Monday, October 7, 2024

More Rants And Thoughts For A Monday!

 This is what every normal person does at 3am right? The former President of the United States, a raging mental case, went straight from dodging flies attracted to his stench, to lying about a very dangerous hurricane that killed over 200 people. Instead of the old thoughts and prayers bullshit, this fuckin guy decided to start exploiting tragedy and death for his own political gain. Oh, I know, none of this is surprising, it's who he is, but to lie to hurting people and knowing that some of them are dumb enough to believe anything he says, is unconscionable. 

The guy is obviously demented, mentally ill AND just a bad person. Whatever syphilis entered his brain probably on Epstein Island is doing a real number on this guy. He's getting worse. FEMA has stolen money to give to illegal aliens. FEMA has stolen money from a bank. FEMA has abandoned red state America. FEMA has no money left. All of these lies hurt real life people whose lives have been destroyed. Why pile more onto them, especially when he knows that to many people his words are gospel. 

"DROP HER! Yeah ok, I'm not sure what that means, does it mean "drop her" as in attacking her physically, "drop her" as in a lot of people are voting for her and I know I'm losing North Carolia and Georgia so don't vote for her? Who knows with this schmuck. To admit he's losing anything is almost impossible to imagine, so I'm going with he's calling on his goons to do something. Mister "Beat the hell out them" and "Don't be nice when you put them in the car" has done it before. This guy cant go away fast enough.

The Leonard Leo/ Harlan Crowe Money Circus has reconvened in Washington. The Supreme Court has already told Texas, yeah go ahead ,podnah, and let women die there's plenty more out there to birth our babies. The Texas abortion law which forbids Texas hospitals and physicians from performing virtually any abortions. The Biden Administration sued them over the fact they were ignoring federal law that required abortions be done in case of a medical emergency. Texas sued back cuz they're intent on keeping the harlots in their place. The notoriously MAGA 5th circuit court locked arms with Texas and upheld the law. Today SCOTUS said yeah, Texas looks good, we aren't taking the case. Good luck Texas Women.

Liz and Dick Cheney. Hey great, you're voting for Kamala Harris. Now go the fuck away. This Cheney love that many of my fellow lefties have for these two is baffling. They aren't fucking heroes, one is war criminal who can't leave the country or the Hague awaits, and the other was a conservative freak who voted just like any other MAGA devotee. And yes, I realize that this is an F5 tornado headed for democracy, and we need to keep an eye on the ball to keep from being stuck in a storm cellar for the remainder of time, but just say thanks and move on because you know if a Cheney ever got close to power again, it would be same MAGA shit, different MAGA leader. Ever notice how Mama Cheney never weighs in on this?

Finally, with a benefit of time, I'm talking Pete Rose. Rose died last week, and the tributes began to pour in, put him in the hall, he's the greatest blah blah blah. I never ever liked Pete Rose. He was a cocky hillbilly who made good by being a great hitter, a great baserunner and a real prick of a human being. Chrissakes, his totally unnecessary headfirst slide bullshit was meant to impress who exactly? Sportswriters? Casual fans? Rose got his nickname "Charlie Hustle" not because of his alleged dedication to giving it 100% but by Yankee great White Ford seeing Rose run to first after a walk in a spring training game and derisively saying "Oh look at Charle Hustle go". Rose was a statutory rapist, a liar, an addicted gambler, a misogynist, in other words, a dumber Trump if that's possible. Not a good guy. Even two ballpark tour guides in Cincinnati stated they didn't care for him. I'll tell you why I couldn't stand him in an anecdotal way.

In 1983, the Phillies and Rose were at Wrigley in the waning days of the season. I was there with about 2000 others because the Cubs were just losers and couldn't draw flies at the end of yet another losing season at the time. The Phillies were warming up in the Wrigley outfield and began to come into the dugout one at a time. Two kids in the front row, just in front of me, appealed for autographs from the Phillies. Al Holland came over and signed, Darren Daulton came over and signed, Mike Freakin Schmidt walked over and signed, Gary Maddox signed and then came Rose. As the kids called for Pete to come over, instead of ignoring them, Pete Rose stopped. He stared at these 10-year-olds for a good 30 seconds then out of Pete Roses's mouth came "Fuck Off" and he hustled off the field. Yeah, great guy. Rest in Peace Big Guy, I hope you heard the same Fuck off at the pearly gates.

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