Friday, October 11, 2019

Oh Lisa! Oh Peter!

I guess its not this failed "comedian" per se, its the morons behind him who find this idiocy funny. The "Cops for Trump", the "Teachers for Trump", the blonde haired blue eyed Minnesota Nice clones laughing at Trump faking an orgasm. Its just disturbing that these easily entertained dimbulbs still exist. Yeah I know its all about owning the libs, making fun of people perceived to be smarter than you, taking your shitty lot in life and attempting to pull everyone else down with you, closet fascists wanting a strongman to unleash the Kraken on blacks and browns and gays and uppity chicks. Its all about bad cops wanting to be set free to kill and beat and harass without consequences. Its all about religious nutjobs wanting to shove Jesus down your throat. Its all about actually believing this lump will get his donor one percenters to trickle their ill gotten gains downward. Riiiiiight!

Its going to end. Its going to end badly. This Whacky Tour is the last gasp of a narcissist. Standing in front of his devoted dummies and soaking their love in. Probably going off stage and making fun of them. No that would be Lonesome Rhodes like. Too smart. No this traitorous maniac buys it all. They love me. I have 95% approval give or take 5%. I didnt do anything wrong. Im the greatest mind to ever have held office. Its just so sad. For the dying nation.

Donald Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals. Thugs like Rudy Guliani and his goons arrested for funneling foreign money to Trump and his sycophants. Mike Pence, a repressed kook who knows everything thats gone on yet spurred on by "Mother", will cover for him. Until he's gone and Pence can attempt to install Gilead with his power hungry mother wife playing Lady McBeth. But Pence is dirty too and he will go down. Bill Barr, THE most corrupt Attorney General ever, is a man openly flaunting the law and acting as Trumps own consigliori. A wartime consigliori. Barr is the one I want to go down the hardest. This corrupt Fred Flintstone looking motherfucker shits on the law daily. He is a disgrace to the legal profession and thats a pretty high bar. We have Stephen Miller the bottom feeding slug, a despicable racist self hating Jew with an open disgust of those he sees as beneath him. We have Junior and Eric and Ivanka, maybe the worst of the worst with her breathy reasonableness while exploiting slave labor, grifting with the best of them. They are all criminals at best, traitors at worst and hell bound at crazy worst.

This is going to get nasty. Oh yeah, it already has I know. This creepy cult leader will go down like Jim Jones or Marshal Applewhite went down.

Its going to be ugly, embarrassing and downright Un-American. But the white people behind the Racist in Chief at his unhinged rallies continue to hold onto their worship. Like the Liar in Chief, admitting you were wrong is not in their brainpans, not that much IS there. Guns, racism, self loathing, ignorance and just plain dumb stands there laughing and cheering a 72 year old man acting like he's coming in his baggy pants.

Buckle up.

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