Friday, September 20, 2019

Urgent Concern!

My God this guy is exhausting. You cant possibly rant about this traitorous son of a bitch and hold a job at the same time. So you have to pick and choose.

The Creep in Chief went on his tour this week. To New Mexico where a group of hired local community theater Hispanic actors stood behind him at a rally and cried at their shame. The Gramps in Chief, in typical old man fashion, went to the WASP card, overused the term Hispanic and rambled on incoherently in a state he will get crushed in.

Then the Sharpie in Chief went to his fence ,errrrr wall, and signed a fence Im pretty sure was put up during the Obama Administration ....allow me to reminisce about a real President and Administration for a minute...............ok Im back. He signed the fence with the same sharpie he uses to change weather maps and probably write shit on the Constitution like at the end of the Second Amendment "shall not be infringed and Trump is the greatest President of all time and shall not be criticized never mind about that pussy First Amendment...." The Blabber in Chief then revealed a "secret" that the Fence was "wired" to squeal on anyone who climbed thru it. Wait? Climbed thru it? Anyway as the Traitor in Chief blabbed about this "wire" some General basically said hey Mr Magoo, shut the fuck up.

Literally, hours later, JFC this is just the worst to try and remember this sleazy crook and his misdeeds, a whistleblower in the intelligence community decide that the Quid Pro Quo in Chief was making promises to some unknown foreign leader in a phone call and felt it was of such "urgent concern" they reported it to the Inspector General who relayed it to Homeland Security who promptly squashed it because the only Security they care about is protecting an incompetent Blob. What was the "urgent concern". Was it Putin collecting a debt? Speculation centers now on Ukraine digging up shit on Uncle Joe Biden. No Collusion NO Obstruction. Right?

All of this AND the spectacle of Corey Lewandowski openly in contempt of Congress being allowed to walk free out of a Congressional hearing because Democrats are gigantic weasels unwilling to stop this garbage from continuing. Hey hey now Corey, if you sneer and lie one more time, Im going to scoff at you twice in a row. Lewandowski, a truly despicable human being in the Stephen Miller mode, claimed memory lapses, openly admitted lying to the media, and behaved much like a 14 year old bully as Democrats backed off and Republican blowhards like Gaetz the drunk and Gym Jordan the child abuse cover up artist staged campaign speeches to appeal to their base, dumb fucking Floridians and even dumber fucking Ohioans. Now if I had my way, Jerry Nadler (Everybodys Favorite Dumb Uncle-NY) would have gotten help getting up, staggered over to Lewandowski and beat the fuck out of him with his cane and waddled back up to the dais. But that didnt even come close to happening. Nadler simply threatened to actually maybe well perhaps could be hey I'll do it I swear cmon now Im telling you to hold the contemptible Lewandowski in contempt and throw his bully ass in jail. Threats are welcomed in this adminstration because they know they mean nothing. It is just frustrating as fuck.

But the big news is Vice President and Repressed in Chief Mike Pence hired one 27 year old Katie Waldman as his press secretary, not that anybody gives a shit about the press liar for Robot Pence. But, she is allegedly "dating" Stephen Miller, the Nazi Incel Vampire running immigration policy in this fascist administration. Miller is getting some and he's still a dick? Well all that means is Katie Waldman is also a dick and please oh please dont breed spawning some elf eared little goonie. Miller is proof positive that Incels never change. I wonder if they drink each others blood, polish the skulls of dead illegals, Epstein kids? What the hell? But then again Hitler had Eva Braun, Goebbels had a wife, and Trumps had 3 wives. Out of 6 billion inhabitants of Earth, there has to be one woman evil enough to find this dead souled monster appealing. Right?

We are fucked.

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