Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Manifestos Make You Crazy!

If there was ever any doubt that the President of the United States is a mad hatter, that was squelched today when the handlers of the Narcissist in Chief crayoned a sort of Greatest Hits, a copy and paste of tweets sent by the Prick in Chief, and sent it to Nancy Pelosi. 6 pages of nonsense, ravings, speculation, desperation, threats, name calling, ya know what the Idiot in Chief does everyday, sent to the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the House, a Baltimore street fighter who has handled loudmouthed street thug wannabes like Trump all her life, called the manifesto ridiculous and crazy. And tomorrow she will preside over what Trump fears the most. His legacy being stained,.

You're getting impeached on Wednesday, Donald, and you will be forever stained by it. All of your bullying and name calling and arrogance, the thought you were above everything decent, is over. All the names Ive called you over the last 4 years, Traitor, Thug, Russian Stooge, racist, rapist, misogynist, dick, horrible father, even more horrible human being all stay. I dont give a shit if you resign, I dont give a shit if you get voted out of office, all I care about now is you are impeached. Forever.

Our three representatives here will vote no and I dont give a damn about that either. Two of our reps here are nobodies who just rubber stamp whatever McCarthy says. They have no brains or accomplishments of their own. They are truly just rural nothings Republican by DNA. Our rep here in the urban Congressional district does have accomplishments of his own. His name is General Don Bacon. He is a retired Air Force Brigadier General who got bored double dipping, so he ran for Congress and won thanks to a gerrymandered district designed to keep the Democrats from winning a district they should win. But lets forget that and realize Bacon served his nation admirably. He commanded troops. He had subordinates. And now, Bacon has taken his own reputation, his own legacy, and thrown it into the latrine to defend the type of man he used to defend this nation from. For that, I do give a shit. Its sad. Maybe the only sad I feel here. The rest of these Republican bootlickers be damned. They are mostly con artists and dumbshits just one IQ point and one dollar over the dopes who vote for them. But Bacon? Why?

Bacon can throw it all away tomorrow defending a man he'd have busted out of his command long ago if he wants. But I have sent him email after email asking him if he'd have tolerated this behavior in his ranks. he never replies. Not even a thanks for your opinion reply and placement on his fucking email list like our do nothing Senator Deb Fischer did to me.

Anyway, I wont pretend tomorrow will be sad, or respectful. Nope sorry, I wont lie. I want this to happen. And I want that thug in the White House held accountable for his treason, his racism, and his criminal activity.

Donald Trump is a stain on this country's history. Its only right this country stains him for a change.

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