Sunday, August 4, 2019
I am pissed. I shouldn't write when I'm angry cuz I tend to type fuck a lot.
Take a deep breath and here we go.
Yesterday a white nationalist shitheel drove 9 hours from Dallas to El Paso, Texas to kill innocent Americans of Latino heritage. Publishing a manifesto online a mere hour before he did this dastardly deed, he pretty much parroted what his Dear Leader, Donald Trump, says at his rallies on a bi weekly basis. I dont remember this assholes name, but I do remember Trumps name and THIS is on him.
For years now, Donald Osama Bin Laden Trump has been pushing this white nationalist shit to dumb white people desperate to blame somebody for their lousy lot in life. Like Trump himself, who lacks the courage to punch up, these rally attenders punch down. Its blacks and gays and Hispanics and Islam and women and everybody except themselves to blame that they arent succeeding. They dont even recognize that the reason for their "economic anxiety" stands before them. Though Trump tells them what they want to hear, they dont see behind the scenes where Trumps masters and handlers like Moscow Mitch and Kevin McCarthy and Leningrad Lindsey continue to work against all peoples interests other than their donors who make them rich.
But alas, stupidity is the American way now as anybody smarter than you is elitist and condescending.
This blood is on Trumps hands, oh theres no doubt any longer. From his openly wanting innocent black youth executed to his idiotic Apprentice show where he wanted to pit light skinned blacks against blondes, to his Mexicans are rapists and killers, to his Muslim ban, to his very fine people statement to his laughing at a shooting migrants scream, to his hate filled send her back rallies, this man is a fucking danger to the entire goddamned world. Yet Democrats, in their ridiculous unrealistic attempt to get Trump voters to vote for them, refuse to deal with this man. Meanwhile, mass shootings by white nationalist men now occur every fucking week and sometimes twice. Goddamit Nancy, deal with this miscreant NOW!
In the meantime, the stories out of El Paso continue to break hearts. From the Hispanic woman shielding her baby being slaughtered by this white gangster, to the young black man carrying children in his arms away from danger, to the fact that this white mass murderer was taken alive without a scratch. Is it perhaps that white nationalists believe law enforcement is on their side? Ya know like the white guys at the bar dropping N bombs out loud when they think youre on their side simply because you are white?
The politicians, the Trump enablers, coming out of the woodwork. The thoughts and prayers. The bullshit concern. The meaningless words meant to cover their ass in the future. These Republican jackoffs are shameless. Future Ex-Senator John Cornyn (please run Beto) continued to leave a tweet in which he warns white Texas that for every 1 new white resident in Texas there were 9 Hispanic new residents. This kind of not so subtle racism runs deep among these Republican degenerates. They know the code words. They know how to speak to racists without being racist. This has been common since the day Ronald Reagan began his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi where Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were murdered by white nationalist cops just 15 years prior.
Now we have a mass murder in a Dayton club that nobody knows anything about other than the masked guy in body armor with an assault weapon was a white guy and 11 people are dead. Incel? White nationalist? Who knows at this point?
Look Im as sick of this shit as everybody else. You can point out that we need thoughts and prayers and condemnation and talk about video games like we always do when it comes to white killers. White killers are always influenced by video games, while every other killer who is not white is part of some sort of international conspiracy against America. No motherfuckers! This is all a national conspiracy led by white losers intent on keeping their white privilege intact at all costs. Stop the excuse making on Fox News and by Republicans scared of offending their white nationalist base.
Fuck these people. Ban assault weapons. Background checks. Impeach this motherfucker before he gets more people killed.
This is serious, folks. Stop this madness now.
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