Friday, December 6, 2019


While the House wraps up its moral duty to impeach a traitorous scumbag reality show host elected by an archaic system installed to protect white male supremacy and the owning of human beings, other things have occurred in the last couple of weeks that nobody gives a shit about. The distraction is amazing. Sometimes I think Trump is nothing more than a puppet designed to take the heat while the real sleaze buckets install their Dickensian wet dream in the background.

Bill Barr. The DOJ thug assigned to make the department nothing more than Trumps muscle. His wartime consigliori. Where do you start with this Yabba Dabba Doo motherfucker?

Barr, a conservatives idea of what a real AG should be, a mob lawyer with a baseball bat, is greasing the skids to start whacking more federal inmates convicted of death penalty crimes. The federal death penalty generally acquiesces to state law regarding the actual executions. Most states cannot get the drugs any longer to actually kill people. Our own Governor, the reefer madness screamer Pete Ricketts, actually attempted to buy drugs illegally so he could fulfill his lifelong dream of killing someone legally, He succeeded only because an inmate sick of being in prison offered himself up to Ricketts as a lamb. So as drug companies continue to refuse to sell drugs to states that intend to use to kill people, Barr has decided to try an end run and change protocol from a three drug "cocktail" to a one drug overdose. He's been stopped by a federal judge. For now. But Barr's attempt to be Trumps hit man continues. Fuck the law, I'm Bill Fucking Barr!

Barr also has taken the position that local law enforcement is nothing more than a mob fueled protection racket. Barr speaking to some hack law enforcement group designed to protect thumb breakers disguised in cop uniforms, announced for all to hear “if communities don’t give that support and respect, they might find themselves without the police protection they need.” So in Barr's world, kiss police ass, pay your respects, free pastries, coffee whatever or else. And it doesnt take a genius to figure out who Barr was warning. Hey communities of color, if your loudmouths dont shut it, the cops will care even less than they already do. Barr is truly nothing more than a thuggish representative of the Trump Crime Family, or a Klansman. Pick.

This disgusting administration has also decided to further Republican masturbation by cutting food stamps to damn near a million people. Led by chicken salesman and Department of Agriculture hack, Sonny Perdue, the new rules will force the states to enforce work requirements to obtain food stamps. Hey man, everybody has two or three jobs now so why should food stamps be given out to able bodied people who just use them to buy lobster and caviar? Hey a friend of my cousins gardener's youngest son's teacher saw it happen once at the Krogers. Perdues cruelty, a billionaires cruelty. makes soulless creeps like Paul Ryan stroke it even harder to the Ayn Rand posters.

Meanwhile The Federalist Societys agenda of stacking courts with unqualified idiots keeps on going with Republican Senate collaborators continually providing the 51 votes necessary to provide America with further dumbing down. Sarah Pitlyk, a former Drunky McDrunk clerk, and general dope, was confirmed to a lifetime job on the bench in Missouri. Pitlyk is not only unqualified to be a judge, she may be unqualified to be a human being. The woman is such a nitwit she opposes surrogacy , in vitro fertlization, for chrrisakes she makes the Catholics look like Planned Parenthood. This is all based on Pitlyks crazy views that surrogacy and in vitro destroy respect for"motherhood" and that the natural mother child bond is not fulfilled. So if you're infertile, or cannot have children, go fuck yourselves. Sucks for you. God hates you I guess. Ladies and Gentleman, please rise for Judge Dumbfuck.

Lawrence VanDyke was also confirmed. A lifelong corporate hack, VanDyke, considered arrogant, lazy and a bigot by his own colleagues, sat in front of his hearing a cried like the bigoted little bitch he is when it was suggested he was a homophobic prick. Ahhhhhhh ha, you got caught, asshole. Crying wasnt necessary dude. You had the fast track to a lifetime job no matter if you came right out and said I hate the fags and want them all dead. 51 votes are guaranteed to make you a leech on the taxpayers so why bawl like a closet case caught at a rest stop? VanDyke and Pitlyk can go to hell. Quickly if we are lucky.

The diversionary tactics of this Republican Party show how corrupt they are. They dont accept election consequences though continually espouse that idiotic saying. For fucks sake, 53% of this base of baboons think Trump is greater than Abe Lincoln. Well after all, Lincoln did end slavery, a bit radical for this bunch of screeching simians.

Pay attention folks. Getting this criminal out of office is truly the main point here, but we can do two things at once. Hold the dictator at bay but dont let the accomplices accomplish his goals.

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