Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Tale Of Two Republican Women!
Nikki Haley represents the evilness of ambition. The woman who fought with the Insulter in Chief before he was picked by Republican base voters to lead the nation into oblivion at one point said Fuck You to Trump. Oh I know she said Bless Your Heart but in Southern that means Fuck You. And now?
If I was Mike Pence, I'd just come out but I'd also watch my back. There is a woman ready to help the Backstabber in Chief hold Pence and let him be stabbed. You see, maybe Nikki Haley knows something. Maybe this woman knows that The Cornered Animal In Chief has no affinity for keeping Pence on the ticket. Pence's constant admirable glaring may even be creeping out the creep himself. Maybe Mother's sudden social media presence has worried the Dictator in Chief that the Pence's are as quietly ambitious as Trump is loudly ambitious. Nikki Haley has taken the road to Perdition. Never in my life have I seen a politician with a reasonable reputation wipe their ass with it to become just another ass kissing suck up in less than a week.
Nikki Haley is really nobody of any repute. Its just in this day and age of a monkey throwing feces at the country she seems like a normal sort. In reality she is really nothing more than a vote suppressing poor folks hating right wing Governor of a state full of rubes that elected Strom Thurmond (KKK-SC) for 50 years.
Haley wants to be President so bad she will cater to a base of wackadoodles she privately disdains. For the media blitz to continue, Nikki Haley needs to continue to blame others for undermining the Primate in Chief, suck up to the Trump base, and agree with everything that Trump says. She also needs to sound perfectly reasonable to suck those decent Republicans bailing on a lumbering Bigfoot back in.
Impeachment is the "death penalty". Tillerson and Kelly neutered Trump. Anonymous is undermining the Dear Leader. Ukraine was business as usual. Nikki Haley ,foe whatever reason, has thrown in her lot with a juvenile delinquent and a traitor. Its hard to understand other than its an opening salvo at the 2024 election if not an even more nefarious reason that she feels she will be the actual POTUS by then. Nikki Haley really did have what can be considered normalcy, smarts, and a shot at it all. By writing this idiotic book, she's just another Trump inspired political hack screaming for approval from Daddy. In the words of the Idiot in Chief #SAD.
Meanwhile another Republican woman, the dumbest woman in the Senate, perhaps in the Congress, tweeted out a daily support for her Cult Leader in Chief by quoting that famous thing Jesus said about lawyers. Senator Marsha Blackburn butchers most everything that comes out of her stupid brain but confusing Jesus with Shakespeare is beyond dumb. Even the dumbest of us non Shakespeare people remember the kill all the lawyers line. We may have no context but the line is something you cant avoid. That is if you're not a dipshit like Senator Marsha Blackburn.
Look I cannot stand Marsha Blackburn. She infuriates me with her stupidity and her unwillingness to learn. The woman is just plain dumb. Dumb you cannot fix. The people of Tennessee are idiots for sending her to the Senate to embarrass them (whatever happened to Howard Baker, Al Gore, even Lamar Alexander?).
Dumb is dumb. Dumb will always be dumb. Marsha Blackburn will support the Moron in Chief because she is also a moron. They stick together thinking the other moron is not a moron thus they are also not a moron. Blackburn is a lost cause.
But the other Republican woman, Haley, is worse than a moron. She's chosen to be one. And for that she really IS a moron.
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