Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Betrayer In Chief!!!

This is all this monstrous American cares about. Trump Towers Istanbul. A source of income for his only care in the world. Himself. The lives keeping this pile of Chinese steel intact is irrelevant to this sociopath.

The Traitor in Chief has abandoned the Kurds. The Kurds, an ally, a fighting force as vicious and as brave as they come, ISIS's nightmare. Yet in order to keep the money flow coming in to himself, Trumpski has kow towed again to brutal dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. Erdogan, the tough guy whose goons beat up protesters in Washington DC with no consequences, hates the Kurds and has been itching to re start some ancient beef with the Kurds. The Kurds, who have helped destroy the psychos in ISIS, are in Northern Syria waiting for further orders from their American allies. Instead the orders that came from their American Allies was a green light to a thug like Erdogan to begin killing Kurds and thet green light came from a man who had to decide what is more important, his own bank account, or the lives of loyal allies. Of course the Profiteer in Chief chose himself.

If you could ever hate this narcissistic disgrace to humanity any more than now, just wait. An American President has authorized an ethnic cleansing. An ethnic cleansing, a Holocaust if you will, of a people who supported the United States military at every opportunity and have now been stabbed in the back. Ashamed of being an American? If you arent in regard to this betrayal, you have no soul.

The Turkish government is a thumb breaking band of hoodlums who kill opponents, suppress opposition, beat up protesters in foreign nations and now are murdering women and children at will, with approval from an American President who is nothing more than a Russian puppet. Disgusting.

Donald Trump is a traitor. Donald Trump has blood on his hands. His Republican collaborators have blood on their hands. Be Proud GOP. Unfortunately, many of them are. All this death for a fucking building.

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