Thursday, October 17, 2024

Random Thoughts And Rants!

 Well let's see. Kamala reached into the bell of the beast, Fox News, yesterday and pulled Bret Baier's heart out of his chest and showed it to him before she put it back in. Botox Baier, in full gotcha mode, tried time after time to mansplain everything to the former DA, AG, Senator and current Veep like she was some sort of passive Kayleigh McEnaney. Harris turned it around, called him out on a video of the Felon not addressing what Baier had claimed, rammed the question back down his throat and flustered him into silence. Afterwards, Fox News, in full self-preservation mode, made Baier into the modern Edward R Murrow as they gushed over his performance. And because during the daytime, Fox is not full of loudmouth hacks like Watters, Ingraham and Hannity, they had to praise Harris for hanging in there. Then came night and the howling monkeys began screeching on how bad she was. Whatever. 

Trump aka Donaldo Trump, went on Univision and got torched by an audience of Hispanics not personally chosen by Trump goons. Trump, truly uncomfortable not only with the questions but the fact many questions were asked in "Messican" which must have made him want to deport them immediately. The audience was truly not charmed by El Stupido, rolled their eyes and looked like they were listening to some guy who still says "w*tbacks". One questioner, a former Trump voter, asked him about Jan 6 which had soured him on El Insurrectionist to which the former prez claimed that Jan 6 was nothing but "a day of love". Tell that to the Capitol Police.

Down in Texas, Ted Cruz (Asshole-Tx) actually showed up to a debate with his Senate opponent. Colin Allred, a congressman and former NFL player. Cruz, a man nobody likes, was fricasseed by Allred over Jan 6th. As Allred took off his coat, texted his family he loved them, and prepared to do battle with the white trash that invaded the Capitol that day. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz, tough guy sycophant. hid in a supply closet. Ouch! For a toxic pussy like Cruz that was so crushing he went into defense mode and laughed. Allred called him out on that (It's not funny). Cruz looked like he'd been emasculated like a castrato. Is Teddy in trouble in Texas? Probably not, but to watch that werewolf wannabe squirm, dismiss the abortion debate and then go back to the hits, like men in women's sports (JFC stop already). Cruz is a jellyfish now claiming to be "bipartisan" who reaches cross the aisle. Yeah, sure he does. The only time Ted Cruz reaches across the aisle is if a Democrat is holding up a free plane ticket to Cancun.

Meanwhile back here in Nebraska, where we all live the "Good Life", the abortion debate is in full beast mode. Amendment 439 is on the ballot which would codify abortion into the joke of a Constitution we have around here. It's been done in Kansas, Ohio and Montana and we need that here. But unfortunately, a billionaire named Pete Ricketts, former Governor who bought his Senate seat, pushed forward millions of his Daddy's money to fund a rival amendment that would outlaw abortion after the first trimester but leaves it open for further legislative trickery to outlaw it completely. The petition process featured paid liars to call the amendment "Protect Women and Children", claim it didn't outlaw anything and confuse people. It worked because it's also on the ballot as Amendment 434. Reminds me of the time when I got into a verbal bum fight with some lady who wanted me to sign and wouldn't take no for an answer until I told her to "fuck off". Anyhoo, both amendments are on the ballot and if they both pass, which the polls say they will (God this state had some dummies) the amendment with the most yes votes wins. Thus, to codify abortion here in the "Good Life" you have to vote NO of 434 and YES on 439. Yeah, good luck because most people cannot follow directions. Let's just hope that the delusional and bullshit ads that the pro-434 people have out do no harm. It features OB-GYN's claiming that codifying abortion puts the government INTO your health care which of course is 100% the opposite. Let's hope that Ricketts money does not allow him a win this time. But unfortunately, this guy's money has not failed him maybe ever here. Nebraska citizens do whatever he says. Its maddening.

The ballot here also contains the legalization of marijuana for medical purpose. Its going to pass but the Republicans in government are already gearing up to do a Kristi Noem, no not kill a dog, but to find friendly judges to overturn the result. It's already started. Two years ago after the medical marijuana amendment qualified, some Sheriff somewhere filed a lawsuit, and it was kept off the ballot by the dopes who comprise the Nebraska Supreme Court. Some Sheriff, yeah ok. It was Pete Ricketts because of course it was. This time the effort to keep it off the ballot failed. But after it passes, buckle up. 

Let's all hope that the 2-hour trip to Missouri (yes Missouri for chrissakes has legal pot) will not be necessary for the patients who have seizures that the Nebraska GOP doesn't give a shit about.

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