Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Booing Donald Trump!

The first time I was at an event where some politician got booed was when I was a kid. It was at a Nebraska football game in the late 1960s. Governor Norbert Tiemann, a Republican, was introduced to the crowd and though it wasnt unanimous , there were boos. My mother was appalled. Not so much because she loved Tiemann, but because she was a polite Midwesterner. Tiemann's "crime"? He happened to be in charge of a state whose people had just voted to eliminate state property taxes, and rejected a state income tax at the same time leaving a state of 1.5 million without a source of income. Tiemann did what any responsible person would do when the people are so goddamned dumb they bankrupt a state at the ballot box, he started a sales tax. BOOOOOOOOOOO said the morons on federal welfare subsidies. I was a kid, what did I know?

The first time I ever thought about booing a politician was at a minor league football game when a totally forgettable Congressman named Lee Terry was on the field performing the phony coin toss. Terry was smart, he brought his kids as cover. I got up to boo his worthless ass, saw his sons with him and refrained. The hiding behind children was typical of guys like that. It worked. At least with me. There were boos, but not many.

Then came the day at yet another Nebraska football game. I was with my polite mother. The introduction was quick. On the field stood two of the most despicable humans on earth. Not politicians per se' but certainly influential in politics. On the field waving stood Clarence Thomas, at the time the only sexual predator on the Supreme Court and his buddy, the bloviating loudmouth radio scum, Rush Limbaugh. Like a switch went off in my mind and took over my muscle control I stood and screeched something like "GET THE FUCK OFF MY FIELD BOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY HERE FOR FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!".......Mom was in her 70s and not in good health but still polite. I sat back down to the stares of numerous fans. A guy in back of me patted me on the shoulder and said "good job". My mother just quietly said "well do you feel better?" Yes Mom I do. Then she chuckled. I took it as approval.

The third time was at a NCAA basketball game between Kansas and Wichita State. Suddenly a shot of then Governor Sam Brownback appeared. I am not even a resident of Kansas, I kind of live upstairs and hear the carnage from the first floor. Again that switch went off. I stood with Max and let loose a shout that sounded something like "WHAAAAAAAAAAA IS HE DOING HERE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GET LOST YOU SUCKKKKKKKKKK" I wasnt the only one. The thousands of Kansans let him have it also. I am not sure if it was because they hated his incompetent ass or because he literally had a shirt on that was half Wichita State colors and half Kansas colors. Wishy washy motherfucker.

So when Donald Trump, fresh off the killing of a terrorist scummy Isis guy, was shown on the big screen and caused such a sudden stop among fans cheering men and women in uniform, the boos rained down. This lying disgusting human being, shielded not by his son but by fellow miscreants like Matt Gaetz and Lindsey Graham took it all in. And it was fucking glorious. I am not a Nats fan. I dont like the Washington Nationals at all. But at that moment that switch went off in my mind. GO NATS!!! My late, polite Midwesterner mom probably would have progressed to the point where she would have stood with her walker and screeched along with me.

Booing a creep like Donald Trump should be done by all patriots. Respect the Presidency? Fuck that. This asshole hijacked the office and has made a mockery of democracy all over the world. Worst of all, he has support of 40% of this fucked up nation. This has to end.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this bastard whenever you get a chance. Its a patriotic act.

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