Monday, September 30, 2019

The End Is Near!

It just gets worse and worse for this creep. The cannibals are salting up the Traitor in Chief for a big bite. Nobody in the White House is going to go to jail for this fuckstick. The scrambling for immunity must have started already over the weekend. The only problem is John Mitchell Bill Barr is up to his Fred Flintstone hair in this crooked bullshit. Barr, the noble Attorney General who was a compromise after Jeff Sessions got whacked and that bullethead from Iowa was sent to a corner with a dunce hat, never had any intentions but sinister. He bullshitted his was thru the Mueller Report getting way out front and planting the seeds of exoneration where there was none. He committed perjury in front of Congress. He is ass deep in covering up Trumps misdeeds. The question is why? Much like Lindsey Graham, who has become Trumps yippy lap dog, its hard to understand why a guys like Barr and Graham wait so long in life to become sleazy crooks.

Now it appears Balloon Head Mike Pompeo , the completely outclassed Secretary of State, may have been on the infamous quid pro quo call to Ukrainian President Zelensky. Was he on the White House Princess phone listening to his BFF offer missiles for dirt on Joe Biden? If he was, he's either the whistleblower, I shall pause for laughter.......or he's just another lying miscreant making deals to make the Profiteer in Chief more money.

Migawd this gets worse by the minute. This cannot end well for the Racist in Chief can it? With the sharks in the water and only the lame brained Kevin McCarthy (Dummy-Ca) and the morons in such safe districts that Klan rallies are the place to be, how can the Rapist in Chief survive?

Some say he will never ever resign. Some say he will resign as soon as he can, leaving office blaming everybody but himself. I tend to think the man is a coward who gets others to do his dirty work, then denies he did it to the faces of the wronged. Though the Enforcer in Chief has been tweeting shit about Civil War and arresting his opponents for treason and demanding to meet his accuser, the whiny little bitch forgets this nonsense as soon as he hits send, thinking that 30% of his cult members will believe his denial and save his miserable ass.

Not this time you thug. He's done, I'm convinced of it, Karmas a bitch you hoodlum. Like many before you, you will lose.

The day this mobster is indicted , along with his entire disgusting crime family, will be a glorious day for all of mankind.

Bye bye dickhead.

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