Sunday, December 22, 2019
Yearly Review!
For the love of Christmas the traitor isnt even trying to hide his puppetry any longer. Touting his support from his Supervisor while denying the facts yet again.
Look, you've been impeached. Comrade Motherfucker. Despite your denials, despite that shitshow of Trump groupies that all stood and expressed their pre determined talking points about how the other side had no evidence and how the other side simply "hated" him and various pleas for unity, which of course means do as we say and all is well, you are POTUS 3, Impeached.
Remember back when the new class of progressives in the House all publicly exclaimed "OK Boomer" to all those that wanted to keep Queen Nancy as Speaker and touted various pretenders to the throne? Ok Millennials. Now you know why street fighters are the only way to battle these Republican thugs. Not through ideas or intelligence. Jesus what are you thinking. That strategy has gotten us to where we are. Led by a dumb asshole who makes fun of disabled people, dead people, tortured people, immigrants, women, blacks, gays and everyone not white and male. Face it, Americans are dumb, and getting dumber by the day. They are fed by emotions, fed by bullshit they want to hear, fed by a sense of entitlement that because they are white they rule. Until you decide to feed into that type of campaigning, forget it.
I am not suggesting to start being as fucking stupid as those rally attendees who have to reminded to breathe, I am suggesting you fuck with me I fuck with you. So far all I see is Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren has some of that but Jesus Christ stop with the plans for everything. Nobody cares except the very people the rally attendees hate. Stop being so smart and shit, it gives us a headache and we are proud of being dumb. Kamala Harris had the right idea, but she's gone for now. Billionaires like Bloomberg and Steyer have the money to say fuck it and fight in the mud but really who wants them running a party opposed to that? Bernie has it, but come on, Bernie is 100 years old and off a heart attack. Not to mention his cult like following is the rally attendees of the left.
So come on. The fuckin POTUS 3 says OUT LOUD he's got his Boss in his corner. The jury foreman comes right out and says the "trial" is going to be the political equivalent of the Emmett Till jury. The defense "attorney" in the House, a truly despicable cornpone from Georgia running for Senate, says OUT LOUD that if the Democrats get an elected POTUS 46 he will impeach him or her for no reason other than revenge.
This is Dumb America now. A political party firmly in the hands of our adversary for the last 100 years doesnt give a shit as long as they can suppress the minority vote, put stupid puppets into the courts, lock up the Supreme Court with drunken boarding school frat boys and folksy fascists is the alternative to Democrats? Ok America.
And one more thing. ANYBODY who stands up in public to trash the "Democrat Party" is no longer a serious person. This has been a juvenile tactic put into place by radio talk show hosts years ago to get under my fucking skin. But when you do it, you lose anything afterwards and I dont care if you are reciting the Theory of Relativity. Its stupid. Just stop it.
Fact--Donald F Trump has been impeached.
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