mess with her. Yes Maam.
Donald Trump is getting impeached, period. This pile of peach goo is going to be stained with the impeachment curse whether he likes it or not. He can rant and rave, tweet, holler to his stupid base, dominate his Republican collaborators into saying the most idiotic things out loud none of them believe but he is being impeached. All the bravado and the narcissism and the bullying and fake outrage and the name calling and the lies and the rallies arent going to help this creep. He's going to get his ass kicked by a woman. For the second time. And the fact this hardens his arteries more than Big Macs and KFC is going to be so sweet. Watching this degenerate squirm is worth it. Oh I know the Vichy Republican traitors in the Senate will not convict this stooge. Not a chance. The real goal for them is to cram America's courts with so many morons and puppets that no matter who is President and who runs Congress the stupid fucking laws passed by state legislators will be upheld by total loons sitting on judicial benches built by evil demons like Mitch McConnell.
This President is a misogynist, a racist, a homophobe, a bigot and a child hater. Not to mention a dog hater. Lied like a dog. Shot like a dog. This giant lumbering forest monster is destroying America in the name of white supremacy. He and his white collaborators know what the shifting demographics are going to be. Installing white male supremacy thru the courts by appointing some of the dumbest individuals know to man is all that matters to them. The fact there are so many female ass kissers participating is truly stunning. Senators like Marsha Blackburn are just stupid women. Total limp dicks like Deb Fischer do what they are told. Then theres the Joni Ernsts of the world. Truly evil women who know where they came from yet embrace power more so than what is right. These are gender traitors and please dont give me all women dont think the same. Tghey dont, agreed. But to embrace a serial rapist, sexual harasser and possible pedophile simply to keep power is just wrong. For fucks sakes, Joni Ernst was raped. She was married to an abuser, a white supremacist abuser. Yet she embraces the same philosophy as her abuser and follows a handsy grabby pile of toxicity right down the line. She makes me ill.
Nancy, impeach this motherfucker NOW. Let philandering phonies like Kevin McCarthy proselytize and express their own fake news about a man they all know is a traitor and a stooge.
We live under Vichy Government. They day they drag this bunch out of the White House and the Capitol will be the second 4th of July.
Goddammit, get it done. Its up to the women now.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Irishman!
Now that the Walking Bigfoot In Chief has left the country its safe to go outside enjoy yourselves. Just stay off twitter and avoid Senator Goober and his Russian water carrying.
The Irishman. Scorcese's latest and maybe greatest came to Netflix over the weekend but hell I dont watch movies on small screens as I must have the full theater experience in order to grasp what is going on since my attention span at home rivals that of Trump listening to a paragraph in which his name isn't mentioned.
The Irishman IS playing here in flyover country but only at the local art theater, a fantastic old theater called the Dundee saved by the Buffett family and Alexander Payne. Cant wait. Off to the theater to take advantage of my senior membership and pay $5 to get in with student Max for $7.50 and yes I know I just spent the monthly Netflix fee on a movie I cold watch at home. Theres two theaters at the grand old Dundee. The big 1920s screen and the tiny little 20 seat micro theater reserved for those foreign documentaries and movies about old eccentric ladies. And in this case, The Irishman.
Ever sit in a tiny theater in row 1? For 3.5 hours? My neck may recover sometime next week.
The movie itself is brilliant. The massive cast of Scorcese veterans and Al Pacino let the story tell itself. Its about Jimmy Hoffa, its about the Philly mob, its about truth and lies and soured relationships. Its about murder and theft and racketeering. Its about unions and corporate thuggery and politics. And its about growing old.
Narrated by an old nursing home bound Frank Sheeran played by Robert DeNiro, the Irishman who "paints houses", it tells the long story of his life, from World War II, thru the 50s and 60s and into the 70s and 80s. Along the way we meet Russell Bufalino (Joe Pesci) and Angelo Bruno (Harvey Keitel) and eventually Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino). Its a gallery of movie gangsters played by the Mount Rushmore of gangster movie actors.
The never ever boring 3 plus hours moves along like a great book. Please watch it.
Its not Casino, its not Goodfellas, its not The Departed. Only non Scorcese fans will utter that nonsense. Its the Irishman. Its a masterpiece in itself.
The de-aging is distracting yes. DeNiro and Pesci de-aged is reminiscent of the greatness of these two. Pacino de=aged does not look like the baby faced Michael Corleone. He's more weathered than that. And Pacino who has been getting Oscar buzz simply by not chewing scenery shows he has a lot left in the tank. His Hoffa is a working mans crusader and a tough guy to boot. Pesci is the calm and collected old mobster who knows it is what it is. Anna Paquin is DeNiros daughter who sees him do so many horrible things she eventually refuses to speak to him. Paquin doesnt speak. At all. The criticism of that is idiocy. Because silence is what it is. And Anna Paquin acts with her face.
But Robert DeNiro is the glue of this movie. He holds it together throughout. He shows again why he may be Americas greatest actor.
You put this bunch together in one movie and you fear its a disaster of competing egos that will be laughed at. Sorry, haters, it is genius. Screw your tiny bladders and short attention spans.But watch it at a distance, unlike me who still needs a neck brace. Totally worth it
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Tale Of Two Republican Women!
Nikki Haley represents the evilness of ambition. The woman who fought with the Insulter in Chief before he was picked by Republican base voters to lead the nation into oblivion at one point said Fuck You to Trump. Oh I know she said Bless Your Heart but in Southern that means Fuck You. And now?
If I was Mike Pence, I'd just come out but I'd also watch my back. There is a woman ready to help the Backstabber in Chief hold Pence and let him be stabbed. You see, maybe Nikki Haley knows something. Maybe this woman knows that The Cornered Animal In Chief has no affinity for keeping Pence on the ticket. Pence's constant admirable glaring may even be creeping out the creep himself. Maybe Mother's sudden social media presence has worried the Dictator in Chief that the Pence's are as quietly ambitious as Trump is loudly ambitious. Nikki Haley has taken the road to Perdition. Never in my life have I seen a politician with a reasonable reputation wipe their ass with it to become just another ass kissing suck up in less than a week.
Nikki Haley is really nobody of any repute. Its just in this day and age of a monkey throwing feces at the country she seems like a normal sort. In reality she is really nothing more than a vote suppressing poor folks hating right wing Governor of a state full of rubes that elected Strom Thurmond (KKK-SC) for 50 years.
Haley wants to be President so bad she will cater to a base of wackadoodles she privately disdains. For the media blitz to continue, Nikki Haley needs to continue to blame others for undermining the Primate in Chief, suck up to the Trump base, and agree with everything that Trump says. She also needs to sound perfectly reasonable to suck those decent Republicans bailing on a lumbering Bigfoot back in.
Impeachment is the "death penalty". Tillerson and Kelly neutered Trump. Anonymous is undermining the Dear Leader. Ukraine was business as usual. Nikki Haley ,foe whatever reason, has thrown in her lot with a juvenile delinquent and a traitor. Its hard to understand other than its an opening salvo at the 2024 election if not an even more nefarious reason that she feels she will be the actual POTUS by then. Nikki Haley really did have what can be considered normalcy, smarts, and a shot at it all. By writing this idiotic book, she's just another Trump inspired political hack screaming for approval from Daddy. In the words of the Idiot in Chief #SAD.
Meanwhile another Republican woman, the dumbest woman in the Senate, perhaps in the Congress, tweeted out a daily support for her Cult Leader in Chief by quoting that famous thing Jesus said about lawyers. Senator Marsha Blackburn butchers most everything that comes out of her stupid brain but confusing Jesus with Shakespeare is beyond dumb. Even the dumbest of us non Shakespeare people remember the kill all the lawyers line. We may have no context but the line is something you cant avoid. That is if you're not a dipshit like Senator Marsha Blackburn.
Look I cannot stand Marsha Blackburn. She infuriates me with her stupidity and her unwillingness to learn. The woman is just plain dumb. Dumb you cannot fix. The people of Tennessee are idiots for sending her to the Senate to embarrass them (whatever happened to Howard Baker, Al Gore, even Lamar Alexander?).
Dumb is dumb. Dumb will always be dumb. Marsha Blackburn will support the Moron in Chief because she is also a moron. They stick together thinking the other moron is not a moron thus they are also not a moron. Blackburn is a lost cause.
But the other Republican woman, Haley, is worse than a moron. She's chosen to be one. And for that she really IS a moron.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Random Thoughts!
I am still exhausted by this Asshole In Chief. If his end game is to make as many people as possible just throw up their hands and quit, its an effective strategy. The resistance, though just as dedicated in its hard core base, is losing steam due to exhaustion. I'm not as young as I used to be. It's responsibility that takes that youthful idealism and puts it on a back burner at times. Meanwhile, the Trump devotees, fueled by their passion for dictatorial rule as long as its them doing the dictatorial stuff, show up and own the libs because thats their passion. Making the people they perceive as smarter than them uncomfortable, Denying facts and agreeing with dumb ideas not because thats what they actually believe, but because it triggers Cody and Bree and Jamal, the politically correct people challenging their white privilege. Its ugly. I've seen a Trump Rally in person, and in all of its ugly whiteness it has to be experienced to get it. These people are unreachable, they are lost forever and to attempt to reach them is a effort that not one second should be wasted on. CNN and MSNBC can gather panels of Trump voters till the end of time in its how the hell can these people still support this idiot way and its not going to change anything. So fucking STOP already.
1) I dont give a shit if Alabama football fans cheered Trump. Its what white privileged Alabamans do. Support child molesters and racists and affair having Republicans because what the hell else are they gonna do, vote for a Demoncrat? Trump used them as he always does. Tweeting out things all about HIM and how popular HE is and how HE got cheers and how the media wont show it (though thats where everyone saw it, on the fucking MEDIA) and how poor Donald is the hero of REAL America. Its really kind of pathetic to watch. QUICK, somebody ask the Traitor in Chief who won the game? Or better yet who even was playing? The Egomaniac in Chief gets booed at a UFC fight, denies it even happened, and runs off to Kentucky and Louisiana to get his ego stroked. Then Alabama. Nice job Bama. By the way you lost.
2) Bill Burr's Netflix special takes a while for a lib like me to get used to. He hammers the Me Too movement, the feminization of America, the rape culture, and it infuriates you at the start. Then you realize what he's up to. He's doing a George Carlin bit. Everything is crazy, yes its a problem but its fuckin nuts at the extremes. He makes sense. And its funny. Get all squirmy watching it but just wait. Then comes Colin Kaepernick. The Kaepernick bit is going to bring you back. The special then moves into standard marriage jokes , its funny and then it moves into race, since Burr is married to a black woman. That part is not only brilliant, but makes its points. Its an hour of thought provoking and funny. I enjoyed the hell out of it and to be honest I was fairly naive about who this Bill Burr guy was. The "conservative comedian"? Yeah, only if you are unwilling to listen.
3) Ive seen quite a few movies in the last couple of weeks. Black and Blue (standard cop movie but liked it) Motherless Brooklyn (bored me to tears and tghat disappointed me) The Lighthouse (didnt get it at all) and Terminator Dark Fate (loved it thanks to Linda Hamilton's bad ass Sarah Connor) but the common denominator to all of these was having to endure that goddamned Charlies Angels trailer. I have an unexplainable disdain of Kristen Stewart. This actress drives me crazy with her perpetual Resting Bored Face. From the time I first saw her being dragged along by Jodie Foster in Panic Room with a I'd rather be anyplace else look to the time she brought a great movie like Into The Wild to a screeching halt to those Twilight movies which I saw and hoped for a nice stake through the heart scene, Kristen Stewart drives me crazy. My Stewart hatred may be unfounded to many, but that listless acting style makes me crazy.
4) Anonymous has written a book about the awfulness of this putrid administration. Yeah Anonymous, we know that the Creep in Chief is a moron. Yeah Anonymous, we know the Liar in Chief surrounds himself with incompetent grifters grabbing as much cash as they can before leaving. I am torn by Anonymous. On one hand, I am fascinated by the utter evilness of this gang of vandals, yet I am also appalled by the lack of courage of this person who I assume is either Kellyanne Conway or Kirsten Nielsen. Stand up for the country for fucks sake. Yet on the other hand why wouldn't yet another con artist put in place by the Con Man in Chief just make money while the gettin is good? So Anonymous can eat shit.
5) Since impeachment is all but a done deal the crazy is about to get even crazier. Back in 1973 I spent an entire summer watching witness after witness tell everybody what a crook Richard Nixon was. There was no Fox News to ignore it, trash it, and lie about what you just saw. There were also country over party Republicans who were disgusted by the whole rotten affair. Oh there were certain Republicans so far up Nixons ass they couldnt see the writing on the wall (hello Nebraska Senators Hruska and Curtis) but as far as I remember there were no Matt Gaetzs no Jim Jordans, no Louie Gohmerts and no Steve Kings out there running interference for a narcissistic maniac. The Senate was the Worlds Greatest Deliberative Body with people of both parties and who had intellect and a sense of fairness. There were no Lindsey Grahams or Marco Rubios or Ted Cruz's out there without a shred of human dignity defending a man who had insulted them and their families in crudeness and meanness. It was 1973 and it took another year to rid the nation of a cancer named Nixon. How long will this take? Or worse? Will this mobster crime family named Trump win re-election because the rest of us are exhausted by it all? Look, folks, those cheering idiots in Alabama will all vote to retain white supremacy, will you have enough left to say no more?
6) Matt Bevin (Asshole-Ky) the defeated Governor of Kentucky, can go away. Oh I know he wont because the Republican answer to election defeat is to obstruct, claim fraud, strip the winner of power, screech fake news, and throw themselves on the ground and kick and scream. They eventually lose, but cleaning up the feces they flung against the walls is a bitch. This is reality. Republicans refuse to lose. And for that I actually admire them. Stick together and deny reality. The Democrats dont do this. The time for fairness and decency is long gone. Stop catering to these tantrum throwing monkeys. Like the brown children they love to cage, separate from mothers, and quite frankly let die, its time to metaphorically cage these miscreants. Dont take it any longer. Crush them
Yes America, this is what you chose. Democracy, aint it great?
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Booing Donald Trump!
The first time I was at an event where some politician got booed was when I was a kid. It was at a Nebraska football game in the late 1960s. Governor Norbert Tiemann, a Republican, was introduced to the crowd and though it wasnt unanimous , there were boos. My mother was appalled. Not so much because she loved Tiemann, but because she was a polite Midwesterner. Tiemann's "crime"? He happened to be in charge of a state whose people had just voted to eliminate state property taxes, and rejected a state income tax at the same time leaving a state of 1.5 million without a source of income. Tiemann did what any responsible person would do when the people are so goddamned dumb they bankrupt a state at the ballot box, he started a sales tax. BOOOOOOOOOOO said the morons on federal
The first time I ever thought about booing a politician was at a minor league football game when a totally forgettable Congressman named Lee Terry was on the field performing the phony coin toss. Terry was smart, he brought his kids as cover. I got up to boo his worthless ass, saw his sons with him and refrained. The hiding behind children was typical of guys like that. It worked. At least with me. There were boos, but not many.
Then came the day at yet another Nebraska football game. I was with my polite mother. The introduction was quick. On the field stood two of the most despicable humans on earth. Not politicians per se' but certainly influential in politics. On the field waving stood Clarence Thomas, at the time the only sexual predator on the Supreme Court and his buddy, the bloviating loudmouth radio scum, Rush Limbaugh. Like a switch went off in my mind and took over my muscle control I stood and screeched something like "GET THE FUCK OFF MY FIELD BOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY HERE FOR FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!".......Mom was in her 70s and not in good health but still polite. I sat back down to the stares of numerous fans. A guy in back of me patted me on the shoulder and said "good job". My mother just quietly said "well do you feel better?" Yes Mom I do. Then she chuckled. I took it as approval.
The third time was at a NCAA basketball game between Kansas and Wichita State. Suddenly a shot of then Governor Sam Brownback appeared. I am not even a resident of Kansas, I kind of live upstairs and hear the carnage from the first floor. Again that switch went off. I stood with Max and let loose a shout that sounded something like "WHAAAAAAAAAAA IS HE DOING HERE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GET LOST YOU SUCKKKKKKKKKK" I wasnt the only one. The thousands of Kansans let him have it also. I am not sure if it was because they hated his incompetent ass or because he literally had a shirt on that was half Wichita State colors and half Kansas colors. Wishy washy motherfucker.
So when Donald Trump, fresh off the killing of a terrorist scummy Isis guy, was shown on the big screen and caused such a sudden stop among fans cheering men and women in uniform, the boos rained down. This lying disgusting human being, shielded not by his son but by fellow miscreants like Matt Gaetz and Lindsey Graham took it all in. And it was fucking glorious. I am not a Nats fan. I dont like the Washington Nationals at all. But at that moment that switch went off in my mind. GO NATS!!! My late, polite Midwesterner mom probably would have progressed to the point where she would have stood with her walker and screeched along with me.
Booing a creep like Donald Trump should be done by all patriots. Respect the Presidency? Fuck that. This asshole hijacked the office and has made a mockery of democracy all over the world. Worst of all, he has support of 40% of this fucked up nation. This has to end.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this bastard whenever you get a chance. Its a patriotic act.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Oh Lisa! Oh Peter!
I guess its not this failed "comedian" per se, its the morons behind him who find this idiocy funny. The "Cops for Trump", the "Teachers for Trump", the blonde haired blue eyed Minnesota Nice clones laughing at Trump faking an orgasm. Its just disturbing that these easily entertained dimbulbs still exist. Yeah I know its all about owning the libs, making fun of people perceived to be smarter than you, taking your shitty lot in life and attempting to pull everyone else down with you, closet fascists wanting a strongman to unleash the Kraken on blacks and browns and gays and uppity chicks. Its all about bad cops wanting to be set free to kill and beat and harass without consequences. Its all about religious nutjobs wanting to shove Jesus down your throat. Its all about actually believing this lump will get his donor one percenters to trickle their ill gotten gains downward. Riiiiiight!
Its going to end. Its going to end badly. This Whacky Tour is the last gasp of a narcissist. Standing in front of his devoted dummies and soaking their love in. Probably going off stage and making fun of them. No that would be Lonesome Rhodes like. Too smart. No this traitorous maniac buys it all. They love me. I have 95% approval give or take 5%. I didnt do anything wrong. Im the greatest mind to ever have held office. Its just so sad. For the dying nation.
Donald Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals. Thugs like Rudy Guliani and his goons arrested for funneling foreign money to Trump and his sycophants. Mike Pence, a repressed kook who knows everything thats gone on yet spurred on by "Mother", will cover for him. Until he's gone and Pence can attempt to install Gilead with his power hungry
This is going to get nasty. Oh yeah, it already has I know. This creepy cult leader will go down like Jim Jones or Marshal Applewhite went down.
Its going to be ugly, embarrassing and downright Un-American. But the white people behind the Racist in Chief at his unhinged rallies continue to hold onto their worship. Like the Liar in Chief, admitting you were wrong is not in their brainpans, not that much IS there. Guns, racism, self loathing, ignorance and just plain dumb stands there laughing and cheering a 72 year old man acting like he's coming in his baggy pants.
Buckle up.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Betrayer In Chief!!!
This is all this monstrous American cares about. Trump Towers Istanbul. A source of income for his only care in the world. Himself. The lives keeping this pile of Chinese steel intact is irrelevant to this sociopath.
The Traitor in Chief has abandoned the Kurds. The Kurds, an ally, a fighting force as vicious and as brave as they come, ISIS's nightmare. Yet in order to keep the money flow coming in to himself, Trumpski has kow towed again to brutal dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. Erdogan, the tough guy whose goons beat up protesters in Washington DC with no consequences, hates the Kurds and has been itching to re start some ancient beef with the Kurds. The Kurds, who have helped destroy the psychos in ISIS, are in Northern Syria waiting for further orders from their American allies. Instead the orders that came from their American Allies was a green light to a thug like Erdogan to begin killing Kurds and thet green light came from a man who had to decide what is more important, his own bank account, or the lives of loyal allies. Of course the Profiteer in Chief chose himself.
If you could ever hate this narcissistic disgrace to humanity any more than now, just wait. An American President has authorized an ethnic cleansing. An ethnic cleansing, a Holocaust if you will, of a people who supported the United States military at every opportunity and have now been stabbed in the back. Ashamed of being an American? If you arent in regard to this betrayal, you have no soul.
The Turkish government is a thumb breaking band of hoodlums who kill opponents, suppress opposition, beat up protesters in foreign nations and now are murdering women and children at will, with approval from an American President who is nothing more than a Russian puppet. Disgusting.
Donald Trump is a traitor. Donald Trump has blood on his hands. His Republican collaborators have blood on their hands. Be Proud GOP. Unfortunately, many of them are. All this death for a fucking building.
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Joker!
Nobody thinks Heath Ledger's Joker can be beat right? Well thats right. But Joaquin Phoenix's Joker comes close in this origin story.
Phoenix's Arthur Fleck is an outcast living with his mother in a run down apartment in a run down city. Supporting himself by playing a clown at store closings and childrens hospitals, Fleck also suffers from a condition that makes him laugh whenever nervous, scared, or surprised causing even more trouble for him when he is assaulted by Gotham thugs in an alley while in clown makeup.
Fleck dreams of being a comedian, writing "jokes" in a flop eared journal and attempting a stand up audition in which he simply cackles uncontrollably on stage. It is at these times you wonder about the mental health of Joaquin Phoenix himself, he's so damned good at acting mentally ill.
Fleck buys a gun from a two timing fellow clown, drops it at a kids gathering and gets fired. On the subway home he observes a woman being harassed by 3 pompous Wall Street men. When, of course, he begins to laugh at the situation they beat him up, he pulls his gun and kills all three, an incident that didnt really shock me. I mean who hasnt dreamed of whacking a few of those thieves on Wall Street? Fleck becomes the fodder of Gotham tabloids, begins seeing a woman, and taking care of his sick mother. All is well. Or is it?
Things deteriorate throughout. People who have wronged him die, he meets a prick named Thomas Wayne (father of Bruce), he is called to be on the Gotham version of the Tonight Show, hosted by Robert DeNiro, as the worlds worst comedian. The man's mental illness has gone full Joker. He dresses in the crazy suit we all know, he avoids arrest at anti-Wall Street rallies, he appears on the show with DeNiro and acts accordingly.
Everything about this movie is disturbing from the dark Seven like city, to the Joker dancing down steps to pedophile Gary Glitters Rock N Roll Part 2, to the references to Taxi Driver and King of Comedy, to the violence and cruelty on both sides of the aisle.
I am dark. I enjoy dark cynical movies. So this one lives up to the darkness. Its creepy man. Phoenix is up to the task, maybe too up to the task. I thought it was great. But I'd hold off taking a date to this. Unless you want to be dumped.
One last thing. The FBI warnings about shooters, about Incels being inspired by this character. Forget it. If this kind of mentally ill loner "inspires" you, you're already out of your fucking mind and you dont need a movie to make you do something like that.
Monday, September 30, 2019
The End Is Near!
It just gets worse and worse for this creep. The cannibals are salting up the Traitor in Chief for a big bite. Nobody in the White House is going to go to jail for this fuckstick. The scrambling for immunity must have started already over the weekend. The only problem is
Now it appears
Migawd this gets worse by the minute. This cannot end well for the Racist in Chief can it? With the sharks in the water and only the lame brained Kevin McCarthy (Dummy-Ca) and the morons in such safe districts that Klan rallies are the place to be, how can the Rapist in Chief survive?
Some say he will never ever resign. Some say he will resign as soon as he can, leaving office blaming everybody but himself. I tend to think the man is a coward who gets others to do his dirty work, then denies he did it to the faces of the wronged. Though the Enforcer in Chief has been tweeting shit about Civil War and arresting his opponents for treason and demanding to meet his accuser, the whiny little bitch forgets this nonsense as soon as he hits send, thinking that 30% of his cult members will believe his denial and save his miserable ass.
Not this time you thug. He's done, I'm convinced of it, Karmas a bitch you hoodlum. Like many before you, you will lose.
The day this mobster is indicted , along with his entire disgusting crime family, will be a glorious day for all of mankind.
Bye bye dickhead.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
We Got Him!!
Do we? Really? Just another crime committed by the Thug in Chief, shaking down the Ukrainian President to go get Joe Biden if he wants his missiles "for defense". Ya know that $400 million? Well I directed my
Goddamn, this guy has always been a mafia boss, running around New York deadbeating out on his bills, putting the screws to government, making racist statements about young black men, bragging about the height of his building as 3000 people lay dead, filing bankruptcy whenever convenient and running a scam foundation that lined his pockets (which may really be why he goes to prison). The fact that normally decent men and women on the right have stood on this hill of toxicity keeping the wolves at bay is really amazing. NOw is when real people step up and say NO MORE!!
Will that happen? I doubt it. The crazies have taken over the Party of Lincoln. The Cheneys, war criminals and war profiteers, The McCarthys, a truly yapping Yorkie standing in the shadow of Nancy Pelosi, the Gym Jordans, a child abuse denier, Steve Scalise, an asshole almost killed by a gun who has become an even bigger asshole, The Lindsey Grahams, stuck so deep in the closet he doesnt even know he;s in there, The Mark Meadows, true hillbillies and the dumbest woman in the Senate, Marsha Blackburn, who is so fucking stupid she actually signed a letter nominating Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize for meeting with a tiny little killer named Kim. The crazies. Nothing Trump does will affect them as they play to their stupid base of bitter old white people.
Nancy Pelosi, playing the long game I guess, has decided to do what should have been done as soon as she won back Speaker in 2018. Impeach this Dangerous Donald. NOW! She has the votes, and apparently the Coward in Chief even called her to try and work a deal on this whistleblower thing. What more do you need? The Blabberer in Chief knows he's gone and fucked it up this time. Extortion is bad even for him.
So maybe we got him? Or did he get himself?
Fuck it, I dont care. Just get him.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ad Astra!
This movie is slow as hell. It moves along at a snails pace. Not much happens. And I liked it a lot
Ad Astra is basically Apocalypse Now in space with a little Interstellar thrown in. Brad Pitt is in every scene as the son of a rogue Space Commander who has gone off the rails on a deep space mission gone wrong. Tommy Lee Jones is Colonel Kurtz, er McBride and he is the man sending back electrical surges from Neptune and is destroying the Earth. Brad Pitt is his son, Captain Willard, er McBride and his mission is to communicate with him. locate him and let the proper authorities go kill him and stop the surges.
But per this type of film, a lot goes wrong. Theres space pirates and other countries space stations asking for help. It really is a journey up the river, errr solar system for Pitt and his crew. When Pitt and Jones meet, its a kind of father/son relationship that neither ever had, one by choice and one because he was abandoned. It a helluva ride.
This movie may not be for everyone. Like I said, its slow, its narrated by Pitt, the action is space action, no loud bangs and fights, its silent. Though one particular scene where they respond to an SOS from a Norwegian space station is quite harrowing for a few seconds. This is probably why the critics like this movie (Rotten Tomatoes 81%) and the audience falls asleep (57% Rotten Tomatoes) wishing they'd have gone to Rambo or some other type shit.
But if Interstellar or the slow parts of Apocalypse Now still fascinate you like me, by all means go, see it and realize its damn good.
One more thing, if 2019 doesnt get Brad Pitt and acting Oscar it never will. Between this and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, this is his year. He has become (and quite frankly always has been) one of our finest actors and deserves some recognition.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Urgent Concern!
My God this guy is exhausting. You cant possibly rant about this traitorous son of a bitch and hold a job at the same time. So you have to pick and choose.
The Creep in Chief went on his tour this week. To New Mexico where a group of hired local community theater Hispanic actors stood behind him at a rally and cried at their shame. The Gramps in Chief, in typical old man fashion, went to the WASP card, overused the term Hispanic and rambled on incoherently in a state he will get crushed in.
Then the Sharpie in Chief went to his fence ,errrrr wall, and signed a fence Im pretty sure was put up during the Obama Administration ....allow me to reminisce about a real President and Administration for a minute...............ok Im back. He signed the fence with the same sharpie he uses to change weather maps and probably write shit on the Constitution like at the end of the Second Amendment "shall not be infringed and Trump is the greatest President of all time and shall not be criticized never mind about that pussy First Amendment...." The Blabber in Chief then revealed a "secret" that the Fence was "wired" to squeal on anyone who climbed thru it. Wait? Climbed thru it? Anyway as the Traitor in Chief blabbed about this "wire" some General basically said hey Mr Magoo, shut the fuck up.
Literally, hours later, JFC this is just the worst to try and remember this sleazy crook and his misdeeds, a whistleblower in the intelligence community decide that the Quid Pro Quo in Chief was making promises to some unknown foreign leader in a phone call and felt it was of such "urgent concern" they reported it to the Inspector General who relayed it to Homeland Security who promptly squashed it because the only Security they care about is protecting an incompetent Blob. What was the "urgent concern". Was it Putin collecting a debt? Speculation centers now on Ukraine digging up shit on Uncle Joe Biden. No Collusion NO Obstruction. Right?
All of this AND the spectacle of Corey Lewandowski openly in contempt of Congress being allowed to walk free out of a Congressional hearing because Democrats are gigantic weasels unwilling to stop this garbage from continuing. Hey hey now Corey, if you sneer and lie one more time, Im going to scoff at you twice in a row. Lewandowski, a truly despicable human being in the Stephen Miller mode, claimed memory lapses, openly admitted lying to the media, and behaved much like a 14 year old bully as Democrats backed off and Republican blowhards like Gaetz the drunk and Gym Jordan the child abuse cover up artist staged campaign speeches to appeal to their base, dumb fucking Floridians and even dumber fucking Ohioans. Now if I had my way, Jerry Nadler (Everybodys Favorite Dumb Uncle-NY) would have gotten help getting up, staggered over to Lewandowski and beat the fuck out of him with his cane and waddled back up to the dais. But that didnt even come close to happening. Nadler simply threatened to actually maybe well perhaps could be hey I'll do it I swear cmon now Im telling you to hold the contemptible Lewandowski in contempt and throw his bully ass in jail. Threats are welcomed in this adminstration because they know they mean nothing. It is just frustrating as fuck.
But the big news is Vice President and Repressed in Chief Mike Pence hired one 27 year old Katie Waldman as his press secretary, not that anybody gives a shit about the press liar for Robot Pence. But, she is allegedly "dating" Stephen Miller, the Nazi Incel Vampire running immigration policy in this fascist administration. Miller is getting some and he's still a dick? Well all that means is Katie Waldman is also a dick and please oh please dont breed spawning some elf eared little goonie. Miller is proof positive that Incels never change. I wonder if they drink each others blood, polish the skulls of dead illegals, Epstein kids? What the hell? But then again Hitler had Eva Braun, Goebbels had a wife, and Trumps had 3 wives. Out of 6 billion inhabitants of Earth, there has to be one woman evil enough to find this dead souled monster appealing. Right?
We are fucked.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Ric Okasek!
Damn another one gone.
The fall of 1978. Senior in college. Had my own radio show. Yeah it was terrible college radio but it was mine. The music we got free from the record companies was sparse. Lots of 45's. Lots of albums that never would get there. But we played them. And of course we played the Top 40 which consisted of shit (in my opinion). This is why I volunteered to stay up all night on Fridays from midnight to 6, because I could pretty much play whatever I wanted. And I did. The station managers werent listening so playing Hair of the Dog was kosher.
One night Im driving in to do my show and on the real rock radio station in town suddenly one of those what the fuck is that moments occurred. I heard this weird ass song came on. I loved every second of it. It was so different. So not disco. So not even 3 chord rock. So not Skynyrd or Foreigner or any other standard rock band I listened to and played. Just What I Needed by somebody called what? The Cars? Jesus what a stupid name. I searched the radio stations record library to no avail. But the next day I ran out and bought that album ($4.79 it still has the price tag on it in the basement). I took it home and played the whole damn thing. Over and over. So cool.
Ric Okasek died the other day. His heart gave out at 75 years old. Eddie Money died right before that. For chrissakes, STOP! Ric Okasek and the Cars became the band of the late 70's and early 80s I couldnt pimp enough. Of course nobody would listen to me as usual. This is the new rock I would say. This band will change music. Nobody listened. The Cars came here one night but I couldnt go due to work. They were in town and I told everybody the old dumpy Civic Auditorium was going to be sold out. You watch. The venue held 10,000. The Cars drew 5000. I took crap.
But dammit I was right.When The Cars couldnt buy their way into the Rock Hall of Fame. It was outrageous. They changed music everybody!
The finally, after years and years of great music and long after the death of Benjamin Orr, they got in. 2018. I so looked forward to it. They got on stage. They sucked. Ric looked sick. Of course he always looked sick being about 8 feet tall and weighing maybe 100 pounds. But something about Ric Okasek that night concerned me. I didnt know what it was.
Ric is gone now. Benjamin is gone now. But ya know what? Their music lives on and I still listen to them regularly. My 2017 2018 most listened to songs always included The Cars in the Top 10. It's All I can Do won 2018. A song almost 40 years old. I love that song because of what it says. Its All I Can Do. Philosophy of life.
Dammit I was right!
Thursday, September 12, 2019
It finally came here to the sticks. The hyped up experience of a hip hop look at American history with Black and Hispanic and white performers playing various roles in telling it. A three week run in of all places, Omaha. Could I wait? I had no choice. Yet I didnt really look forward to it. It couldnt possibly be that good.
First of all let me state one reason I was not looking forward to it. The venue sucks. The damn near 100 year old Orpheum Theater is a cramped ancient shithole made for 1927 sized people. Im not even talking about the obesity epidemic that has scourged America, Im talking about being 6 foot two and having your fucking knees under your chin for 3 hours. The place is a nightmare for anyone over 5 foot 10. Your knees cant help but hit the back of peoples heads in front of you at least once. Christ you cramp up unless you try and move your legs a bit. The place is a nightmare. I've avoided events I want to see just because the event was taking place at the Orpheum. But for Broadway I will endure.
Hamilton is virtually sold out for its 3 week run here in Omaha. Omaha is what you call an event town. If its an event, this city goes. I'm not sure if its city pride or a reason to brag to your social buddies how hip you are. Everything that comes here with a lot of hype sells out fast. College World Series, Olympic Swim Trials, Hamilton. We have season tickets to the Broadway series and have seen a lot of theater with half full houses. But this? Wow. Can it live up to what I expect? Cynical me says good lord no.
Going into the theater you must serpentine your way through the endless number of people posing for selfies with the Hamilton marquee over their shoulder. Then comes security where you put all your items into the plastic box, walk thru the metal detector and then get wanded. It WAS 9/11 after all and thanks for reminding me. The lobby is jammed. The souvenir stand is inundated with the youth who MUST prove they were there with an overpriced t shirt, bag or hoodie. I so want that hoodie!
Cramming ourselves into the seats (thank god for the aisle) and wait for the thing I'm already hating start. The stage is simple. Just like youve seen in clips. The crowd is buzzing.
How does a bastard orphan son of a whore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the middle of the Carribean by providence impoverished in squalor grow up to be a hero and a scholar?
Its on. The crowd goes wild. Its a young crowd, probably has memorized the lyrics, and has the energy that most theater doesnt have. Oh not that ridiculous staged dumbass crowd that fucked up the NBC Live JC Superstar, its more rock concert like. But still, Ive heard this opening a hundred times myself. Still have my nose in the air, cuz I have no room for any other position.
Aaron Burr, sir. Still shuffling in my seat. But tapping my cramped foot
Then came My Shot. I am not throwing away my shot. Hey yo, I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy and hungry.
I am in. This goddamned thing is good. Its really good. Really good. The crowd cheers loudly after each song.
Then came Wait For It. Wait for It is a song sung by Aaron Burr halfway through the first act. It made me sit up, forget my uncomfortable situatioon and really listen. Its truly a great great song with wonderful lyrics. Death doesnt discriminate between the sinners and the saints. Burr screams for relevance much like Judas did in JC Superstar, my absolute favorite musical of all time. This has gone from really good to great in one song. And we didnt even have the main Aaron Burr. More later.
Act One ends soon after Yorktown, another brilliant song in which "Immigrants, We Get The Job Done" gets a HUGE cheer from this young crowd. My goodness I wish I'd know that line was coming.
Then..........Act 2....A purple clad Thomas Jefferson sashays out to What'd I Miss? And this play goes from Great to Brilliant.
There's more. The Room Where It Happens. The Cabinet Battles. The 3 appearances by a progressively more Mad King George. Wow Awesome made me LMAO as the kids say.
And then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and its over. The World Was Wide Enough. Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story.
I cannot say enough about this experience. It DOES live up to the hype. It DOES make you want to read about history. It DOES make you stand and cheer not wanting it to be over. You immediately want to see it again. There arent many things that make me react like that.
Pierre Jean Gonzalez played Burr. He was a marvel. And he isnt even the main Burr, he was a stand in. My gawd he was the man. And though this play is called Hamilton, this was Burr's play.
Warren Egypt Franklin as a Prince like Thomas Jefferson was someone you couldnt stop looking at. Even when off to the side he was who you looked at waiting for him to jump back in.
Erin Clemons and Ta'Rea Campbell as the Schuyler sisters. Voices of angels. Absolutely stunning in their delivery.
Marcus Choi as Daddy George Washington. He kind of hangs around a lot. Throwing in lines here and there and THEN. Choi belts out One Last Time and rises up to take charge. Brilliant.
Neil Haskell as King George provided a LOT of comic relief. He made me laugh. Lin Manuel Miranda knows his shit. WHEN to slip in the comedy. Lah dee dah dee dee dee dah dee dah.
Joseph Morales as Hamilton. It took me a while to warm up to him as my old ears couldnt quite make out his lyrics. But he won me over eventually and he is great also.
Hey look, I am naturally skeptical of hype. It never lives up to the pub. This did and does.
Lin Manuel Miranda wrote this play with hip hop, ballads, rock and jazz music. It really is all over the place musically. Something for everyone and thats why this play will endure forever. My favorite musicals of all time are JC Superstar. Come From Away and Les Miserables. THIS definitely has gone to the top.
Beg borrow or steal to see it. And at least read Wikipedia to get up to speed about Hamilton, Jefferson and Burr. It will make it even more enjoyable.
The World is Wide Enough.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
50 years! Jesus Im getting old. I was a young kid when Woodstock occurred at Max Yasgur's farm in upstate New York 50 freakin tears ago. And ya know what, I was not there. I was , in fact, to be honest, hardly aware it happened. I remember it on the news but I was far more into dreading going back to Catholic school for another year in August 1969 than a bunch of hippies in a muddy field listening to music.
But then came the next spring. 1970. A three album disc hit stores. A friend of mine and myself scraped together $10 and went to Walgreens and bought it. And we listened to it that same day. All three discs. Holy shit, it was a life changing moment. From Richie Havens doing Freedom to the end when Hendrix did Purple Haze that music embedded itself in my soul. It was raw, it was rough, it was not perfect. It was a concert. Damn I wanted to go to a concert so bad. It wasnt the slick in studio music I'd been used to. The Beatles, The Monkees, the Stones, The Doors, all of those bands I was into at that age. It seemed ALL concerts must be like this. Of course I was wrong.
Woodstock can only happen once. As many times as it has attempted to be duplicated it never has been. Give it up. Altamount happened just a few months later and people got beat up and killed and the ugliness of humanity came back full force. But for that 3 days in upstate New York in August 1969 humanity was free and nice and kind to each other. Its just a fact. Its not some hippie rewriting of history its just a fact and it cannot be taken away.
Later in 1970 the 3 hour movie came out. Now you could see what you'd been listening to on a record. The only problem was because it had a few F bombs in it and a few naked people bathing in a pond, it was rated R and this kid couldnt get in without an adult. Well my parents were not going to take me to see Woodstock thats for sure. So we had to find an alternative. So my friend and I bought tickets to see one movie at the Six West Theaters (yes we had a "multiplex" in 1970) and snuck into the Woodstock movie. And we got caught and booted out. Ok thats traumatic. I wasnt sure I could ever show my face there again. Then we tried again a week later. But this time we followed very closely some guys in their 20's into the theater and sat right next to them which probably freaked them out a bit. Then the movie started. We moved. For 3 hours we SAW what we had been listening to for all those months. Holy shit again. I knew all those songs by heart by now. Thats what those guys and gals looked like. F bombs and nudity. Who cares? Get on with the tunes man.
I almost jumped out of my seat to rock out to Santana doing Soul Sacrifice. I fell in love with Grace Slick, Roger Daltrey became a golden God, Sly and The Family Stone, and the beauty of CSNY doing Suite Judy Blue Eyes. Migawd it was an experience.
I am not one to wax nostalgic that much but if I could go back in time would I makes myself go to Woodstock? Hell no. I dont like crowds, mud, traffic, pissing in the woods, taking drugs. I dont like any of that but as far as Woodstock goes, musically, it was my go to moment. When I realized that live music was fuckin great. No matter who it is. You can be playing a classical tune on a violin and I'll listen in awe. You can twang yourself thru a country song I'd turn off immediately if I heard it on TV or the radio, but live I'll listen. Ive seen so many diverse things live in my life and basically its all because of Woodstock. The beauty of it sticks with me to this day.
A side note. Once I came home and heard the Woodstock album I had coming from the basement. I'll never forget it. It was Hendrix doing the National Anthem. . I went downstairs and saw my Mom sitting in a chair listening to the album. I suppose to make sure her first born wasnt listening to some drug addled Satan music. I asked her if she liked any of it/ She said no. This National Anthem is terrible. Why do you like this music? What appeals to you because I hear nothing in fact I think you bought a defective album.
That was the definition of the Generation Gap.
(PS Later in life I had the Dead on in the basement and Truckin came on. Mom came down and asked what was that? I said it was the Grateful Dead. She said "I like that song, play more like that" and went back upstairs.
My Mom, the Deadhead.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
I hate Alabama. I hate their football team, I hate their Governor, I hate their legislature, I hate everything about them.
Well except Doug Jones, Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Harper Lee, the cities. Huntsville, Joe Louis, rocket research, ok ok I dont hate Alabama. Its a fine state with a minority of decent folk willing to move forward. But man that Jesus shit rules.
See above billboard in Tuscaloosa. Virtually everything on that board is a blatant lie or half truth. Alabama may have 17 national what I assume are football titles, but you still have far less titles than the "pointy headed intellectuals' up north in Princeton and Harvard so take that. They're not only smarter than you, they played better football than you.
That billboard is a joke. Who are you trying to appeal to? The dumbest of the dumb? Congrats, you've done it!
Years ago in rural Nebraska as we would travel along the highways to small town USA, there was a homemade billboard in the front yard of a small farmhouse that had a picture of Herbie Husker (one of the worst mascots in America) and the hand painted statement updated monthly that said "Over 16,000 future Husker fans have been aborted". The sign was a signal that the entire car would begin deriding it. It made me want to find a different route. Then one day it was gone. Oh not because the people living there had a sudden change of heart. No, it disappeared because the University of Nebraska threatened to sue their ass for trademark infringement. Yeah, they actually trademarked that horrid creature.The threat from the University must have worked. That stupid sign came down.
Maybe the University of Alabama should do the same.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
I am pissed. I shouldn't write when I'm angry cuz I tend to type fuck a lot.
Take a deep breath and here we go.
Yesterday a white nationalist shitheel drove 9 hours from Dallas to El Paso, Texas to kill innocent Americans of Latino heritage. Publishing a manifesto online a mere hour before he did this dastardly deed, he pretty much parroted what his Dear Leader, Donald Trump, says at his rallies on a bi weekly basis. I dont remember this assholes name, but I do remember Trumps name and THIS is on him.
For years now, Donald Osama Bin Laden Trump has been pushing this white nationalist shit to dumb white people desperate to blame somebody for their lousy lot in life. Like Trump himself, who lacks the courage to punch up, these rally attenders punch down. Its blacks and gays and Hispanics and Islam and women and everybody except themselves to blame that they arent succeeding. They dont even recognize that the reason for their "economic anxiety" stands before them. Though Trump tells them what they want to hear, they dont see behind the scenes where Trumps masters and handlers like Moscow Mitch and Kevin McCarthy and Leningrad Lindsey continue to work against all peoples interests other than their donors who make them rich.
But alas, stupidity is the American way now as anybody smarter than you is elitist and condescending.
This blood is on Trumps hands, oh theres no doubt any longer. From his openly wanting innocent black youth executed to his idiotic Apprentice show where he wanted to pit light skinned blacks against blondes, to his Mexicans are rapists and killers, to his Muslim ban, to his very fine people statement to his laughing at a shooting migrants scream, to his hate filled send her back rallies, this man is a fucking danger to the entire goddamned world. Yet Democrats, in their ridiculous unrealistic attempt to get Trump voters to vote for them, refuse to deal with this man. Meanwhile, mass shootings by white nationalist men now occur every fucking week and sometimes twice. Goddamit Nancy, deal with this miscreant NOW!
In the meantime, the stories out of El Paso continue to break hearts. From the Hispanic woman shielding her baby being slaughtered by this white gangster, to the young black man carrying children in his arms away from danger, to the fact that this white mass murderer was taken alive without a scratch. Is it perhaps that white nationalists believe law enforcement is on their side? Ya know like the white guys at the bar dropping N bombs out loud when they think youre on their side simply because you are white?
The politicians, the Trump enablers, coming out of the woodwork. The thoughts and prayers. The bullshit concern. The meaningless words meant to cover their ass in the future. These Republican jackoffs are shameless. Future Ex-Senator John Cornyn (please run Beto) continued to leave a tweet in which he warns white Texas that for every 1 new white resident in Texas there were 9 Hispanic new residents. This kind of not so subtle racism runs deep among these Republican degenerates. They know the code words. They know how to speak to racists without being racist. This has been common since the day Ronald Reagan began his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi where Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were murdered by white nationalist cops just 15 years prior.
Now we have a mass murder in a Dayton club that nobody knows anything about other than the masked guy in body armor with an assault weapon was a white guy and 11 people are dead. Incel? White nationalist? Who knows at this point?
Look Im as sick of this shit as everybody else. You can point out that we need thoughts and prayers and condemnation and talk about video games like we always do when it comes to white killers. White killers are always influenced by video games, while every other killer who is not white is part of some sort of international conspiracy against America. No motherfuckers! This is all a national conspiracy led by white losers intent on keeping their white privilege intact at all costs. Stop the excuse making on Fox News and by Republicans scared of offending their white nationalist base.
Fuck these people. Ban assault weapons. Background checks. Impeach this motherfucker before he gets more people killed.
This is serious, folks. Stop this madness now.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood And Another Movie!
I cannot stand Quentin Tarantino. I love Quentin Tarantino. There's my dilemma. Ive seen most of his movies, both hated and loved them, yet still have this love/hate problem. Lets all agree they are ALL over the top, feature horrific violence. and drop too damn many N bombs.
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is not any of those. Its a perfectly understandable story. Using real life people in fictional situations (this is NOT history folks) the movie moves like a Western in its storytelling and back story to explain what is going on.
Leonardo DiCaprio stars as soon to be washed up 1960s actor Rick Dalton. Dangling to his career by his fingertips, Dalton plods along in Hollywood guest starring on TV Westerns and detective shows. Accompanied virtually everywhere by his stunt double, Cliff Booth, played by Brad Pitt, Dalton struggles to remain viable. With tons of 1960's TV and commercial references, it is right in the wheelhouse of people my age. I cant count the number of times I broke into a smile over some dumb ad I remembered or a TV theme playing in the background.
Dalton lives in they Hollywood Hills right next door to Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie). Uh oh. We know whats coming. When Booth keeps running into a young hippie girl hitchhiking, flirting with that Brad Pitt grin, we all know what lies ahead. Eventually circumstances are right enough for Booth to give the chick a ride. To the Spahn movie ranch. The tension of that few minutes of screen time makes this movie worth it. Booth doesnt give a shit, he's afraid of nobody, and he explores the ranch on his own terms despite meeting Tex Watson, Susan Atkins, Squeaky Fromme, Leslie Van Houton, Patricia Krenwinkel and finally George Spahn. Nope, no Manson, he is seen in one scene for a few seconds and thats it. Which to me is brilliant.
Look the movie takes a typical Tarantino rewriting history turn towards the end but as absurd as I thought Inglorius Basterds was, this turn actually makes sense. And like it or not, this isnt Leo's movie, its Brad Pitts movie. Pitt is the best second banana Ive seen in maybe forever. His character is dominating. As they used to say back in the day, he's a mans man. A total bullshit free force of nature on the edge of igniting at any moment. But when he ignites, its as calm as a gentle rain. Pitt should be remembered at Oscar time.
The film has cameos galore that may mean nothing to anyone younger than 55.. Damian Lewis could do a Steve McQueen biopic based on his one scene. Dakota Fanning is frightening as Squeaky Fromme. Bruce Dern even makes the most of his one scene as George Spahn.Margot Robbie as a naive like Sharon Tate is great.
Quentin Tarantino , much like David Lynch did in The Straight Story, can make a perfectly watchable film without any misgivings. I loved it.
Now Hobbs and Shaw. Because they were pounding on my roof all day and driving Max and I and the dog nuts, we also went to the latest Fast and Furious chapter. Ive never seen a Fast and Furious movie in my life, being above all that and all. Until now when Im not. Thanks roofers.
Hey it is what it is. The Rock and Jason Statham mug their way through this movie about saving the world from a killer virus. Lots of idiotic violence, lots of insults, lots of I hate you and you hate me moments. But ya know what? It works.
There was enough self deprecation, winks and nods and genuine suspense I cannot state I wasnt entertained. Idris Elba was the villain. Another villain much like Killmonger in Black Panther, he's a bad guy with a somewhat noble purpose. But he's bad and must be stopped. And of course he is eventually stopped. Sorry for that spoiler.
Like I said, I have never seen a Fast and Furious movie so when Helen Mirren shows up I almost exclaimed what the hell is SHE doing in this? I still have no idea, I assume she was in one before and had I seen that one I would have exclaimed what the hell is SHE doing in this?
Friday, August 2, 2019
I havent watched one second of any of these "debates". Its August 2019 for chrissakes. Yet the pundits who have 24/7 of "news" to tell you all about cant get enough of this meaningless bullshit. If its not the vapid Chuck Todd or the non stop yakking of Chris Matthews or the non stop negativity of Fox News (and of course Trump "wins" every debate) then its social media with the bots and the fan boys and fan girls pumping up their chosen one by bashing Biden, the obvious frontrunner 6 months before anybody even votes.
Biden is on defense. He's taking the blows and hoping he lasts 12 rounds and wins by default. Thats a dangerous strategy because of course when you play not to lose, you lose. But of course, with the possible exception of 2020's Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard, anyone would be a better leader than the Bigot in Chief. No scratch that, even she would be better than the Fascist in Chief.
The only excuse to even stage this nonsense is ratings. We are a TV generated society ., This is how we now have a former reality show host as POTUS. Many people, 62 million to be exact, are so star struck, bigoted, dumb, greedy, or villainous to have taken a dummy whose catch phrase was you're fired and installed him into this position. But thats reality, real reality not fake reality, and that is this nation is getting lazier, dumber and more willing to protect what they have, play defense in other words,and vote for this neanderthal. The warning to white people is to look at Biden and note what happens when you simply try and hold the lead. You lose.
You're losing, white people. You're losing too, Joe.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Moon Landing!
50 years ago. It was a Sunday. I was going to summer camp the next day, unless I made the Little League All Star team. The practice was hard, the tryout was hard. I knew I was on the bubble of making it or being an alternate. My Dad was watching. When the practice ended and we all sat on the ground and the coaches conferred, I had a feeling. Everytime I see Master Chef and they confer with 3 people standing there dreading life I flash back. Yeah it was me who got cut, rather became an alternate. My Dad took off. I felt shitty. I rode my bike back up the hill fighting tears towards home. I felt like I'd let my Dad down. I walked in the door and the first thing Dad said to me was "Its tough isnt it?" Yeah Dad. He then told me it was ok. I felt better, a lot better.
That night, I packed up my stuff to go to summer camp. Fuck that alternate shit. What were the chances another kid would not play in the State Tournament? Zero.
Then I went downstairs where Dad. Mom and my brother were gathered. The Moon Landing was on. Shit, really? The Moon Landing paled in comparison to my obvious blatant screw job I'd just endured. Right?
Then it came on TV. Wow! What baseball team? What summer camp?
The Moon Landing in 1969 was such an event as Neil Armstrong said for mankind. I remember Cronkite (my Dad never watched anybody but Uncle Walter and later Dan Rather) taking off his glasses and exclaiming a joy and pride in his nation. So similar a gesture as it was in 1963 when he took off his glasses to fight back tears.
It is one of the childhood memories of being with my family and witnessing history I cherish. Later I became a cynical teenager who felt every dollar spent on this program took food out of the mouths of starving babies. But that night in 1969 was precious to me.
I hope we go back under a different leader and a new generation can gather around their phones or whatevers and experience it again. Ah hell, they wouldnt be impressed at all. They do more amazing shit everyday on video games. But they should be thankful, Their video games came about in part because of that night in 1969.
Game Over.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Send Her Back!!
It was infuriating. I have felt a lot of things in my life when it comes to politics but THIS, this was as disgraceful a moment as I have ever seen. Its embarrassing that we as a country have sunk this low. I cant even describe the combination of emotions that came over me when I first saw the clip. To see a arena full of white people chanting to Send Her Back while their cult leader thrust out his jaw, took it all in, and then continued to attack Rep Omar made me realize what Nuremberg must have been like. Holy shit. What in the fuck is wrong with us?
After the detestable display in North Carolina I fully expected, as I have so many times before, for Republicans to FINALLY say enough is enough. But as usual I was wrong. Instead we got Republican after Republican standing with the Klansman in Chief. Backing him up. Attacking the "Squad". The 4 uppity women of color, or as as most of the polite people at the rally would say, colored women, who dare express their beliefs out loud cannot be tolerated. It was cowardice once again at the highest level. Even those that did have the balls to express some sort of concern backed off soon after Trump claimed he didnt like the chant (which he absolutely did) and went back to attacking Omar as some sort of terrorist suicide bomber.
Look I am not old enough to remember much about the 1960's civil rights fight. I came of age late in the 60's when this sort of behavior was looked down upon. Archie Bunker was a dumbbell to be laughed at. Archie's ignorance was so out there, it was funny. Well today, in the Age of Trump, its not looked down upon. In fact, being stupid is normal. Racism is simply non existent to these idiots. Whites whitesplain what is racist and what is not to people of color. Whites whitesplain what is tolerance is intolerance. Of Them. Of their sincerely held religious beliefs that Jesus was a blonde white man who would have been a registered Republican, would have disdained gays, told women to stay in their place, hated taxes, been a social Darwinist, in other words, an asshole.
So here we are. Back where I thought we'd left. Love it or Leave It motherfuckers! As long as I am in charge of course.
This nightmare cannot end fast enough.